Waltz v. Workmen's Sick & Death Benefit Fund
This action was brought by the plaintiff to recover from the defendant, a fraternal association, a death benefit arising under and by virtue of a certificate of membership issued by the defendant to the plaintiff’s intestate, her husband. The defense of the defendant is based on alleged fraud, and the claim is made that the plaintiff is not entitled to recover by reason of the fact that plaintiff’s intestate in his application for membership alleged that he was forty-two years of age, wheréas in truth and fact at the time when he signed the application he was forty-five years, seven months and twelve days old, and that, the plaintiff’s intestate was above the age at which under the constitution and by-laws of the defendant he was entitled to become a member of the defendant society, to wit, seven months and twelve days older than allowed for the admission of members. While the evidence discloses no serious disputation of the defense interposed, the plaintiff nevertheless contends that neither in the answer nor on the trial, nor at any time, did the defendant offer to return the money received as dues, and that consequently there was no rescission of the
Judgment accordingly.