Winbigler v. Mayor of Los Angeles
The action against the corporation for personal injuries sustained in falling through a bridge placed at the intersection of Olive and Sixth streets in Los Angeles, by a private person, over a water ditch dug by him for his private use, is founded upon a supposed duty of the corporation to cause the streets of the city to be cleaned and repaired.
The general statute which constitutes the charter of the city, provides that the “ City Council shall have power * * * to cause the streets to be cleaned and repaired.” It is not claimed that the statute under which the city is incorporated expressly gives an action against the corporation in favor of a private person who may suffer injury by reason of the neglect of the City Council to exert their power in a proper manner, but the argument assumes that the power is given to the corporation as such, and that the power being conferred, a correlative duty is imposed, and a consequent
We think that the same principle is applicable to and decisive of this case.
J udgment affirmed.