United States v. Youtsey
(charging jury). We are nearing the end of a long trial. The strain upon all of v. has been great, but the burden has fallen most upon you, who, accustomed to active life in the open air, must have grown weary with the long days of the hearing. I congratulate you that your tedious service is drawing to a close, and I thank yon for the quiet patience and earnest attention which you have manifested.
By a law of the United States, any persons who comply with certain requirements therein set out can obtain a charter and establish a na tional bank. The primary purpose of the law was to provide the means by which the government might carry on large fiscal operations. To secure popular confidence in the hanks thus invited into existence, the; law subjects them to the supervision of the head of a government bureau at Washington, called the “Comptroller of the Currency,” whose duty it is to keep a watch upon the conduct of every national bank in the country; to require reports from time to time of its operations and condition, sworn to by the officers, who may be presumed to know them; to send agents of his to make a personal examination of the books, accounts, cash, and securities of each bank; upon discovering; violations of law in the management of the bank, to take steps to prevent their occurrence; and if such violations are flagrant, and the condition of the hank is insolvent, to appoint a receiver to wind v. its affairs in accordance with law. The national hanking act lays down certain rules for the conduct of banks, violations of which are not punished as crimes, but which it is the duty of the comptroller to enforce. You are all doubtless sufficiently familiar with the business of banking to know that it consists chiefly of receiving money on deposit,
As already stated, violations of these rules are not punished as crimes, but it is left to the comptroller to enforce them by an exercise of the supervisory power intrusted to him by law. The national banking act statute does, however, denounce as crimes certain acts of banking officers, in order to secure fidelity and honesty on their part in the performance of the duties and the discharge of the trusts assumed by them, and in order to obtain from them a truthful statement of the condition of the bank in their charge. Section 5209 of the Revised Statutes of the United States provides that every president, director, cashier, teller, clerk, or agent of a national bank who embezzles, abstracts, or willfully misapplies any of the money, funds, or credits of the association, or who makes any false entry in any book, report, or statement of the association with intent to defraud the bank or any other person, or with intent to deceive any officer of the bank or any agent appointed to examine the affairs of the bank, shall be deemed guilty of a crime, and be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary. The indictment of the defendant which you are to try charges him with violating this section. The grand jury, in charging an offense, is entitled to describe it in as many ways as it sees fit, in different counts, in order to make sure that the proof produced on the trial will correspond with the description of the offense in some one of them. But one punishment, however, is imposed for the same offense, however many the forms in which it is described. The grand jury is also entitled to embrace in one indictment charges of different and distinct offenses committed by the defendant, of a similar nature.
Coming now to the indictment in this case: It embraces 27 counts. Of these, the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh are out of the case, and you may acquit the defendant on them. Of the others, the first six counts relate to one transaction, of date December 12,1894. The charge in all six counts is substantially that the defendant, being cashier, converted notes of A. S. Berry, belonging to the bank, and aggregating some $15,000 in amount, to his own use, and to the use of Berry, without the knowledge or consent of
In the first place, the law presumes that persons charged with crime are innocent until they are proven by competent evidence to be guilty. To the benefit of this presumption of innocence the defendant is entitled; and this presumption stands as his sufficient protection, unless it has been removed by evidence proving his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The burden is on the government, before the defendant can be convicted, of establishing every essential element of the crime charged, beyond a reasonable doubt. A reasonable doubt of guilt is a doubt growing reasonably out of the evidence, or the lack of it. It is not a captious doubt; not a doubt engendered merely by sympathy for the unfortunate position of the defendant, or a dislike to accept the responsibility of convicting a fellow man. If, having weighed the evidence on both sides, you reach the conclusion that the defendant is guilty to that decree of certainty that would lead you to act on the faith of it in the most important and critical affairs of your life, you may properly convict him. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is not proof to a mathematical demonstration. It is not proof beyond the possibility of mistake. If such were the standard of evidence required, most criminals would go unwhipped of justice.
