—Suit by appellant to enforce specific performance of an alleged contract for the conveyance of real estate, and to quiet title. The property involved consists of the south three-fourths of the east half of out-lot sixteen of the town (now city) of Terre Haute. The land has a frontage on Eifth street extending north from Eagle street a distance of two hundred twenty-five feet and nine inches. The court below made special findings, and stated a conclusion of law in appellant’s favor as- to the south sixty-six feet of said property. As to the balance of said property, the court’s conclusion was adverse to her.
The question is before us as to the correctness of the latter conclusion, and we are also called on to determine whether,
The facts, as they appeared upon the trial, are as follows: In 1849, Cephas S. Holden traded for the real estate in controversy by the description first above given. He died intestate some three years later, the owner of said property, leaving his widow, Mary E. Holden, and their four children surviving him. The children died in youth, and said Mary F. Holden acquired their interests by inheritance. She afterwards married one Langford, the relation continuing until his death, which occurred in 1896. Mrs. Langford improved said property by building four houses upon it, and, during her later years, she had a considerable estate aside from that. She died in 1901. For some years preceding her decease she resided in the south house on said property, and she had for a housekeeper an aged and infirm woman, Mrs. Ludlow. In her later years Mrs. Langford was without near relatives. She was laboring under the burden of age, and had a number of ailments. During the year after her husband’s death she was very lonely and sorrowful. In the summer of 1896 she visited appellant, a niece of Cephas S. Holden, who lived in Colorado, and supported herself and invalid mother by teaching and painting. During the spring and summer of 1897 there ensued the following correspondence between them:
*95 “Terre Haute, March 15, 1897.
Dear Sarah:
I am glad to hear that you and your mother are both well. I expected every mail that come that the sad news would also come too, but the Great Father did not so design it. Oh, Sarah, I do not want to disappoint you, but am rather fearful of the journey, and also of being without a physician there, and we coming in there so entirely new -to us that it will not be safe for us now at Georgetown. I was obliged to have a doctor twice as my heart was so affected. I was fearful that I could not do without one at Grand Lake. Would so much like to be with you and your mother at Grand Lake, at least a large part of the time, if not all. * * You can not miss your husband, who lived with you so short a time, compared with mine, who lived with'me some thirty-three years, nearly a life time, but who I must learn to live without now. Well, let me change the subject. The Young Men’s Christian Endeavor Society of this part of the wojfid are intending to get up an excursion to San Francisco for about $50 the round trip, with the privilege of a three months’ stay there, in July, if I am not mistaken, and I have some two or three families there that are, writing me to come there and visit them. Now I have always wanted to see California and so many claim for it healthfulness equal to Colorado. .* * * I would so much like to have you go on from Colorado with me, if I decide really to take the long trip. Well, if I was sure California would benefit me as much as Colorado did last fall I would not hesitate a moment. Sarah, I wish you to remember what I told you last summer, that the three lots in this half block that your uncle traded for are to be yours if you survive me, and I will deed them to you if you will come and live here and care for me and help me while I shall need your care and comfort. It includes this nice house that I want you to take good care of, but I think you deserve it more than any one else living, and, with the rest of this piece of property, will make a rich provision for you, so you will not need to teach. I shall not expect you to come while your mother needs*96 your care and support, but I wish some of her other five children would offer her a home, so you might come soon; for I need you and I am so lonely and weak, and Mrs. L. is feeble too. * * * Now will close with love and best wishes, and remain, as ever, Tours truly,
From your aunt,
Mary F. Langford.”
“Grand Lake, Colorado, March 30, 1897. My Dear Kind Aunt:
Tour welcome letter was received last week. I was glad to hear from you, but a little sorry that you might give up spending the summer and longer with me here. Tet I can not blame you for not liking the idea of being so far from good, well-educated practical physicians. * * * I have been thinking of that good society’s trip to California next summer from your place, and, as you wish, would be glad to join .you and go, too, from Denver, especially if you feel that I could be of real service to you. I, for years, have wished to see that beautiful state, and intended to go the first opportunity I had to do so. I also would be glad to meet and make the acquaintance of the good people of Terre Haute that I trust would compose the company, such as are your true friends, at least since you again revealed to me the fact that I might some day have the old home property that you have improved, and the nice house in Terre Haute. I often find myself thinking of that place with a growing love; the beautiful spot where you have dwelt so many years, and your dear loved lost ones blossomed for a time, then left earthly for eternal joys. Such dear associations make the place dear and sacred to me, and, indeed, it will ever be, if I live to possess it, and I hope and pray that I may ever regard you with the truest and deepest gratitude, and, if ever nearer duties do not claim me, go to you and do for you everything in my power truly to bless you, and try to carry out your wishes while you live; and, should I remain on earth longer than you, to carry out the same, so far as you express them, through my life. I feel that guarding*97 and nuturing the buildings, trees, plants, etc., that you have reared and tended would be a double duty to me and you, and not forgetting the one who so kindly regarded me in the giving, and to also visit with flowers the tomb of the dear loved ones whose bodies are there consigned to Mother Earth. Aunt, there is not a day or a half a day that I do not think of Eugene as my kind brother-like cousin of my early childhood, and of your Sarah as the sweetest of my girl cousins. Her ways were so noble and gentle. All the joys and blessings she would have had I shall regard as precious to me, I promise you.
