These three cases, standing on exceptions to the answer of the receiver in the first, and demurrers to his replies in the second and third of tho above-entitled causes, present substantially'the same questions, and, having been heard together, will be considered and determined together. The material facts disclosed in the pleadings, and on which the legal questions arise, are the following, viz.: The Fidelity National Bank of Cincinnati was organized in Febrnarjr, 1886, with a capital stock of $1,000,000, which “its articles of association” provided might he increased, according to the provisions of section 5142, Rev. St., to any sum not exceeding $8,000,000. Said section 5142, in force when the bank was organized, provides that “any association formed under this title may, by its articles of association, provide for an increase of its capital, from time to time, as may be deemed expedient, subject to the limitations of this title, but. the maximum of such increase to lie provided in the articles of association shall be determined by the comptroller of the currency, and no increase of capital shall be valid until the whole amount of such increase is paid in, and notice thereof has boon transmitted to the comptroller of the currency, and his certificate obtained, specifying the amount of such increase of capital stock, with his approval thereof, and that it has been duly paid in as part of the capital of such association.” By an act of congress approved May 6,1886, it is provided that “any national banking association may, with the approval of the comptroller of the currency, by the vote of shareholders owning two-thirds of the stock of such association, increase its capital stock in accordance with existing laws to any sum approved by said comptroller, and no increase of the capital stock of any national banking association, either within or beyond the limit fixed in its original article of association, shall be made except in the manner herein provided.” After this act of May, 1886, went into operation, the directors of the Fidelity National Bank, in March, 1887, passed a rcsolu
It does not appear from the answers and replies of the receiver, -which are excepted and demurred to, that this proposed increase of the capital stock of the bank -was sanctioned or authorized by the vote or approval of shareholders owning two-thirds of the stock of the association; and it is conceded that no steps were taken by the bank to perfect the proposed increase of stock in conformity with the provisions of the national banking laws. No notice of the proposed increase of its capital stock was given, either by the association, its directors, or stockholders, to the comptroller of the currency; nor was such proposed increase of stock ever assented to or approved by said comptroller; nor was any certificate ever issued by or obtained from the comptroller, specifying the amount of such increase of the bank’s capital stock, or that it had been duly paid in as part of the bank’s capital. It is conceded in the pleadings of the receiver, and by his counsel in argument, that no valid increase of the capital stock of the bank was ever in fact made in conformity with the requirements of the national banking laws. This is manifestly so under the admitted facts. Corporations have'no power to increase or diminish their stock unless expressly' authorized so to do. It is also well settled that the directors of a corporation cannot, in the absence of power expressly conferred, make any valid increase of its capital stock. In Railway Co. v. Allerton, 18 Wall. 233, the charter of the corporation provided that its capital stock should be a designated sum, “and may be increased from time to time, at the pleasure of the said corporation.” It was held that the directors alone could make no valid increase of the stock of the
“(1) That the association, in the mode pointed out in its articles, and not in excess of the maximum provided for by them, shall assent to an increased amount; (2) that; the whole amount of the proposed increase shall be paid in as part of the capital of sucli association; and (¡1) that the comptroller of the currency, by his certificate specifying the amount of such increase of capital stock, shall approve thereof, and certify to the fact of its payment.”