Having defined the degree of proof required to establish every necessary element of the crime charged, I come now to point out to
The first point in issue is whether the government ha,s established beyond reasonable doubt that what Youtsey did with respect to the Berry and Youtsey notes, and the Bryan, Nickerson, Drake, and Mason notes, was not known to the board of directors or to the exchange committee, and consented to by them at or before the time when it was done, on December 12, 13, and 14, 1894. If the board or the exchange committee authorized him to discount 'the .four notes which appear to have been discounted, it would not have been a crime on his part to have persuaded the makers of the notes to allow him to use the proceeds to pay his own indebtedness. In that case, if the bank was injured, it would have been with its own consent, expressed through its governing board. If the board or the exchange committee consented to the substitution of the new notes for the old notes, certainly the defendant could not be held under this indictment. On the other hand, it is sufficient with respect to this issue if the government has shown to your satisfaction, beyond a reasonable doubt, that neither the board of directors
As to the second point in issue, which is the intent to defraud or injure the bank, necessary to establish the crime: It is not a crime for a cashier to discount bad paper, or accept for collateral worthless securities, unless the act is accompanied by an intent to defraud the bank. That must appear affirmatively. By way of inducement to show the intent, the indictment avers that Bryan was insolvent, and that th,e collateral was worthless, and that the defendant knew these facts. If you And that Bryan and the others were insolvent, and that the collateral to each of the notes was worthless, or worth much less than the face value of the note,— if you find that the defendant knew that the Berry and ferry company and Youtsey notes were good, that Bryan and the others were insolvent, and that the collateral was worth much less than the notes it purported to secure, and that he did not believe either that Bryan and the others would pay the notes they had signed, or that the, collateral was of value sufficient to* pay the notes,—the presumption is that the defendant intended the natural consequences of his own act, and therefore intended to injure or defraud the bank, though this presumption is not conclusive; and it is for you to determine from the circumstances whether this presumption is ¡maintained or rebutted; and, if you do not beyond a reasonable doubt think that the presumption is the right one, then it is your duty to acquit. . And, if this be true,—what I have already stated with reference to’ the belief of the defendant and his knowledge,-^ the presumption of intent to defraud or injure the bank would not necessarily’ be .negatived because there may also flavo been present another motive, and that the chief one, if they were substitutions.
Evidence has been introduced to show that the defendant has been afflicted for some years last past with occasional attacks of epilepsy, and it has been stated by witnesses, medical and otherwise, that such attacks render the patient entirely unconscious for a short time, and take from him the normal use of his mental faculties, especially his memory, for a greater or less period immediately following each al. tack, even after consciousness has apparently returned, and that during this period he could hardly be said to distinguish between right and wrong. There was also evidence to show that, such attacks have a tendency to impair the subject’s mental faculties permanently, and especially his memory and Ms judgment. Now, one who cannot distinguish between right and wrong by reason of a diseased mind cannot be convicted of crime for an act done by him when in that mental state. The presumption is that all men are sane; but if, in the face of that presumption, the evidence is sufficient to raise a reasonable doubt in your mind that, at the time any act was committed by the defendant which is made the subject of the charge here, he was not able to distinguish between right and wrong, it is your duty to .acquit him of that charge. You, may also consider the mental condition of the defendant, though short of insanity, as a circumstance in reaching a conclusion whether he had the. intent or knowledge essential to be proven in the conviction of any or all of the charges in this indictment. In considering the mental condition of the defendant at any time, you are not confined to the medical evidence or to direct evidence of his menial condition; but you should also consider the surrounding circumstances, the work actually done by the defendant, the mental strength necessarily required, if- any, to do the work he did, and the probability or improbability that one engaged in the discharge of the duties of his office and the carrying, oh of his several enterprises could be mentally unsound to any appreciable extent, either in memory, in judgment, or in ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and still be permitted by his friends to, continue in charge of the bank and other business transactions .of importance. The mental condition of the defendant which is important here .ia
And how, gentlemen of the jury, I have concluded my charge upon the law in respect to the first 18 counts, and I come to a hasty review of the facts. You are the sole judges of the facts. The responsibility is Wholly with you. In the federal courts, however, it is within the proper sphere of the judge to assist the jury, so far as he is able, 'in analyzing the facts and stating the issues which arise thereon, provided he makes it clear, as I wish to make it clear to you, that yon are the sole judges of the facts, and are entirely warranted in rejecting my recollection of the testimony, and in declining to accept any suggestion I may make in regard to it.
