Case Information
AUSTIN Honorable J 6 8. Wraiaison Hxooucivo Diraotar State DepPrtmnt of Publia UsWare AumtiR, Texas
or Your of A@1 IZQI 1841, puantlty of the reoarrla am now atoxwd in the baeoment of a builbilyg iB San Illtotio, TQXSS. Tlze Area Supervisor hae R0tiff6d the State Dopertnvmt of hab3ia llslfare that notioe has been g%ven &he Area Office to vatate the build&x& w &a~ ftl, ~941, whioh mill necessitate the reaawal eP t&e Ft3coW troa &II@ baeemnt of' this b~S1dzI.q~ Qmn hvest&atlon, it has besn datsmx0wd that to r#is~e t&e LWW~%X~ fran fJan dntanio to Austittit will r*Wre an outlrby of fund0 In the ap@rsx%mto BuQl Of $%SO,M.
Honorable 3. 8. bmrchison - page 2 sI anticipate that from time to time this agency will be co8fronted with a eimil8r situation in other cities of the state uhere reoords are etored, 8nd it is m opdnion that some disposition crhould be rvlao of t&e reoards aa they are of no value to this -47 and no further ueeful purpose could ba served by keeping them in storage and to oontinue to pay freight in h8ving them rammed from one plaoe to mother when a altuation arises M .the one in the olty of 68R ARfOniO. 801 date Augu8t 18, 1938 the Sate Board of Control enter- ed into a contract~with II. A. Carter Company ?or a detril.ed audit of the aotivities and operations of the Texan Relief Comudsmion from July I, 1036 to August 31, 1038 oad to in- oorporate into such sudit certain finonoiol infommtion from 1yweRher 1, 19x2 to Angumt 31, 1030. ml.8 audit warn duly made 8ndaaopy of emm~asfiledrith
theL)oud of Control and acknowledged by the Chairman of said Board M being acoeptable to 8aId Doard. Irikeuiee, a aopg of the audit ma filed in the offioe of Hr. Corringten Bill, Amint- ant Conmdseioner ot the Federal Vorks Agcmq, Waebington, D. C., and in hl8 aoknmledgpsnt of the receipt of the copy of the audit, he stated, ammg other things, a8 follor8r
"The report pmmente a very orderly pfature of the Cosmd~on's 8ativitioe arri brings w to the oonalueton that the f%mnciol Sp- faire of the Co56esion were cozxW~ted in 8 very bucineealike and ooespsndable 8uumsr. I feel that the Condasfon i6 to be ~oompli- wnted highly,*
*It i8 the intention of this agenoy to keep in 8torage m- rolls, vouchers, and x other ba8ic rsoord vhere it ap pears 6ome nece*sity stightstttie de that rafer- sme uould hsve to be mule to thorn, and to disregard the files, et cetera, rhloh, in my opinion, are of no further value. #In rim of the above statement, I desire your opinion on two queetions, naarelpt
"1. Does the State Board of Public Welfare have the authority to deetroy the reoarde Or to diSpOi$8 Of the l%WOrds, F8pOFtSI 8t cetera, as sorap paper br male under the direction and euperrieion of the Btata Doard of Control?
Honorable J. 8. IhnrWeOn - page 3 In ~the went you answer quemticm So. 1 in “2. the afflrolafive, then, should the prooeede be creditod to the General Reretiue Wamd er to the Ganoral Relief Fund of the State De- pkrtment of Public IlelfareTm Vo beg to advise that the Gtato Board of Fublio
Welf'sre, 8~ legal aucoeaeor to the.Texas Relief Comieeion, does not ham the authority to destroy the rorrwde, Or to die~ee of the reoocde, roporte, papers, dootmente, eto., 8tmtiomed in your.inquiry.
It is n wall-reoog&md ,arrernme~tal pol3.6~ for the varloub deperrt;laont6 of the Wwwnman t to k+eq nnd weserve the papers, ilOoWMint8, instruments, rulings, Order@, and the like, of suoh department, and no arggtueenf neede to ba udvanoed t0 SiNlW the closirability , SRd wen the neOWIi8ity, iR 1~08% hi- stanaus, for 8uah j?olicj*
Artiole 34'931 of the Revhod Civil Statutoe daolares that: vGertifiod aopios, under the hande and of- tioial seal8 Oi a0 heads Of depsrtmsnts, of all notes, bOIId8, mort&agee, biller neaounte, or other dooumenta, properly on file ir, shy
of thiu &all be retmired department St&e, in ovidcmoe on an equal footing uith the! original8 in all mite now pending, or which 818~ be h8mNSft6r tistitut8d in this state, where the uriginalo of euoh notoe, bonds, mortgages, bills, oocounts or other aocumonte woulu bo ~vi.d~noo,~
Fe think &he deyart.rPont here rofermd to inoludee boar?is and ooPmPls~one such 30 the State Board of Rlblic WelPam, and the Texas ilalief Cr~?mk8don~ And the purpose and objaot of the statute oould b8 8aOOmplifbheii only through a ~e8ePVatiOZI of SUGh dOW~I.ltS,
C&C*, O~StitUting pp63r8, the archives of the pfWA.ouUU deportslant. Moreover, them is another and wen better r61Mon why 8Ud.3 amhives should be pomarmnt3y preserved. The State itself is governmentally condernod with keeping as nearly as lnay be poseiblc a oomplete reczord of the affaira of its de- psrtmnte with reepeot to the Bsrttere ooamdtted to them Sucth thing8 regmwmt the Tunotioming of the State.
243 tronorsble J. 6. Uurobiieon - page 4 Your Mm-d, like other boards, eo?luILssianr, and governmental agsmles, hao ju8t ouah powers and none other, as are conSerred upon it either bj exgceoo lau or by neoeesary implioation. There ia no UT author- ising the destruction of the rrchives msentioned, aad, therefore, the power to deetroy them is not vested in any one.
Our ruling follows our Opinion Ho. o-2241, giving eimilar OariCe to the chairavrn and %eoutite Direotor of the Teue Unemployment Compen8atlon Cow tiesion, a copy of' which opinion we baud you hererith.
ver7 tray yours ATTOIWET GiBWUL OF TEXAS