9 F.3d 996 | 1st Cir. | 1993


                   FOR THE FIRST CIRCUIT


No. 93-1354


                   Plaintiffs, Appellees,


                  G.R.G. ENGINEERING, S.E.

                  Defendants, Appellants.




     [Hon. Juan M. Perez-Gimenez, U.S. District Judge]



                    Breyer, Chief Judge,
              Selya and Stahl, Circuit Judges.


John  E. Mudd with whom  Cordero, Miranda & Pinto was on brief for
appellants. Mark S.  Finkelstein with  whom  Elizabeth  D. Alvarado,  Shannon,
Martin, Finkelstein &  Sayre, David P. Freedman, and  O'Neill & Borges
were on brief for appellee United Structures of America, Inc.


                     November 18, 1993

          BREYER,  Chief  Judge.     The  plaintiff,  having

supplied steel to a now bankrupt subcontractor, has sued the general contractor, seeking to recover payment for the steel from  the  bond that  a  federal  statute, the  Miller  Act, requires  certain general contractors to provide.  40 U.S.C.

   270a-270b.   The  general contractor  says the steel  was defective, and it wants to deduct from the promised purchase price the amount  that it says it  had to spend to  cure the defects.  The district  court, relying upon a  Ninth Circuit case, United  States ex  rel. Martin  Steel Constructors  v.

Avanti Steel  Constructors, 750  F.2d 759  (9th Cir.  1984),

cert. denied sub  nom. Harvis Construction v.  United States

ex rel. Martin Steel Constructors, 474 U.S. 817 (1985), held

that where the supplier has a contract with  a subcontractor but not with  the general contractor, the Miller Act forbids the  general   contractor  from  taking   such  "offsetting" deductions.   We  disagree  with  the  Ninth  Circuit.    We therefore vacate the district court's judgment.



          The  Miller   Act  requires   general  contractors working  on federal government projects to furnish a payment bond "for the protection of all persons supplying  labor and material"  to the  project.   40  U.S.C.    270a(a)(2).   It permits   a   supplier  who   has   a  "direct   contractual relationship  with  a   subcontractor  but  no   contractual relationship . . . with  the contractor furnishing" the bond to sue on the bond for "the balance . . . unpaid at the time of institution" of  the suit, and  to recover "judgment  for the sum or sums justly due him," as long as he complies with certain notice  requirements.  Id.   270b(a).  Puerto Rico's

"Little Miller  Act" sets  up a similar  scheme for  work on projects  undertaken by  the Puerto  Rican  government.   22 L.P.R.A.    47, 51.

          The  plaintiff,   United  Structures   of  America ("United"),  supplied  steel  to  a   subcontractor  on  two projects,  one for the United States government at Roosevelt Roads   Naval  Station,  the  other  for  the  Puerto  Rican government at  Hato  Rey  Police  Headquarters.    Defendant G.R.G.  Engineering ("GRG")  was the  general  contractor on both  projects.   The  subcontractor did  not pay  United in full.  When the subcontractor went bankrupt, United gave GRG proper notice, and then sued  GRG (and GRG's insurer) on the payment  bond for  the amounts it  believed were  still due, approximately $105,000  for the Roosevelt  Roads project and $177,000 for the police station project.


          United  moved  for   summary  judgment,  attaching various bills  and receipts in  support of its claims.   GRG opposed the summary  judgment motion.   An affidavit (and  a few working papers) of Luis  Marin Aponte, a GRG partner and licensed  engineer, constituted  GRG's only  effort to  "set forth specific facts  showing that there is a genuine issue" that might warrant a trial, Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(e).   Marin's affidavit said that GRG did not owe United any money because (1) United engaged in a fraudulent billing practice known as "front loading"; (2) GRG had to spend "$88,887 . . . due to" United's "non-compliance  with  the  specifications  of  the equipment supplied" for the Roosevelt Roads project; and (3) GRG  had to spend an  additional "$107,622 .  . . to correct defects  and/or deficiencies in  the materials"  that United "furnished" for the police station project.

          The  district court  granted  summary judgment  in favor of United, holding  (1) that this affidavit failed  to provide,  or  to  point to,  any  specific  factual evidence supporting  GRG's  "front  loading"  theory;  (2)  that  the evidence regarding allegedly defective steel was  irrelevant because  the law does  not give GRG  "the right to  assert a set-off defense";  and (3) that  GRG, in any event,  had not "offered specific evidence  in support of"  its allegations,

                             4 "for  example,   an  affidavit  prepared   by  an   engineer testifying that the materials were indeed defective."  