Upon the issue of the knowledge of the directors of the discount of the four notes of Bryan and the others, the government has introduced every director who was a director in December, 1894, and each director has said with more or less positiveness that he never heard of these notes until some time after they were in the bank. Mr. Robson said he heard of one of the notes some time in December. Whether that was before or after may not be clear; I mean, before or after they came into the bank. Spinks and McCracken, the exchange committee for that month, are quite sure that they never approved them as a committee. For the defendant it is pointed out that the notes were regularly entered on the discount register and the other books, and that it was open to the directors, and especially to the exchange committee and to the president, Dr. Gunkel. I may say, in passing, that the fact that these notes were all set out on the books of the bank, and also their renewals, is put before you as a significant circumstance that the defendant had nothing to conceal with respect to them. Whether this grew out of a feeling of security that the defendant had with reference to his control of the directors, or grew out of a feeling of innocence on his part that he had not done anything wrong, is a matter for your consideration. The defendant further, with respect to the knowledge of the directors, points out that this was at a critical time in the history of the bank, when especial attention had been called by the comptroller to the Berry and Youtsey notes, and that their payment or removal from the bank was very likely to direct attention to the mode in which they were withdrawn; that the four new notes were for $60,000 in the aggregate, and were quite likely to invite the attention of any one giving the slightest perusal to the discount register. For the government it is responded that the board of directors was not made v. of bright business men, but of men with little or no banking experience, and of not startlingly keen perceptions, and that they al. looked to and leaned on Youtsey in spite of the warning they had received from Washington. , The only direct evidence that any one
And now as to the intent: This is naturally arrived at by studying the transactions closely. Were these .discounts real, genuine transactions, by which the makers of the notes got the cash, and then turned it over to Youtsey, or were they merely part of a scheme to give the appearance of business transactions as a cloak to a mere substitution of new paper for old, the new papers to be signed by those whose insolvency rendered them free from embarrassment in assuming a large obligation? You have heard the evidence of Bryan, Nickerson, Drake, and Mason, and will make v. your mind as to Youtsey’s purpose in the matter of his conversation with them and from other circumstances. If the collateral which he put v. on each note he believed honestly was ample security for each note, when it or its renewals should become due, it would be strong ground for concluding that his motive here was not to injure or defraud the bank, but only to help it out by relieving it from the disciplinary measures which the comptroller might take with it were the Berry and Youtsey notes to continue in the bank.
As to the value of this security you have heard much evidence. The actual sale of the stock, of which Youtsey was aware, was from 50 to 60 cents on the dollar for the Jacobs addition, and from 25 to
’ With this very hasty review of the evidence, leaving out many of the circumstances, which you must properly consider on the Berry aud Youtsey note transaction, I .leave them to you, after reminding you again that yo.u are the sole judges of the facts, and that no ‘statement of mine, either as to- what the evidence is or what its effebt is, ought to control you, if it does not accord with your recollection or your, judgment.
And now,"gentlemen, having finished the discussion of the law and evidence under the first 18 counts, and the Berry and Youtsey notes transactions;'we come'to the counts which charge the defendant with making,'or .causing to be made, false entries upon a blotter of the bank and 'the report to the comptroller' of the currency, with the in
And now I come to the evidence as to the false entries. If you do not believe that Phillips went to Yontsey’s house on the evening of December 7th, Saturday, and bad the conversation he reports, then you must acquit the defendant on the nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first, and twenty-second counts, for his guilt rests solely on that conversation. Now, did it occur? Phillips says it did. He is a confessed
In the outset, I called your attention to the requirement of the national banking act, that this bank must always have on hand cash equal in amount to 15 per cent, of the money which its depositors had left with it, and 15 per cent, of the bank notes or currency which, under the law, it was permitted to issue. This, as you will see, is a very necessary rule, because otherwise, if a bank lent out on interest all the money deposited by its depositors as soon as it came in, it might very well happen that some depositors might wish to draw out on checks more than others had put in, and there would be no money to pay them. Hence the importance of maintaining a lawful money reserve. When, however, the bank has loaned more money than it should loan to certain individuals, who either will not or cannot pay up, there is sometimes great difficulty in keeping cash enough on hand to meet this regulation of law. The letters of the comptroller read in evidence here show that this was one of the great difficulties under which this bank was laboring, and that it was largely due to the slowness with which many of those who borrowed money of it paid their notes. Let v. assume that the lawful money reserve of a bank is $75,000, and it has loaned out on notes $50,000. Now, suppose it has on hand cash amounting only to $50,000, instead of the required $75,000. Now, the natural way to make that lawful reserve good is for the bank to collect $25,000 of its loans, and make its cash v. to $75,000. But perhaps its notes are not due to that extent. Well, it can sell notes outright to some other bank for $25,000; and, by putting on the back of the notes the words “Without recourse,” it can rid itself of any liability on those notes, and in this way can get the money without assuming any obligation; or it can rediscount notes to the extent of $25,000 with some other bank,—that is, it can indorse the notes, and transfer them to the other bank, agreeing by its indorsement to pay the notes thus transferred if the makers of the notes do not. The rediscount is, in a sense, a loan. I have already said to you that the lawful money reserve need not all be kept in the vaults of the bank. It can be deposited with another bank, called its “reserve agent”; that is, its agent for holding part of its reserve. Now, then, if the notes which are sold or rediscounted are sold or rediscounted to the reserve agent bank, that bank need not send the cash to our bank’s vaults; it can just enter v. a credit of that amount on its books, to be drawn against by our bank on checks or drafts; and it is just as much a part of the lawful money reserve as if it were in our vaults. Thus, you see, the account between a bank and its reserve agent plays a very important part in the question of lawful money reserve. If, by entries in this account, the bank shows that it has sold notes to its reserve agent, and has obtained a credit in this account to the amount of the notes, when in fact it has not done so, it has made a false entry, which indicates that it has more in its lawful money reserve by the amount of the notes than it really has.
