delivered the opinion of the court.
We next consider the plaintiff’s own testimony as to how the accident occurred. It is as follows:
“Q. To your knowledge—well, what were you waiting for on the platform?
“A. I told you half a dozen times I was waiting for that pile of lumber for me to load.
“Q. You were waiting for the mill to cut?
“A. Cut that, my plank.
“Q. These planks?
“A. Cut that plank that belongs out there on the bridge.
“Q. Well, did you know where it would come when it was cut?
“A. I supposed it came down on the platform; yes.
“Q. You knew, then, as soon as they struck a log, found a log that was of the right kind, of the right*320 length, this plank would he cut and rolled out on this roll way, didn’t you?
“A. Yes, sir.
“Q. And yon knew, after it got out on the rollway, it would he thrown down on this platform?
“A. Sure.
“Q. And you were waiting there for that?
“A. Yes, sir.
“Q. That is what you were standing there for?
“A. That is what I was standing there for.
“Q. So you could see it coming quickly?
“A. [No response.]
“Q. I say, you were waiting so you could see it come and get ready?
“A. Yes, sir.
“Q. Well, you saw this plank coming, didn’t you?
“A. Yes, sir.
“Q. Sure—and you knew they were going to throw it down on the platform; you knew that is where that timber was going to he thrown, right down on the platform where you were standing?
“A. It would not go any place else.
“Q. No—well, did you see them throw it on to the platform?
“A. I see them catch hold of it; yes.
“Q. To throw it?
“A. Yes. '
“Q. Did you look where they were going to throw it?
“A. Look? ■
“Q. Yes.
“A. I was watching them.
“Q. Did you see it come down toward you?
“A. I don’t know; I thought I was plumb out of the way.
“Q. You thought you were clear out of the way? “A. Yes.
“Q. They were right up above you, not over 7 feet from you?
“A. Gee whiz, I was away out from where they were throwing the lumber.
*321 “Q. I understood you to say you were about 7 feet from where they were.
“A. I was at the end of the platform—where I was standing.
“Q. You were about 7 feet from the plank, and you saw them throw the plank?
“A. [No response.]
“Q. You saw the plank coming?
“A. No; I would not say I saw the plank coming.
“Q. But you saw them throw the plank?
“A. I.seen the plank up there.
“Q. I say, you said you saw them throw the plank, didn’t you?
“Mr. McGuire: No, sir; he did not.
“A. No, sir; I did not.
“Q. You knew they were going to throw it?
“A. Yes.
“Q. You saw them stop the plank, didn’t you?
“A. Yes. sir.
“Q. Sure—and you saw Mr.—I can’t think of his name—Kutcher take hold of the plank to throw it?
“A. No; Mr. Kutcher never had hold of that plank.
“Q. "Who did?
“A. Grant and that tall fellow there.
“Q. Oh, yes; what’s his name, Kutcher, this—that is the man?
“A. The man in the center there [indicating].
“Q. Yes; you saw that man take hold?
“A. And Mr. Grant.
“Q. Yes; Mr. Grant; and you saw Mr. Kutcher?
“A. Yes.
“Q. Take hold of the plank to throw it down, didn’t you?
“A. Well, I didn’t take no notice.
“Q. You tell the jury that you were standing down on this platform, waiting for this plank to be thrown on the platform—you saw it rolled out on the rollers, saw Mr. Grant take hold of it, to throw it down, and knew it was coming down, yet you didn’t look to see where you were when they were throwing it—that can’t be true, Mr. Young?
*322 “A. I must have misunderstood you.
“Q. I want to be perfectly fair with you—you knew it was coming down?
“A. Yes.
“Q. You saw it come out?
•“A. Yes.
_“Q. And you saw Mr. Grant take hold of one end, didn’t you, to throw it off?
“A. I saw him pack it over on the rollers next to him.
“Q. Yes; did the plank extend beyond the end of the rollers any?
“A. I would not say about that.
“Q. No; but you knew they were going to throw it down toward you?
“A. I knew they were going to throw it down.
“Q. Still you didn’t look?
“A. No. .
“Q. You didn’t look?
“A. I thought I was out of the way, plumb out of the way.
“Q. You thought surely you were out of the way?
“A. Yes. sir.
“Q. So you didn’t take the precaution to take the second look?
“A. No, sir.
“Q. Now, that is the truth?
“A. That is the truth, sir.
“Q. The whole truth, the square truth?
“A. As far as I know; I thought I was safe.
“Q. You thought you were in a safe place?
“A. I thought I was in a safe place.
“Q. So you didn’t look at all?
ilA. No.”
This testimony is the clearest and strongest produced for plaintiff, and is not in any way aided or strengthened by any of defendant’s witnesses. From his own testimony it seems to us perfectly clear that he knew all the conditions which existed at the time
The judgment is reversed and the cause remanded, with directions to enter a judgment for the defendant.
Reversed and Remanded.