Lovingly yours,
"Terre Haute, June 23, 1897.
Dear Niece:
Your letter containing the sad news is at hand, and contents noted. While she that has departed has lived her full time out, we can not refrain from shedding the briny tear, as we feel that she can never return to us, though the time will come ere long that we may go to her, the thought of death to me is always sad. Though I was not taken by surprise when the sad news reached me, for I was expecting it. Mrs. Ludlow has not been in good health for some months, and is looking bad, worse than I ever saw her. Her teeth have been ulcerating for a long time, but she had one extracted yesterday and it seemed to have given her a little relief. Wé are boarding, and have been since we got home, as she did not seem well enough to do our little house work. * * *. Now when you get all your arrangements made, I shall expect you to come here to make your home. I should be only too glad could I see my way clear to come to Denver this summer again. I had intended to, but all seems against it.. The city are not [now] putting me to the cost of between $2,000 or $3,000, and I consider it as good as thrown away, for the houses will neither rent nor sell for more when done, and then I do not get the kind of paving we want either. And so much unnecessary expense. We did not have any need of asphalt paving,*98 as our streets are so sandy they are never muddy much. * * * Do you still intend to attend the normal school ? Several of the students went home sick. It seems that I can not find much to say this time. Yours with love and sympathy.
Lovingly yours,
M. F. Langford.”
“Terre Haute, July I, 1897.
Dear Sarah:
I have written to you once since the death of your dear mother. Did it reach you ? * * * Do you think you can sell your houses there, or what will you do with them? And are you a good mathematician, and if so, why do you think it'necessary for you to attend the normal school now ? * * * And when do you think you will he ready to come, or will you wait until the hottest weather is over? And how are you off financially? * * * Well, Mrs. Ludlow is not very well, and has not been for a considerable length of time. And as for myself, though not well, am considerably better than I was last spring. Must close with love and sympathy.
Mary F. Langford.”
“Terre Haute, August 1, 1897.
My Dear Niece:
I sit down this hot morning to write you a short letter. * * * Oh how I wish I was in Denver now, but there is no hope, scarcely any change when I am compelled to throw away about $3,000 to satisfy the greed and ignorance of the men that our city claims as intelligent voters, and the ones they put in power. * * * I have had my house here painted since I came home, and so many say it looks better now than it ever did before. You know it is to be yours if you survive me and the lots which is property worth at least $10,000, but as your mother is now dead I shall expect you to come and compensate me by staying while I need you. Mrs. Ludlow is not in very good health. I do not wish you to inform your sisters or brothers or anyone of our understanding in this at present. Times are so hard, have never had so many*99 vacant houses, and so long vacant as now, in my life before. Rents are away down too, and if people are dishonest they will not pay their rent; then low rents or none at all and lost time and having so much destruction of it when in use consequently cost to repair makes me sad to think of it, and then the percentage for collecting to add to it. If I could only attend to that myself I could save that much, but I can not do it. You say you wish to remain there until the heated season is over. I wordd not wish you here now, as I should fear you would be sick, as your whole life has been spent in cooler climates, but when it is safe to make the change.
Lovingly yours, by your auntie,
. Mary E. Langford.”
“Grand Lake, August 15, 1897.
My Dear Aunt Mary:
Yours of August 1 was duly received, and has been neglected, longer than I intended. I have not time to make a long reply now, as I am busy as ever or more so; but I presume you are looking for a message. I thank you for your kind assurance or promise to me of a future reward, and I subscribe to the terms. I shall try to deserve it all, and will come as soon as I can get necessary business attended to here. I presume you will let me collect some to pay my current expenses, as you mentioned last year, and to take up a little normal work when you can well spare me; but I will not neglect you to do so, but I certainly would appreciate the opportunities that Edna gave up, if I had them. I will try to comply with your wishes, so far as you have expressed them, about the matter. I do feel sorry for you. This is the place to summer and escape the intense heat you endure, and I hope you will be able to come to the ‘Rockies’ hereafter to summer, and not be taxed as you have been of late.
Yours lovingly,
S. G. Warner.
P. S. I have some painting of pictures to do— much of it that I might do now during the tourist*100 season—but I will only try to fill orders that I have already promised, but I dearly love the work. Hoping that you are better than you were and kindly cared for by a loving Father.