With this explanation, let v. construe the meaning of Phillips’ evidence. He says that the defendant told him, by entries on the books of the Newport Bank, to change the account between it and the Third
Now, it is pointed out on behalf of the defendant that, even if it be true that Phillips had the talk he says he had with defendant on the evening of December 7th, the defendant did not tell him to introduce a: false entry as to a deposit of a check by Spinks to the amount of $12,500, and, therefore, that he cannot be held responsible for that entry, and its counter charge of the same amount to the Third National Bank. Whether this is true is for you to determine,—whether what he did was within the directions which he says were given to him. Phillips says defendant told him to make entries changing the balance in favor of the Third National Bank, and against the Newport Bank, so that it should be a credit of $25,000, instead of a debit of $25,000. That involved false entries to the extent of $50,000, and the Spinks entries were used by Phillips to make v. $12,500 of the change of $50,000. If this went beyond the suggestion of the defendant, and was not within his general directions, he cannot be made responsible for Phillips’ acts in respect to the Spinks entries; and you must say how that is.
It is further claimed on behalf of the defendant that the condition of the account between the two banks was such that the defendant
Coming now to the twenty-third and twenty-fifth counts, the false entries charged against the defendant are both of them involved in the false entries already referred to. If the defendant had no knowledge of the Phillips entries, or if, by reason of impairment of his memory by disease or for any other cause, you have a reasonable doubt that he did, then he should be acquitted on these counts. If, however, you find him guilty of directing those Phillips entries with intent to deceive, you will have to consider the relation of the entries in the report to the entries of December 7, 1895, and determine how great the proof, if any, of his guilt upon these counts.
The twenty-fourth count stands by itself. It relates to the item of $47,000, legal tenders in the comptroller’s report, which Hengelbrok says was false, because he was counting as legal tender upon that day a memorandum of an overdraft of Spinks for $20,000; that he began to do this, by direction of the defendant, on September 26th, after an argument with the defendant; that he expected payment of the overdraft from day to day; that defendant wished it counted because they were expecting to be called on for a report in a few days, and he wished to strengthen the cash; that there were constant calls over the telephone upon Spinks to make the overdraft good, but that he did not do so until January. Did the defendant know that this was in the cash,—that this overdraft was counted in the legal tender when he made the report? He adopted, it is said by both Phillips and Hengelbrok, this method of an overdraft, in order to force Spinks to pay, and the pressure on Spinks was daily. The natural question which suggests itself is: Is it possible that the defendant would not have known whether that overdraft was paid when he made his report in December,—the overdraft by Spinks for $20,000, which he had himself directed to be carried as a memorandum? If it is possible, then he should be acquitted. If, however, he did know it, and yet caused it to be entered, an entry of.legal tenders which included that overdraft would be false; and, if calculated to deceive, it is to be presumed that defendant intended the natural consequences of his own act, though this presumption is not conclusive.
In conclusion, I wish to add that the defendant is not on trial for the failure of the bank, nor for mismanagement of its affairs, nor for general losses of stockholders, but only for specific offenses charged in the indictment; and the condition and management or mismanagement of the bank are only to be considered as they reflect light upon and furnish a motive for or otherwise explain the acts of the defendant and the. other parties to the transaction we have investigated.
And now, gentlemen of the jury, I am done. I commit the case to you, confident that you will do justice between the United States and the prisoner at the bar. He is most unfortunate in his bodily and
The jury returned a verdict of guilty on every count, except the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh, as to which, in accordance with the instruction of the court, the verdict was not guilty.