2:04-cr-20019 | W.D. Ark. | May 17, 2006


WESTERN DISTRICT OF ARKANSAS FORT SMI'I.II DIVISION L]NITED STA'|ES OII AMER]CA PI,AIN'I'I['F. (lr. No. 2:04CR?00 I 9-00 I v s . DANIEI, SF,RRNNO, DllIDNDANT. ORDER FOR REM]SSION OF SPFCIA d^V "f -h1e+-, 2006, comes o to hc Now on this /'ff, colsiderecl the Governficnl's Pctition for Remjssion ol Special Asscsslnctrt. The Cour1, heing well ard sulliciently advised. finds and orders as follows with respcct tllcrcto:

l. On August 2. 2004. f)cfcndant was sentenced to lwelve mtrnths incarceration, one yeat supervised release, and a li | 00.00 $pccial asscssment, 2. The Govermnent moves to remit Del'endant's spccial asscssnlcnt pursuant to ltt l.l.S.(1. $ 3 573, which providcs: L.lpon pctition of thc Oovernment sliowing that reasonable ellirrts to collcct a finc... are not likely to be effeotive, the oourt nray, in the intcrcst of.iusticc - - The Governnent states lhirt the Delerrdant was depofled on.lanuary 28, 2005 , antl that

thcrc is no rcasonablc likclihood that thc spccial asscssmcnt can bc collected. 4. Upon due consideration, the Oovermnent's Petition for Remission of Special Asscssrncnt is hcrcby granted and Defcndant's spccial IT IS SO ORDIRED. t-DJspffifrc'tifrt**^* ORABI.,E RORER wesrurfi U. S. DIS'TRIC'I' JTJDCE MAY | 7 2006 cHRlE R Joiiilt0ii' cLEliK R{ DEPLIIY CLEHK

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