Out-lot sixteen, as laid out, had no interior lot lines, and it was never platted, but in an atlas, published in 1874, which is shown to have been in the home of Mrs. Langford, there is a plat of said city, wherein the east half of said block appears to be divided by lines running east and west into four lots of equal size. This fact was known to her at least as far back as 1887.- It will be observed that in her letter first above set out she refers to the property in controversy as consisting of three lots. The fourth or north lot in the block she acquired from a third person, and caused it to be separately enclosed. From Eagle street north to said last-mentioned lot there was no fence or other physical indicia of division between the houses. Many years before the Holden residence had stood in the center, north and south, of the real estate which is here involved, and it after-wards was the habit of Mrs. Langford to refer to said real estate as the Holden home property. There is no evidence as to the value of said real estate in 1897, but witnesses called by appellees testified that it was worth (presumably at the time of the trial) from $21,560 to $22,060, said south house and sixty-six feet of ground being valued by said witnesses at from $7,460 to $7,900. August 3, 1897, Mrs. Langford made a will devising to appellant said sixty feet of land, and no more. As soon as she could arrange her affairs in the West, and but a short time after the exchange of said letters, appellant came to Terre Haute, and took up her residence with Mrs. Langford, and they continued to live together until the death of the latter.
It appears from the evidence that Mrs. Langford had the house where she lived painted in the spring or early summer
In August, 1899, Mrs. Langfold executed a second will, revoking the will of August 3, 1897, and devising appellant a house and lot which was not a part of the Holden homestead. She omitted, by will or otherwise, to fulfil, in whole or in part, the promise in her letter of August 1, 1897.
There is much evidence showing the faithful service which appellant rendered Mrs. Langford during the remaining years of the latter’s life. Eor a time appellant attended school for a short time each day, as they had planned, but at the beginning of the third school year she gave up that work, at Mrs. Langford’s request. The latter oft®
“Sarah does not attend the normal this fall, for I have told her she will never need to teach, as I promised her property that will bring her more than her teaching, if she stays with me while I live. It is property that came to me by her uncle. As she has shown me more love and attention than any of the Holdens now living, I feel she deserves it.”
“I hope and pray that I may ever regard you with the truest and deepest gratitude, and, if ever nearer duties do not claim me, go to you and do for you everything in my power truly to bless you, and try to carry out your wishes while you live.”
On June 23, 1897, appellant’s mother was dead, and Mrs. Langford writes:
*105 “Now when you get all your arrangements made, I shall expect you to come here to make your home;”
and she asks:
“Bo you still intend to attend the normal school ?”
It is evident that at the time this letter was written the writer looked forward with confidence to the consummation of her plan. In her next letter she asks:
“Do you think you can sell your houses there, or what will you do with them? And are you a good mathematician, and if so, why do you think it necessary for you to attend the normal school now ? * * * And when do you think you will be ready to come, or will you wait until the hottest weather is over ? And how are you off financially ?”
Then comes the letter of August 1, in which Mrs. Lang-ford says:
“I have had my house painted since I came home, and so many say it looks better now than it ever did before. You know it is to be yours if you survive me and the lots which is property worth at least $10,000, but as your mother is now dead I shall expect you to come and compensate me by staying while I need you. * * * I do not wish you to inform your sisters or brothers or any one of our understanding in this at present. * * * You say you wish to remain there until the heated season is over. I would not wish you here now, as I should fear you would be sick, as your whole life has- been spent in cooler climates, but when it is safe to make the change.”
Tested by the standard which we have stated above, it will not do to say that the letter of August 1 did not amount to an offer. The writer held out a promise, attaching a condition thereto which meant to the other the abandonment of her place of residence and employment, and the taking up of the burden of ministering to an aged invalid for an indefinite period. To treat a proposition like the
“I subscribe to the terms, and will come as soon as I can get necessary business attended to here.”
True, appellant speaks of her assumption that she may be permitted to do some collecting to pay current expenses and to take up a little normal work; but she writes as though these matters were understood, and as there was such a clear expression in her first letter of her desire abundantly to perform her part of the engagement, coupled with the assurance in her last letter that she would not neglect Mrs. Langford and would try to comply with her expressed wishes in the matter, we can not think that their minds were apart at that time. It seems evident that there was no intent to postpone acceptance to negotiate further concerning the matters referred to, but rather to leave them to the reasonableness of Mrs. Langford, and therefore a present acceptance must be presumed. We may also say that the small liberties asked would not impinge upon the terms of Mrs. Langford’s proposal. There is nothing in the letters to indicate that appellant was to come as a bond servant. On the contrary, it is evident that the elder woman contemplated that appellant should have some time to herself, that she should come as a social equal, and that she should take her place in the household as if she were a daughter, having both the privileges and the responsibilities which a due sense of the appropriate would suggest.