These several requirements were not complied with by the Fidelity National Bank. There was no formal or proper assent of the association to the proposed increase. The whole amount of such increase was not paid in as a part of the capital of the association. No notice of the proposed increase was given to the comptroller of the currency. The comptroller never approved such increase, and never issued any certificate specifying the amount of such increase, with his approval thereof, nor certified to the fact of its payment. It is equally clear that there was no compliance with the provisions of the act of May, 1886. Under that act an increase of the capital stock of any national banking association, either within or beyond the limit iixed in its original articles of association, can only bo legally and validly made with the approval of the comptroller of the currency, and with the assent or by the vote of shareholders owning two-thirds of the stock of such association; and such increase must also he made “in accordance with existing laws to any sum approved by said comptroller;” and, exce'pt in tlie manner thus provided and prescribed, the act declares that no increase “shall be made.” As repeals by implication are not favored, and as the act of 1886 is not in conflict or inconsistent with the second and third requirements under section 5142, Rev. St., “that the whole amount of the proposed increase shall bo paid in, and that the comptroller, by his certificate specifying the amount of such increase of capital stock, shall approve thereof, and certify to the fact of its payment,” it follows, as we think, that such payment and certification by the comptroller are still required under the act of 1886, in order to make the increase of capital stock “ in accordance with existing laws.” These acts of congress constitute the charter
New subscribers to the capital stock of national banks, whether at their original organization or subsequently, upon a contemplated increase of their capital stock, clearly enter into an agreement or undertaking based upon the charter powers of such associations; and the rights and obligations of such subscribers rest and must be determined upon the conditions and law of the charter, as embodied in the banking legislation of congress. Whatever conditions are imposed by the law upon such associations as a prerequisite or condition precedent to the acquisition of the power and authority necessary to the issuance or creation of valid stock must be performed before the subscription contract can be enforced either on behalf of the association or of those claiming through or under it. The general principle is well settled that subscriptions to the capital stock of corporations are made upon the implied condition that valid stock, such as will confer upon the subscriber all the rights and privileges of a stockholder, is to be issued. The subscription promise rests upon this condition and understanding on the part of the corporation, and until the corporation is in position to comply with this condition there is no enforceable liability against the subscribers for its stock. In the present case, so far as disclosed by the pleadings, the subscriptions made by Winters, Stanage, and Woods to the proposed increase of the capital stock of Fidelity National Bank conferred no right, and imposed no duties upon them or either of them, except to become stockholders to the extent of their respective subscriptions, when the increase became valid, and imposed no obligation upon the bank except to admit them as stockholders when the proceeding was complete, and the bank was in position, invested with the requisite power, to issue them valid stock. The subscriptions, the payment or execution of notes for the amount thereof, the
On one branch of the case, Delano v. Butler, 118 U. S. 647-651, 7 Sup. Ct. Rep. 39, is an illustration of such a waiver by the subscribers. In that case the proposed increase of the capital stock was $500,000. The increase actually made and approved by the comptroller of the currency
“The vote oí the directors of September 13, 1881, was, we think, in the nature of a proposal to the stockholders to subscribe for five thousand shares of new stock, and to pay in for it $500,000. It was necessary that the stock should all be taken, and the money all paid in, before the new stock could be created. It was a condition precedent to the issue of the new stock under this vote that both those things should be done and that the'comptroller should certify that they had been done, and approve the increase.”
The rule here laid down is directly applicable to the present case. The proposed increase to which Winters, Stanage, and Woods made their respective subscriptions was $1,000,000. 'To render their subscriptions binding upon them it was necessary that the whole of the proposed amount should be taken and paid in before the new stock could be created. Those requirements, together with the comptroller’s approval of said increase, and his certificate thereof, and of the fact of its payment, were conditions precedent to any legal liability on the part of said subscribers; for until they were performed there was not, and could not be, any legal or valid increase of the stock which was to constitute the consideration moving from the bank for the subscriptions made, whether the same were paid or only promised to be paid. There is no claim made by the receiver, in his pleadings, that these conditions—all or any of them—have been waived by these subscribers, so as to bring this case within the rule laid down in Delano v. Butler, and kindred authorities. Until there had been an approval by the comptroller of the currency of such increase, or of some portion thereof, it is difficult to see how there could have been any waiver on the part of these subscribers which would render them- liable as stockholders before they had acquired, or could' possibly acquire, the new» valid stock, in whole or in part, for which they subscribed.
Woods and Stanage are sued by the receiver oñ their notes executed1 to the bank for the amounts of their respective subscriptions, and pleaded want or failure of consideration, because no valid stock under the proposal made to them by the bank has been or can be issued and delivered to them. Winters seeks to recover the amount of his deposit made on his subscription, or to have the amount thereof recognized as a legal claim against the bank and its assets in the hands of the receiver. Against
“That thereafter, on and after the said 7th day of April, 1887, the said Fidelity .National Bank proceeded to announce, and did announce and publish, to the public, and to the creditors and others dealing"with, or about to bave dealings with, said Fidelity Nalional, Bank, by means of circulars, and statements upon the letter-heads and other stationery of the said Fidelity National Bank, that the said capital stock of the said Fidelity A'atioual Bank was at such time or times two millions of dollars, ($2,000,000,) which was the amount to which it was proposed to increase the stock, and to the increase of which, and as part thereof, the said defendant had theretofore subscribed; and the said bank at such times as aforesaid, by advertisement in each and all of the daily newspapers published in Cincinnati, and otherwise, held itself out to the said public and said persons as above described, as having then and there a capital stock of two millions dollars ($2,000,000) with full knowledge thereof on the part of said defendant; all of which matters and things were well known to the defendant, who thereafter', and with such knowledge, remained and allowed his name to remain, and his name did remain, upon the list of those subscribing for and entitled to such new or increase of stock; and defendant remained and was the owner of said receipt, and of said share of stock, and so remained at the time the said Fidelity Bank failed and passed into the hands of the receiver as alleged in the said answer herein.”
