This is a bill for an accounting between the plaintiff and Atlantic Research Associates, Inc., hereinafter called the defendant, and for payment to the plaintiff of the sum found to be due him, all on account of a contract between the plaintiff and the defendant dated June 3, 1943, whereby the defendant employed the plaintiff for an indefinite period as general manager of the defendant’s “mechanical division.” From a final decree dismissing the bill the plaintiff appeals.
By the terms of the contract the plaintiff was “to take and have charge of this division, subject to such general policies and within such budgets as the management and board of directors of the company [defendant] may from time to time establish.” The defendant was to “have the sole say as to the business to be conducted by the mechanical division, and as to the receipts and disbursements to be allocated to it,” provided that such allocations should be I in accordance with the defendant’s regular accounting I practices and not contrary to the contract. The plaintiff I was to “devote all of his time, attention and energy to I the duties of this employment” and was to “perform his I duties to the best of his abilities” and to “use his best I efforts” to contribute ideas, invehtions and improvements I for the use of the “mechanical division.” “As his only I compensation” the plaintiff was to share the net profits I and net losses of the “mechanical division” equally with I the defendant. Net profits or losses were to be computed I not less frequently than once each calendar quarter. The I method of calculating net profits was precisely stated. The I defendant was to set up on its books an account with the I plaintiff from which the plaintiff would “be permitted to I draw weekly a reasonable percentage of his share of net I profits up to a maximum of one hundred dollars ($100) a I week.” The plaintiff would also be permitted not oftener ■
The provisions for termination of the contract are important and are here quoted in full. “7. Either party may terminate the employment on the last day of any calendar month by not less than six months’ previous written notice given to the other. Either party may terminate the employment forthwith upon material default by the other. The employment shall terminate without action by either of the parties in any of the following events: (1) If Walsh dies or by reason of incapacity or otherwise is unable to perform his duties for a period exceeding ninety consecutive days. (2) If the company sells substantially all of its assets, dissolves, or if bankruptcy or receivership proceedings are commenced by or against it. 8. Upon any termination of Walsh’s employment his account shall be adjusted, as of the date of termination, by a credit in the amount of one half of any profit over book value realizable from the assets of the mechanical division or by a debit in the amount of one half of any loss so realizable, and the adjusted amount, if a credit, shall forthwith be paid Walsh by the company or if a debit, shall forthwith be paid to the company by Walsh. In ¡the event of dispute as to the gain or loss so realizable, final settlement of the account shall be deferred until the actual value of the disputed item or items has been determined by collection, sale or payment. Payment as provided in this paragraph shall discharge all obligations of the parties to each other hereunder.”
The trial judge made detailed findings of fact which in substance are these: On June 3, 1943, the defendant was engaged primarily in the manufacture, development and sale of chemical products. It had also a small division of its business engaged in the work of a machine shop. It was
The judge further found that “the plaintiff’s secretly joining the Cushing Stearns partnership was a wilful and
The defendant contends that these findings were not made under the statute (G. L. [Ter. Ed.] c. 214, § 23, as appearing in St. 1945, c. 394, § 1), and that it is not stated that they comprise all the material facts upon which the decree was based. Birnbaum v. Pamoukis, 301 Mass. 559. Turner v. Morson, 316 Mass. 678, 680. Fields v. Paraskis, 318 Mass. 726. The findings were carefully prepared and are presented in adequate detail to disclose the factual basis of. the judge’s action. If they cannot be treated as the equivalent of findings of material facts under the statute, which we do not decide, they are at least sufficient to disclose error, as we think, in the judge’s ruling that the plaintiff forfeited his right to relief by his connection with the Cushing Stearns partnership. The error cannot be considered harmless, since in all probability it was the very basis of the decree.
We do not doubt that the plaintiff’s conduct was a breach of his agreement to “devote all of his time, attention and energy to the duties” of his employment by the defendant. Neither do we doubt that this breach, involving as it did a breach of good faith as well as of a term of the contract, was a “material default” within the meaning of those words as used in the contract such as justified the defendant in terminating the employment in accordance with article 7 as hereinbefore set forth. See Lindsay v. Swift, 230 Mass. 407, 412. But whether the plaintiff should be deprived of all of his earnings during the continuance of his employment beyond the $15,500 which he has received is a matter that requires further careful consideration.
We are not sure upon what ground the judge reached his conclusion. He may have proceeded upon the ground that the plaintiff did not come into a court of equity with
Before dealing with these several grounds upon which the decree below may have rested it may be well to remark that this does not seem to be a case in which the plaintiff’s compensation can be apportioned between the time during which he was faithful and the time during which he was unfaithful. By the terms of the contract he was to be paid no sum of money nor any share of the profits for any specified period of time short of the whole period of employment. The total amount of his compensation would never be ascertained until the employment was ended, and until then whatever he received was simply chargeable to his account.