In Key v. Ostrander (1867), 29 Ind. 1, 6, this court appropriated as a part of the text of its opinion the following statement from the case of Peck v. Mallams (1853), 10 N. Y. 509, 532: “The general rule in regard to the construction of the description of the premises in a deed is one of the utmost liberality. The intent of the parties, if it can by any possibility be gathered from the language employed, will be effectuated.” To the same effect, see Hannon v. Hilliard (1885), 101 Ind. 310; Roehl v. Haumesser (1888), 114 Ind. 311. It is not the office of a description to identify the land, but to furnish the means of identification. Rucker v. Steelman (1881), 73 Ind. 396; Scheible v. Slagle (1883), 89 Ind. 323; Hannon v. Hilliard, supra; Trentman v. Neff (1890), 124 Ind. 503; Collins v. Dresslar (1892), 133 Ind. 290; Edens v. Miller (1897), 147 Ind. 208; Elsea v. Adkins (1905), 164 Ind. 580.
It is thoroughly settled that extraneous and parol evidence is competent to apply the terms of a deed to the subject-matter. Colerick v. Hooper (1852), 3 Ind. 316, 56 Am. Dec. 505; Torr v. Torr (1863), 20 Ind. 118; Guy v. Barnes (1867), 29 Ind. 103; Baldwin v. Kerlin (1874), 46 Ind. 426; Indiana Cent. Canal Co. v. State (1876), 53 Ind. 575; Roehl v. Haumesser, supra; Tewksbury v. Howard (1894), 138 Ind. 103; Elsea v. Adkins, supra. And see Wills v. Ross (1881), 77 Ind. 1, 40 Am. Rep. 279; Clark v. Crawfordsville Coffin Co. (1890), 125 Ind. 277.
instrument was referred to. Ridgway v. Wharton, supra; Baumann v. James, supra; Cave v. Hastings (1881), 7 Q. B. D. 125; Long v. Millar (1879), 4 C. P. D. 450; Shardlow v. Cotterell (1881), 18 Ch. D. 280; Shardlow v. Cotterell (1881), 20 Ch. D. 90; Coupland v. Arrowsmith (1868), 18 Law T. 755; Wills v. Ross, supra; Wood, Frauds, §364; 2 Phillips, Evidence (3d ed.), 298. According to Baumann v. James, supra, it is sufficient, although the writing does not contain an express reference, if it can be said in the light of the facts that the prior writing, and nothing else, could have
If we reason upon the assumption that the letter of August 1 was but a renewal of the proposition found in the letter of March 15—and if we take counsel of the evidence and of the nature of the correspondence, rather than of possible conjecture, that must be the conclusion—then we are at the end of the discussion, for the meaning is plain. The proposition is illustrated by the following observations of Mr. Justice Holmes: “I do not suppose that you could prove, for purposes of construction as distinguished from avoidance, an oral declaration or even an agreement that words in a dispositive instrument making sense as they stand should have a different meaning from the common one; for instance, that the parties to a contract orally agreed
Appellant’s case was based on the theory that the correspondence contained the written agreement between the parties, and the parol evidence introduced on her behalf was largely directed to the establishment of this fact. If she established this proposition, and the fact of performance, she was entitled to recover, and, unless the evidence of appellees tended to break down her claim, a case would be presented in which there was no conflict in the evidence. As circumstances which they claim tend to negative appellant’s case, appellees’ counsel call attention to the words in the letter of August 1, “which is property worth at least $10,000,” to the testimony of the witness Smallwood, and to the will which was executed three days after said letter was written.
The will does not even purport to speak the maker’s intention of three days before, but if it did, the declaration, as we have seen, would be inadmissible, for it is by words used in the making of the contract, viewed in the light of the circumstances, that the law, holding the party to resolute good faith, judges of his intent. The proposal in question was designed to operate inter vivos, and in the absence of a notice to appellant of its revocation before acceptance she was entitled to act upon the proposition extended to her on the assumption that Mrs. Langford’s intent continued as before. It is not sufficient that proof of a fact lends a degree of probability as to the existence of the fact sought to be established. Rules of evidence must be general,- and one of these rules, subject to exceptions as .old and well recognized as the rule itself, is that heresay evidence is in its own nature inadmissible. Queen v. Hepburn (1812), 7 Cranch 290, 3 L. Ed. 348. In this instance the supposed evidence stands-condemned as a self-serving declaration, and as within none of the exceptions to the rule excluding hearsay. We may also remark, in passing, that
Looking at the case broadly, we are unable to find any substantial basis of doubt as to the nature of Mrs. Lang-ford’s proposal. There was apparently one and the same proposition held out by her throughout the correspondence.’ The letters strongly tend to evince this fact, there is much parol evidence in support of it, and we find no evidence that can be applied in denial.