          GRG then  moved for  reconsideration.  It  pointed out that Marin, its affiant, was indeed a licensed engineer, and  it  provided  a  few  additional  documents  and  bills suggesting possible defects and related costs.  The district court,   although  it   acknowledged  Marin's   professional qualifications,  denied  the   motion  for  reconsideration, solely on the basis of  the Ninth Circuit's holding that the Miller Act does not "allow[]  a set-off defense by a general contractor not  in privity  with" a  supplier.   Avanti, 750

F.2d at 762.

          GRG  now  appeals,  claiming  primarily  that  the district  court and  the Ninth  Circuit  have not  correctly interpreted  the Miller  Act with  regard  to the  "set-off" issue.  We agree with GRG.


                  Analyzing the "Set-off"

          In Avanti, the  Ninth Circuit considered a  set of

facts  virtually  identical  to  the facts  before  us.    A subcontractor  on a government  project bought steel  from a supplier; the subcontractor went bankrupt; the supplier sued the  general contractor  on  its Miller  Act  bond; and  the

                             5 general  contractor asserted,  as  a  defense,  a  claim  of damages  arising   from  "late  and   defective  shipments." Avanti, 750  F.2d at 760.   The  Ninth Circuit held  that "a

set-off defense  is not available  in a Miller Act  claim in the absence of privity."   It added that "allowing a set-off defense by  a general  contractor not  in privity with  [the supplier]  would unduly burden the enforcement of the rights created by the Act."  Id. at 762.

          We disagree with the Ninth Circuit.  We believe it appropriate to draw a distinction that the Ninth Circuit did not  draw, namely a  technical distinction between  what the law normally calls  a "setoff" (or "set-off,"  or "offset"), and what it calls "recoupment."   The law dictionary defines a  "setoff" as a "counter-claim demand which defendant holds against plaintiff, arising out of a transaction extrinsic of

plaintiff's cause of  action."  Black's Law  Dictionary 1230

(5th ed.  1979) (emphasis added).   If Smith sues  Jones for $10,000 for grain  that Smith supplied,  and Jones seeks  to reduce   the  judgment   by   $5,000  representing   Smith's (unrelated) unpaid rental of Jones' summer cottage, Jones is seeking a  setoff.  "Recoupment,"  on the other hand,  is "a

reduction  or  rebate  by  the  defendant  of  part  of  the plaintiff's  claim because  of  a  right  in  the  defendant

                             6 arising out of the same transaction."  Id. at 1147 (emphasis

added).   If  Smith sues  Jones for  $10,000 for  grain that Smith supplied, and  Jones seeks to  reduce the judgment  by $5,000 representing  Jones' expenditure  to dry  out Smith's (defectively) wet grain  (or the cost of  buying replacement grain, or  the  grain's  lost value),  Jones  is  seeking  a recoupment.

          This distinction, although  somewhat technical, is well established in  the law.   See, e.g., In re  B & L  Oil

Co., 782 F.2d 155, 157 (10th Cir. 1986); 1 David G.  Epstein

et al., Bankruptcy    6-45, at 703  (1992) ("setoff involves mutual  debts  arising   from  unrelated  transactions   and

recoupment covers reciprocal obligations arising  out of the same transaction")  (footnotes omitted);  Michael E.  Tigar,

Comment,  53 Cal. L. Rev.  224, 225 n.9 (1965) ("'Recoupment is contradistinguished from setoff in these .  . . essential particulars:  1st.  In being confined to matters arising out of, and  connected with,  the transaction  or contract  upon which the suit  is brought . . . .'" (quoting Waterman, Set- Off, Recoupment and Counterclaim   480 (2d ed. 1872))).  See

generally  20  Am.  Jur.  2d  Counterclaim, Recoupment,  and

Setoff    11, 16-18 (1965).


          This   technical   legal  terminology   does   not necessarily  reflect ordinary  usage.   After  all, a  grain buyer who wants  to deduct from the contract  price the cost of drying the defectively wet grain might say that he simply wants to  "set off" the  drying costs  against the  contract price.    Lawyers, too,  might  fall  into  this  manner  of speaking, for often the technical legal distinction does not matter.   See,  e.g., B &  L Oil,  782 F.2d at  157 ("Modern

rules  of pleading  have diminished  the  importance of  the common-law  distinctions  surrounding   recoupment  and  its companion,  setoff."); 20  Am.  Jur. 2d     10 (1965)  ("The distinctions between  . .  .  recoupment and  setoff are  no longer of  much importance . . . .").   In a few specialized circumstances,  however,   the  difference  takes   on  more significance.

