United States v. Santillan-Gonzalez

3:15-cr-02414 | S.D. Cal. | Dec 9, 2015

Case 3:15-cr-02414-BAS Document 43 Filed 12/09/15 PageID.106 Page 1 of 4

\ AO 245B (CASDRev. 08/13) Judgment in a Criminal Case UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DIStRICT OF CALIFORNIA JUDGMENT IN. A CRIMIN. M(:ASE . t,,, . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ,- - .. : -' - " /' --,'- - -" (For Offenses Committed On or Atre~'NOvember 1~'1987)' . V. Case Number: 15CR2414-BAS ....... _ -¥Vf. . MISAEL SANTILLAN-GONZALEZ (I) KRISKRAUS Defendant'.s' Attorney 50698298 REGISTRATION NO. D - IZI pleaded guilty to count(s) ONE (1) OF THE INFORMATION D was found guilty on count(s)

aftera plea of not guilty. '. .. '.' . • . . . . ..••.... ...• " : " . • .••• ' / '< . . . . Accordingly, the defenqant is,adjuqged guiltyofsucb,count(s);~bichin.~91v~thef9Jlpwin.goffel1se(s j: '" .' .. Count . NiimberCs} . 1

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',-,"",:_,::"":-"<:--"- ",,- "-- . The defelH!atJtiss~nt~;;ced~~~9viJed~pages~tbio;;~: .' ..•.....•. . ....••. r', ,L:~tthisj!l\lgl!lel1~' The sentence is imposed pursuant to ,th~ SentencingReformActoti9~4,:;: ..•.. , D Thedefeodanthas b~entoui.d.no~~iity~h coUni(~J.< ."

"., . ············<i~i-'>·--· ."". -'di..,..··s..,.·iIu..,.·s-se..,.\!"';,--.ti""··ih--e"-m--o""ti-'on-.... of"'th""· e--.u"'n~it-'ed-sta~.t-'-es-.----"-- tJ Connt(S) -----",.,..,...~""""' ........ ~.,.,..,.---+---.,'+.:;:."-,'.' ... ., ,',' - IZI Assessmeot: $100.00~A.I~E6. ••.•. . . ....>, ·,.i.;. . .... ;. '>"'/-'i:::'-;'::-'::'''':~'''';'' } ::':'.:-:.">_;:'-~:):".,:, . ... D f'Orfeitlireptiisilatlt±6ora~~fi:jed IZI No fine'. '.' '.' .......• .....•. ." .... . ... ,included herein. . IT IS OROERE[)that~e4~Kei1da.Dt~~aJl1l9~iiy~~.lJn\~~dStatesAttof!1eifor .thisdfstrict within 30 qaysofany change of name, . residence, oi'D)allifiga.d<lres~uiltil.anf'rites,r¢~tituiiqn,clJst&,aridspedal ~ssessIilents impose<l by this judgment are fully paid. If 0I;4~redtopay re~tifi.\tion,the:g~fe)ld!l1lt shallnotifYthllCOurt andU!litedSta.t~s.i\ttorney of any material change inthedefeIi<lll!'ttrsecon(ji'l).iC'.CirpUriistari~C:s",,;< '., ,.' i ' i ' ;<

;"<., .. ,'-;-,.'. . 15CR2414-BAS