There is not any suEcient cause-shown for the-negléct to produce the proof in relation to the value of Stewart Lewis’ property, which would authorize the opening-of the order to close the proofs, in this stage of the cause, even if. the appellate court had jurisdiction to. rehear the case on new evidence which was not before .the vice chancellor. It appears, from the complainant’s depositions, that he examined witnesses as tozthe value of Stewart Lewis’ property at the time of giving the $80,000 judgment to his mother which is charged to be fraudulent. And if those witnesses did not state the value of the property correctly, the defendants should then have introduced
The affidavit on the part of the complainant leaves it doubtful whether the respondents have any lien upon the premises in controversy which can entitle them to a support out of any part of the proceeds of the land if it should be sold. And it also appears that the applicants are in the receipt of between one and two thousand dollars yearly,: for the rent of a portion of the premises, which ought to be applied in the first place to pay taxes and assessments upon other portions of the property pending the litigation. While the decree of the vice chancellor remains unreversed, I must, take the complainant to be the legal as well as the
The whole of the appellant’s petition must therefore be denied with costs.