It will be well to repeat that this action is by a receiver appointed to wind up the affairs of the Nebraska Fire Insurance Company, on the application of one of its stockholders, to recover from the defendants on their subscriptions to the original enterprise, wherein was contemplated the organization of two companies, — one in Nebra'ska, to be known as the Nebraska & Iowa Insurance Company, and one in Iowa, to be known as the Iowa & Nebraska Insurance Company; the two companies to be thereafter consolidated. The first-named company was organized under the laws of Nebraska, and located at the city of Omaha, in that state; and the latter under the laws of Iowa, and located at the city of Council Bluffs, in Iowa. The consolidation was never made, and- the latter company was changed to that of the Western Home of Sioux City, and its place of business changed to Sioux City, Iowa, about May, 1885. The Nebraska & Iowa Company was changed to the Nebraska Fire Insurance Company, and continued to operate until 1891, when the insurance department of Nebraska withdrew its certificates authorizing the company to do business, and, on the application of one of its stockholders, its insolvency was decreed; and the plaintiff is now engaged in winding up its affairs, and this action is in aid of. that purpose.
Wyman v. Eaton
107 Iowa 214
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