We take up first the application of the doctrine of Sipley v. Stickney, 190 Mass. 43. In the earlier cases this doctrine seems to have been applied where the plaintiff had voluntarily failed to complete a piece of work which he had contracted to perform (see Homer v. Shaw, 177 Mass. 1, 5, and cases cited), and it has always found its principal application in preventing recovery based on contracts to erect buildings or other structures where the plaintiff had intentionally departed from the terms of the contract. It will not be necessary to cite the many cases of this kind. A fair example is Glazer v. Schwartz, 276 Mass. 54, 57. Among the latest are Russo v. Charles I. Hosmer, Inc. 312 Mass. 231, 232-233, and LeBel v. McCoy, 314 Mass. 206. But the rule of Sipley v. Stickney has not been limited to such cases.. It has been applied generally. Mark v. Stuart-Howland Co. 226 Mass. 35, 43. Jewett v. Warriner, 237 Mass. 36. Cobb v. Library Bureau, 268 Mass. 311. Jackson v. Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Co. 310 Mass. 593, 595.
In the present case we incline to the view that the peculiar
We have less hesitancy in concluding that this is what the contract means because the whole scheme of the contract seems to have been that out of net profits an account should be set up for the plaintiff’s benefit Which should represent in substance his interest in the business. He could draw sums from this account from time to time, but under the terms of the contract he could never draw the entire credit balance in his favor until the termination of the employment and then, for whatever reason the employment terminated, he could withdraw all of that which was regarded as sub
In considering next the doctrine of clean hands, the terms of the contract must still be kept in mind. It is hard to see how the plaintiff’s hands are so unclean that the court should send him away when he seeks only that which the defendant has agreed he should have in the very circumstances which have come about. Although the defendant did not agree that the plaintiff might be unfaithful, it did, we think, agree as to what should be done with the profits even if the plaintiff should be unfaithful. It did not, however, agree to relieve the plaintiff from liability for his wrongful conduct.
Finally, the infidelity of the plaintiff as an agent should not, as between him and his principal, entail consequences in the matter of compensation which his principal has agreed should not follow from it. Even in cases of strict trust and where the trustee is not helped by any provision of contract, there is no absolute rule that he should lose his compensation, and when he does lose it this is not upon the theory of a penalty but is upon the theory that he should not be paid for improper service. Restatement: Trusts, § 243. For reasons which have already sufficiently appeared we think that the plaintiff should not be deprived of his
In any accounting with respect to the contract between the parties the plaintiff, who was not actually a partner of the defendant, should be charged with the entire profit of $1,630.74 made by him out of his wrongful connection with the Cushing Stearns partnership and not with only half of that amount. He would be chargeable in addition with damages for his breach of contract, if any damages could be proved. Restatement: Agency, §§403, 407 (1). See Kelly v. Allin, 212 Mass. 327; Robertson v. Hirsh, 276 Mass. 452.
The defendant in its answer pleaded that the contract between it and the plaintiff dated June 3, 1943, was illegal, and, as we understand, asserted at the trial that this was so because the plaintiff’s compensation had never been approved under the wage stabilizatidn act of 1942, 56 U. S. Sts. at Large, 765. The position taken by the trial judge made it unnecessary for him to deal with this contention. The case must therefore be further heard on this issue, as well as on any other issue open on the pleadings and not fully heard.
This suit was brought by trustee process. G. L. (Ter. Ed.) c. 214, § 7. The parties named as trustees in the writ were also named as defendants in the bill. This was unnecessary except as to the defendant National Atlantic Research Corporation, since except as to that defendant the bill contains no allegations seeking to charge these parties in any other way than as trustees in trustee process, and merely naming them in the writ was sufficient for the purpose of a common law attachment of funds in their hands. See Leffler v. Todd, 316 Mass. 227. The bill was rightly dismissed as to the parties named as trustees except National Atlantic Research Corporation.
The result is that the final decree dismissing the bill is affirmed as to all defendants named in the bill except the defendants Atlantic Research Associates, Inc., and National Atlantic Research Corporation. As to those de
So ordered.
Emphasis supplied.
The plaintiff apparently concedes, and we think rightly, that the last paragraph of article 8 of the contract does not mean that a payment by the defendant to the plaintiff of the balance of the'plaintiff’s account as shown on the books would discharge the plaintiff from his accrued obligations resulting from his engagement in a competing enterprise.