          One  such circumstance is bankruptcy.  The unusual nature of bankruptcy proceedings means that certain devices, ordinarily available  to creditors  seeking to  recover from debtors, may be unavailable when  the debtor is in, or near, bankruptcy.   Among these  devices is  setoff, which  may be used  by a  creditor against an  insolvent debtor  who later files for bankruptcy only under the circumstances  described in  11  U.S.C.     553,  and against  a  debtor  already  in

                             8 bankruptcy only by  seeking relief from the  automatic stay, 11 U.S.C.   362(a)(7).  See  1 Epstein et al., supra,     3-

15, 6-38  to 6-44.  The  reason is that the  bankruptcy laws are generally designed  to maximize the debtor's  assets for the benefit  of all creditors,  and allowing  a creditor  to invoke setoff might  allow the creditor an  unfair advantage over other creditors (the creditor, by reducing  the debt he owes the debtor dollar for  dollar against the debt owed him by the debtor,  receives full  value for  the latter  simply because he  owed money to  the debtor).  Thus,  returning to our earlier example, if Smith  is in bankruptcy and Jones is permitted  to  reduce his  $10,000  grain debt  to  Smith by $5,000 because of  the unpaid cottage rental,  Jones has (1) deprived the estate of $5,000 it would otherwise have had to benefit other creditors;  and (2) received full value on his $5,000  claim  against Smith,  even  though other  creditors might not receive full value. 

          Recoupment,  on the other hand, is not a mechanism which  reduces mutual debts  "for the sake  of convenience," id.    6-45, at 704  (describing setoff), but rather  is "in

the nature of  a defense" and is  intended to "permit .  . . judgment to be rendered that does justice in view of the one transaction as  a whole."   Rothensies  v. Electric  Storage

                             9 Battery Co., 329 U.S. 296, 299 (1946); see also 4 Collier on

Bankruptcy   553.03, at 553-17  (Lawrence P. King, ed., 15th ed. 1993) (point of recoupment is to "arriv[e] at a just and proper liability" on the plaintiff's  claim).  As such, when a  debtor in  bankruptcy  seeks to  recover from  a creditor whose claim  against  the  debtor arises  out  of  the  same transaction, allowing the creditor to recoup  damages simply allows the debtor precisely what  it is due when viewing the transaction "as  a whole."   So although  it might  not make sense  to  allow   Jones  to  claim  a  setoff   in  Smith's

bankruptcy, allowing Jones to recoup  the $5,000 that he had

to spend  to dry out  Smith's defective grain seems  fair to all concerned, perhaps because a  debtor has, in a sense, no right to  funds subject to  recoupment.  See In  re Holford,

896  F.2d 176,  179  (5th  Cir. 1990).    This explains  why recoupment  is  not expressly  regulated  by the  Bankruptcy Code; some  courts even  find recoupment  unaffected by  the automatic stay.   See id.; 1 Epstein  et al., supra,   6-45,

at  712 &  n.36.    Whether a  creditor's  action against  a bankrupt debtor is characterized as a setoff or a recoupment will,  therefore, have important  effects on  the creditor's ability to prosecute the action.


          The  Miller Act  seems  to  us  to  offer  another situation  in  which  one  should  distinguish  setoff  from recoupment.  The  language of the Act permits  a supplier to recover, not the  full contract price, but  the "sums justly due him."   40 U.S.C.    270b(a).  In  our view, the  aim of recoupment,  "do[ing] justice in view of the one transaction as  a whole,"  Rothensies, 329  U.S. at  299, would  seem to

match  the statute's  requirement  of determining  the  sums "justly  due" a  supplier, making recoupment  an appropriate defense in Miller Act cases.  Indeed, we do not see  how the full  contract price  of  goods  supplied  can  possibly  be "justly due" a person who supplied defective goods.  Setoff, on the other hand, has  less bearing on whether a particular sum is  "justly due"  the claimant,  since setoff  functions mostly  as a  convenient  method  of  dealing  with  mutual, unrelated  debts.   Since a  true setoff  is not  before us, however, we  need only note  the difference and need  not go beyond the subject of recoupment to consider when or whether setoff is unavailable under the Miller Act.

