O-804 | Tex. Att'y Gen. | Jul 2, 1939

OFFICE OF TNE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AU8YlN o- c. MANN .-Q- _’ - Honorable Ueorgo C. Botta, Page S oanplotln8 the rooord of mah rorrioo when BOO- la a u yor required in the latabllabnont of olafma and aooo8auy lor~loo status, In either the World War, the Swish-lunorloa Vu, or u3y o th e l r otIyo SOTY~OO, whore auoh aonlao was rendered, and where the poraon would, oa proper proof, be entitled to oonpaaaation, Iaaurenoo, or m other forr oi ldp w3t0a aottlemont for loryloe ronaoroa to th0 United States Govo5nmentby mah ox-8erriae men. The County Clerk; Dlatrlot Clerk, or other offlolala issuing auoh oortl~Iaatoa for aortitlod oapioa of lmstrumoata, ahnll not be liable ror any aottlo- rent for uy ouch roduatlon, ana t&6 88mo ahall not Be 00w0a ma roes oolloatod llna&ihar$Wble to auoh o?floo, 8ad abll fordsno put o? the mslmm fO.4 Oi ltldl OtfiOO. All o f th epr0Y14loM o r BootIon 1 baoot, mm1 Imro to the heirs at la ol 8uoh ox-aorrlao men, whore the QWO~ Is moo- laaary to latabllah the olaIm omanatIng through or.’ under lioh or-•u~Ioo nan~;:, The portlaont pro~lalona of Sootloii1 oi.tho bill prorldo8 that all ooun* olerka who are r ulroa to Iaauo any rorpl0r ou~~~i~ae or any 00fy or 05&X? Inastrumonta noawauy a6 8hall asuo soah aortlffoatos and uk0ri40 out 'p tied 0Zoi of w in4trw0ntn00oeauy to prove any iaOt or oatablI8h anj 01al.mof auoh lx-s~r~I~o men, rroo or ohu%o . . . ,ktIolo 6891, Beriaod Olrll Statutes, lQZ5, prorid. tii& eount~ olorka shall be the roooraora for thoirm8pootiro oountlosena &tiolo 6bOO provides that the OOU!I~~olarka 8hal.l&ye attested ooploa whenever a0rmnaod of all papers roaordod lithia offloo; and that he lhll roooivo for all mch OOpi.1, auoh fooe a8 8ay be pTOYidOa w law. It Ia obvious that the Le&alaturo uaod the word *roqulrodRin the *on80 or that which is d9ma0a 84 l aoooa- 0ar-yroqulremont. traderthe provision of .ArtIalo 4606, Bo- yiaod Giril Eitatutea,192l5,it IS the auty 0t the olork to rooora til morrlago ~lloonaoa when Iaauod, in a roll-bound book kept for the purpose and after the 8olomaIution d the. marriage Ma the return ot the lioenso to th0 OOfJntrOlOrk with auoh iaot ondoraea thuooa, Itle further the duty at the olork to roaora auoh return. It oan thua be plaInl7 aaon that a marriage 1100n00, being rooorad In the oountq olerk*a offioo la plainly such paper which the olerk is ro- Honorable Qeorga 0; Botta, Ago S qulrod, under Artlolo 6600, to glvo ooritlfod eopioa or uhon dtima0a aam the provIaIona thoroof. It la, thorotoro, the opinion a? this dopartmont that 0ortiri0a ooploa 0r marriage oortIflaatoa or attoatoa aopioa or the roooraoU mrrlago lloonso and return are with- in the purview of.Houaa Bill 1004, 46th Loglalaturo, Regular Soaalon, Aata or 1939. Yours very-truly (SIWED). lFm.J.R.king Rk 'hi&Z -. APPRovJm Am. 28, 19s9 (signma aorala 0. Haan ATl!ORBBIO~CFTlUAS Amwvmr 0plaI0a a3mmIttoo 322 **
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