This plea, sotting up acts and representations of the association, whose oflicers and agents were the trustees and representatives of the rights and interests not only of the hank, hut of both actual shareholders and creditors, is wanting in several essential particulars necessary to create or raise an estoppel in pais, such as will conclude subscribers for stock, who were not and could not he represented by the bank or its officers in any sense until they became and were entitled to the rights and privileges of actual stockholders. Estoppels are allowed for the prevention of fraud and damage to innocent parties when it is shown that the person against whom they are invoked lias done acts or made declarations or representations intended or calculated to influence the conduct of others to whom they are made, and when they have in fact and truth influenced the conduct of others in such manner as will prejudice them, if the party doing the acts or making the representations is allowed to dispute their correctness. These circumstances must concur in order to create an estoppel iti pais. As stated by a learned judge: “The declarations dr representations by Avhich a party is to be concluded must be made either with a knowledge of the facts upon which any right he may have depends, or AA'itli intent to deceive the other party; and they must have, in truth,.
The cases cited and relied on by counsel for the not sustain the position for which they contend. The cases referred to undoubtedly support the general proposition that a stockholder is estopped from denying that the corporation has been legally organized, and from setting up and relying upon irregularities and informalities on the part of the corporation in making an increase of its capital stock, where it was invested with the power to issue or create new or additional stock. What are known as the Upton Cases, viz., Upton v. Tribilcock, 91 U. S. 45; Sanger v. Upton, Id. 56; Webster v. Upton, Id. 65; Chubb v. Upton, 95 U. S. 665, and Pullman v. Upton, 96 U. S. 328,—deal only with the cases of subscriptions obtained by fraud, or stock which the corporation had the right or power to issue, hut issued irregularly, or stock de facto in corporations irregularly organized. They establish the rule that in the organization of corporations, and in the exercise or execution of admitted powers, irregularities and informalities occurring in the corporate action will not avail stockholdei’s as a defense against creditors or receivers representing the rights of all concerned. But these cases do not meet the questions here presented, for the reason that national banking associations do not possess the power of increasing their capital stock, and because, in respect to the subscriptions in question, irregularities or informalities in the execution of an existing authority are not relied on as a defense, hut the want or absence of power on the part of the association to com
“We think that he (the subscriber) is nob estopped to set up the nullity of the unauthorized stock. It is true that it has been held by this court that a stockholder cannot set up informalities in the issue of stock which the corporation had the power to create. Upton v. Tribilcock, 91 U. S. 45; Chubb v. Upton, 95 U. S. 665; Pullman v. Upton, 96 U. S. 328. But those were cases where the increase of the stock was authorized by law. The increase itself was legal, and within the power of the corporation, but there were simply in-formalities in the steps taken to effect the increase. These it was held were cured by the acts and acquiescence of defendant; but here, the corporation being absolutely without power to increase its stock above a certain limit, no acquiescence of the shareholder can give it validity or bind him or the corporation.”
