By the Court,
Common or a right of common, is a right or privilege which several persons have to the produce of the lands or waters of another. Thus, common of pasture is a right of feeding the beasts of one person on the lands of another ; common of estovers is the right a tenant has of taking necessary wood and timber from the woods of the lord for fuel, fencing, &c.; common of turbary and piscary are in like manner rights which tenants have to cut turf or
Common of pasture is the principal of these rights, and therefore most of the cases found in the books relate to that species of common. This was appendant, appurtenant, in gross, or because of vicinage; of the last I shall take no notice, because it is not applicable to estovers. Common appendant is a right annexed to the possession of arable land, by which the owner is entitled to feed his beasts on the lands of another, usually of the owner of the manor of which the lands entitled to common are a part. This kind of common must have existed from time immemorial, and can be claimed by prescription only, and is confined to such and so many cattle as are necessary to plough and manure the land which is entitled to common, and which are levant and couchant, that is, so many as the land will sustain during the winter. Common appurtenant does not necessarily arise from any connection of tenure, but must be claimed by grant or prescription. It may be created by grant and may be annexed to any kind of land, .whether arable yr not Gwmm fa? g"^' hss @.o eeMo» to the t&m*
Common of estovers must, I apprehend, be either appendant or appurtenant; they are necessarily incident either to houses or lands. This right of common may exist by prescriptioti and is then appendant, or be specially granted, and then it becomes appurtenant. 3 Cruise Dig. 83 to 90. 3 Black. Comm: 33, 34. Whether this kind of common is apportionahle is the principal question in this case. It seems to have been doubt-! ed heretofore whether common of pasture was apportionable, and we find the subject elucidated by Chief Justice Willes in Bennett v. Reave, Willes, 227, as late as the year 1740. He says common of pasture appendant may be apportioned; for as the land is entitled to common only for such cattle as arti necessary to plough or manure the land, the common cannot be surcharged by any number of divisions or subdivisions in consequence of alienation. It had been contended in that case, that the owner of every parcel, even a yard, was entitled to common for beasts of the plough as well as other cattle, on the assumed ground that the tenant was bound to plough the lord’s land, and therefore must have a. team, and of course must have them pastured ; but it was clearly shewn that the team entitled to pasture was such as was necessary for ploughing the land entitled to common, and it made no difference into how many hands it went; no more team was necessary for ploughing, and no more cattle necessary for manuring. Such common is apportionahle, and the common being incident to the land, passed with it in such proportions as the land should be divided into; the assignee of half, for instance, of the land,was entitled to half the right of common. This case was of common appendant, and of this kind of common, of pasture, it is said, it is apportionahle either when part is purchased by the lord or any other person. Common appurtenant of pasture is also apportionahle by alienation of part of the land,but not if the person entitled to it purchases part of the land out of which the common is to be had, 3 Cruise, 92, 3; Co.Litt. 122, a.; and the reason assigned is because common appurtenant is against common right, whereas common appendant is of common right. 4 Co. 36. 8 Co. 78.
It will be seen, by applying these principles to this case, that Jacob Truax was entitled to common; but when he conveyed his farm, on the 15th December, 1769, part to one son and part to another, thereby creating two farms out of the one entitled to common, such right being an entirety, not being apportionable, could not be enjoyed by either, and of course was extinguished. This is the main point in the case, and is decisive of it,
Several other questions were raised and discussed; such as whether the lord had a right to enclose any part of the common ; and if so, whether the lease in the present case was such an improvement as would exempt the locus in quo from being subject to the right of common; and whether the plaintiff had such a possession as would entitle him to maintain trespass; which questions I will notice, but not discuss at large. L The possession of the plaintiff was sufficient against
The law is established in England and recognized in the ease of Livingston v. Ten Broeck, that if the commoner purchases part of the land subject to common, if the right of common be apportionable, it shall be apportioned, otherwise the whole is extinguished ; but that principle seems to be not applicable here. The John Truax farm was purchased by John Tayler in 1791, long before he had any interest in the Jacob Truax farm, which was entitled to common. The ground of that extinguishment is this: that the commoner has voluntarily consented to the diminution of the common out of which his pasture or estovers were to be enjoyed ; and where there can be no apportionment, there must be an ex-tinguishment.
Upon the whole case, therefore, I am of opinion, 1. That the plaintiff, as against the defendant, has shewn a sufficient possession of the locus in quo; 2. That common of estovers is not apportionable, and of course that though Jacob Truax was entitled to estovers, yet his sons, to whom his farm was conveyed in parcels, and their assigns, never had any such right; and 8. That consequently the defendant xvas a trespasser in cutting the rails in question, and the plaintiff should have recovered in the court below.
Judgment of the common pleas reversed, with single costs, and a venire de novo to issue.