          Further, the  policies underlying  the Miller  Act seem to permit recoupment.   The Act is intended "to protect those  whose labor and  materials go into  public projects," Clifford  F. MacEvoy  Co.  v. United  States ex  rel. Calvin

                             11 Tomkins   Co.,  322   U.S.  102,   107   (1944),  but   this

"protect[ion]"  does  not  include  payments  to  which  the supplier's underlying  contract does  not entitle  him.   We know this  is true because  a Miller Act claim  brought by a subcontractor  who is in privity with the general contractor

"is  subject to reduction" for "defective articles or work," even  though the subcontractor's  "labor and materials" were as much a  part of the project  as were those of  an out-of- privity supplier.   8  John C. McBride  & Thomas  J. Touhey, Government  Contracts    49.490[4], at  49-658  (1993); see,

e.g., United  States ex  rel. Browne &  Bryan Lumber  Co. v.

Massachusetts Bonding & Ins. Co., 303 F.2d 823, 828 (2d Cir.

1962),  cert. denied sub nom. Ove Gustavsson Contracting Co.

v. Browne  & Bryan Lumber  Co., 371 U.S. 942  (1962); United

States  ex   rel.  Acme  Maintenance   Engineering  Co.   v.

Wunderlich Contracting Co., 228 F.2d 66, 68 (10th Cir. 1955)

(defense   of   defective  workmanship   available   against subcontractor;   failed   in  this   case   because  general contractor did  not meet  its burden of  proof).  We  do not understand why the  existence or nonexistence of  privity of contract should  make any  difference with  regard to  these general policies.   Nor  do we  understand how  permitting a general  contractor  to  reduce a  supplier's  claim  by the

                             12 amount  that  the  general  contractor  spent  remedying the supplier's failure  to  comply  with  his  contract  somehow "unduly burdens" the supplier's Miller Act rights.  But  cf.

Avanti,  750 F.2d  at  762.   On  the contrary,  disallowing

recoupment would seem to give the supplier "rights" to which his contract does not entitle him.

          In short,  neither  United nor  the  Avanti  court

itself has  pointed to  any policy of  the Miller  Act which would be served by the Avanti rule,  nor can we imagine what

such a  policy would be.   We have examined  the legislative history  of the  Miller  Act, and  the  cases and  treatises discussing it,  but we have found nothing  that suggests the conclusion reached in Avanti.  The materials and policies we

have considered, and the language of the statute,  point the other way.

          For  these reasons,  we conclude that  the general contractor in this case  is entitled to assert a  recoupment type of defense.  Insofar as GRG shows that United delivered defective goods that failed to meet contract specifications, and proves reasonably  foreseeable damages  caused by  those defects, GRG may reduce the award to United by the amount of those damages.  


          United also  asserted a claim  under Puerto Rico's Little Miller  Act (for  the police  station project).   Our review of  that Act has  suggested no reason why  the result should   be  different.      We   note   our   belief   that "compensation,"  the  Puerto  Rican  equivalent  of   setoff discussed  at length by the  parties and the district court, see 31 L.P.R.A.    3221-22; Garcia Mendez  v. Vazquez Bruno,

440 F. Supp. 985,  988-89 (D.P.R. 1977), is as  inapplicable to  this case  as setoff  itself,  since compensation,  like setoff,  is  primarily  a  device  allowing  the  convenient simplification  of   relations  between   mutually  indebted parties.  See  Walla Corp. v.  Banco Comercial de  Mayaguez,

114 D.P.R. 216, transl. at 285 (1983).


            Application of the Law to This Case

          Applying  our  interpretation of  the  law to  the record before us, we conclude the following:

          First,  the   district  court   correctly  granted summary  judgment in respect to GRG's "front loading" claim. We find  no specific  facts in  GRG's opposition  to summary judgment that demonstrate a "genuine" or "material" issue of fact with respect to that claim.


          Second, we believe that the district court's grant of  summary judgment,  at least  by the  time it  denied the motion for reconsideration, rested upon an erroneous view of the law.   The district court, therefore,  should reconsider the  motion.   The  summary  judgment  record,  however,  is somewhat  confused  because  GRG  presented some  pieces  of evidence  in  its  initial opposition  and  other  pieces of evidence when  it moved  for reconsideration.   Under  these circumstances, we shall ask the district  court to begin the summary judgment proceedings  anew, so that the  parties and the court may proceed under the proper legal standard.  GRG, however, may  raise only  the issue of  recoupment.   In all other  respects,  the  court  will  assume  that  United  is entitled to summary judgment.

          The  judgment of  the  district court  is vacated. The plaintiff may file a  new motion for summary judgment in the  district court.    The defendant  may  not oppose  that motion on the  issue of liability,  but may contest  damages based  on the principles  of recoupment as  outlined in this opinion.

          So ordered.

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