United States v. Venegas-Sagaste

2:10-cr-00248 | D. Nev. | Dec 2, 2011

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) ) 9 plaintiff, ) j I I ) I 10' v . ) 2:10-CR-248-JCM (GW F) i ) I 11j JOSE VENEGAS-SAGASTE, ) ) 1 12 Defendant. ) 13 PRELIM INARY ORDER OF FO RFEITURE 14 n is Court finds that on Decem ber 2, 20l 1, defendant JOSE VENEGAS-SAGASTE pled 15 guilty to Count One of a Five - count Crim inal lndictm ent charging him w ith Conspiracy to Distribute 16 a Controlled Substance in violation of Title 21, United States Code, Sections 84l (a)(1) and 17 (b)(1)(A)(viii) and 846. 18 n is Court linds defendant JOSE VENEGAS-SAGASTE agreed to the forfeiture ofproperty l 9 set forth in Forfeiture Allegations of the Criminal lndictment, 20 n is Court finds, pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 32.2(b)(1) and (2), the United States of 2 1 Am erica has shown the requisite nexus between property set forth in the Forfeiture Allegations of the 22 Crim inal lndictment and the offense to which defendant JOSE VENEGAS-SAGASTE pled guilty . 23 The following assets are subject to forfeiture pursuant to Title l 8, United States Code, Section 24 924(d)(1), (2)(C), and (3)(B) and Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461(c); Title 21, United 25 States Code, Section 853(a)(1), (a)(2), and (p); and Title 2l, United States Code, Section 88l(a)(1 1) 26 and Title 28, United States Code, Section 2461(c):

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( (a) a Star Firestar 45, a .45 caliber semiautomatic handgtm with serial number 2059799; (b) any and a11 ammunition; and an inpersonam criminal forfeiture moneyjudgment of $12,500.00 in United States Currency tltpropertf'l.

This Court finds the United States of Am erica is now entitled to, and should, reduce the atbrem entioned property to the possession of the U nited States of Am erica. N O W TH EREFOR E, IT IS H EREBY ORD ER ED, AD JUD O ED , A N D D ECREED thatthe U nited States of A m erica should seize the aforem entioned property. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED a1l right, title, and interest of JOSE VEN EGAS-SAGASTE in the aforementioned property is forfeited and is vested in the United States of America and shall be safely held by the United States of America until further order of the Court.

IT IS FU RTH ER O RDEILED , A DJUD G ED , AN D D ECR EED the U nited States of A m erica shall publish for at least thirty (30) consecutive days on the ofticial internet government forfeiture website, www.forfeiture.gov, notice of this Order, which shall describe the forfeited property, state the time under the applicable sotute when a petition contesting the forfeiture must be filed, and state the nam e and contact information for the governm ent attorney to be served with the petition, pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 32.2(b)(6) and Title 2l, United States Code, Section 853(n)(2).

IT IS FU RTH ER O RDERED , A D JU D GED , AN D D ECREED apetition, ifany, m ustbe tiled with the Clerk of the Court, 333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, N evada 89101. IT IS FU RTH ER O RD ERED , A D JU D GED , AN D D EC REED a copy of the petition, if any, shall be served upon the Asset Forfeittlre Attorney of the United States Attorney' s Office at the follow ing address at the tim e of tiling:

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Assistant United States Attorney M ICHAEL A. HUM PHREYS A ssistant United States A ttorney Lloyd D . George U nited States Courthouse 333 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Suite 5000 Las Vegas, N evada 89101 ,

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED the notice described herein need not be published in the event a Declaration of Forfeit-ure is issued by the appropriate agency following publication of notice of seizure and intent to administratively forfeit the above-described assets.

DATED this day of Q - , 2014, d D STATES DISTRICT JU DG E