While the question presented in Scovill v. Thayer did not arise under the national banking laws, so as to make that decision directly in point, and conclusive of the present case, the principle there announced, and the distinction there drawn between informalities in steps taken by the corporation which do not invalidate, and the want of power which does invalidate, an increase of its capital stock, is applicable to the case at bar, which involves the question of power on the part of the association to make the proposed increase by any action of its own. In the Scovill Case the corporation had authority of law by its own act to increase its capital stock, but was restricted and limited as to the amount of such increase.. When it passed that limit, and issued stock in excess of its prescribed authority, such excess of stock was wholly wanting in legal validity; and no action on the part of the corporation, or acquiescence of the subscriber, could operate to give it validity, by way of estoppel or otherwise, even in favor of creditors. National banking associations have no authority of law by their own action to increase their capital stock to any amount whatever. They can make no increase to any extent, without the approval of the comptroller as the representative of the government. His approval confers the right to make and fixes the limit or the amount of such increase. Within its own power and by its own action a national bank can make no increase of its capital stock. It might and would doubtless be true that with or after the comptroller’s approval of an increase, which involves the exorcise of discretion, supervisory on his part, and wholly beyond the control and independent of the action or wish of the association or of its stockholders, the steps
The case of Veeder v. Mudgett, 95 N. Y. 295, cited and relied on by counsel for the receiver, bears a close resemblance to the present, but when carefully examined it is distinguishable, and not in conflict with the distinction taken in Scovill v. Thayer, between irregularities and informalities which do not invalidate, and the want of power which does render void, attempted increases of stock, and which, as we think, is applicable to the case under consideration upon the facts disclosed in and by the pleadings. In Veeder v. Mudgett, as the court asserts and as the statute shows, “the abstract power did exist” on the part of the corporation to make the increase of its capital stock, and there was a way in which the increase could lawfully bo made by the corporation’s own action, independent of the sanction or approval of any state official. The New York statute under which the corporation acted was substantially like that of the Illinois statute under which the Upton Cases, above referred to, arose, and which the supreme court hold conferred upon the corporation the power to make the increase of its stock, in the execution of which the irregularities and informalities occurred which were held not to invalidate the stock. In the Feeder Case, as in the Upton Cases, there was color of compliance with the statutory requirements, which came within the power and the legitimate action of the corporation. The want of conformity to the provisions of the law, relied on as rendering the stock void, were defects committed entirely by the corporation in respect to matters within its own control, and as to which it was invested with full authority. They do not reach the question here presented, where the infirm
The claim made by one of the counsel for the receiver, that his position as the representative of creditors is better than that of the Fidelity National Bank, and that he can enforce rights on behalf of creditors which would not exisi in favor of the association, is not sound, as applied to a case like the present. When the conclusion is reached, that Winters, Stallage, andlVoods are only to be regarded and treated as subscribers for valid stock which has not been and cannot be issued to them by the association, the receiver cannot, in behalf of either the bank, stockholders, or creditors, enforce against them any right which the association could not itself have asserted. A receiver cannot enforce the X>ayment of subscriptions to stock which the corporation could not have enforced at the time of his appointment. Cutting v. Damerel, 88 N. Y. 410. In respect to contracts of this character the receiver occupies no X>osition sujierior to that of the bank, for the reason that the corporate management, while in charge of its business, just as much as a receiver after his ap]iointment, represents the interests of all persons, creditors as well as shareholders. When the corporation is insolvent, the rights of creditors in respect to the corporate assets become most ]>rominent, and a receiver axvpointed to administer or collect such assets is regarded as more directly the representative of creditors. In a certain class of cases a receiver may assort rights which the corporation could not. Thus he may disaffirm illegal and fraudulent transfers of corporate x>roperty, and may recover its funds and securities which have been misapx>lied. The governing officers of a corporation cannot, for example, release a stockholder or a subscriber for its stock from his obligation to pay, to the prejudice of creditors. They cannot return to stockholders the capital stock of the corporation, which constitutes a trust fund for the benefit of creditors, to the injury of such creditors. They can make no fraudulent disposition of the corporate property for their private benefit, or for the benefit of the stockholders, leaving creditors unprovided for. These and like transactions involving the misapplication or fraudulent disposition of corporate .prox>erty a receiver may disaffirm, and recover such assets for the benefit of creditors, when the corporation might not be in position to do so. Wood v. Dummer, 3 Mason, 308; Curran v. Arkansas, 15 How. 304; Burke v. Smith, 16 Wall. 390; New Albany v. Burke, 11 Wall. 96, and Sawyer v. Hoag, 17 Wall. 619,—afford illustrations of the cases in which receivers may assert rights which the corporation or corporate management could not enforce. But the present case involves no such principle. Subscribers to the new stock, which they have not and cannot obtain, are in no sense the recipients of the corporate prox)erty oras
Our conclusions are, therefore, that the exceptions taken by Winters to the answer of the receiver should be allowed; that the demurrer of Wood to the reply of the receiver in his case is well taken, and should be sustained, and that the demurrer of Stanage to the first paragraph of the receiver’s reply to his answer is well taken, and should be sustained. The second paragraph of the receiver’s reply to Stanage’s answer denies that the note he executed to the Fidelity National Bank, and which is sued on, was delivered to said bank in payment of his subscription 'to the proposed increase of capital stock, as alleged in his answer. This denial presents a proper, issuable fact, which the court does not understand as being demurred to. Excluding this second paragraph of the reply to ■■ Stanage’s answer, the exceptions taken bjr Winters and the demurrers interposed by Woods and Stanage'are sustained, and judgments will be entered accordingly in each of the cases, with costs.