3:00-cr-03019 | N.D. Iowa | May 5, 2006

%At'} 245[) [Rev. 12/03) judgment in a ('.`rirninal Case fur Revoealions Shcet l UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DIS'I`RICT OF IOWA UNITED STATES OF AIV[ERICA .lUDGrl"i/l"l‘ll*il'l1 lN A CRIl\/[INAL CASE V. (For Rcvocation of Probation or Supervised Release} JGHNNY MAKEDDNSKI Case Numbe:r: CRUO-.di)i‘.l-(ii)i-MWB USM Number; 083|]7-(|29 ,lose|_lh William li`lannerv i'Je fendant‘s Atitn'ney THE DEFENI)A N'l`: l admitted guilt to violation of condition(s) Special Condition #1 &'. #2 of the term of supervision i:l was found in violation of condition(s) after denial o|` guilt. The defendant is adjudicated guilty of these vit'ilations: Violation Number Nat.ure oi` Violation Violation Ended Speeial Condition #1 Submitted a urine sample that tested presumptive positive for cocaine 04/10/06 and admitted taking prescription prescribed to another. Speciai Condition #2 Admitted to consuming aicohol. 09/17/{}3 The defendant is sentenced as pn)vided in pages 2 through 4 of this judgment 'i`he sentence is imposed pursuant to the Senteneing Reforrn Aet of 1984. |:l The defendant has not violated condition(s) and is discharged as to such vi:_ilation(H) condition it is ordered that the defendant must notif the Llnited States attorney for this district within 30_ days of any _ _ change of name, residence, or mailing address unti all fines. restitution, costs, and special assessments imposed b this Jtidginent are fully paid. if ordered to pay restitution, the defendant must notify the court and United States attorney of materia changes in eeoru`)mie eireumstanees. May 1, 2006 Date of imposition of.ludgmcnt MMMI'”L~# flignature of judge Mark W. Bennett, Cllief U. S. District Court .ludge Nan'l.c and Title of Judg¢ fig " ‘ A() 2451) (Rcv. lIIil.'-l ludgrnent in a ('.`riminal (_'.`ase for Revoeatiuns fiheet 2_ Imprisonmenl .Iudgment »-» Fagc 2 ol" 4 DEFENDANT: JOHNNY MAKEDONSKI CASE NUMBER: CROil-IiiQ-i]()'l-MWB I'MPRISONWI'ENT The defendant is hereby committed to the custody of the United States Bureau of Prisons to be imprisoned for a total term of : time served tone dagl. The court orders the defendant l_‘emai_n i_n_the custody of the United States Marshal until such time a bed has been secured at a eonununity corrections tacihty. |:| The court makes the following recommendations to the E.ureau of Prisons: m The defendant is remanded to the custody of the United States Marshal. |:| The defendant shall surrender to the United States Marshal i`or this district: i:l at |:l a.m. l:l p.rn. on l:l as notified by the United States Marshal. l:l The defendant shall surrender for service of sentence at the institution designated by the Bureau of Prisons: |:l before 2 p.m. on |:l as notified by the United States Marshal. l:l as notified by the Probation or Pretrial Serviees Uffiee. RETURN I have executed this judgment as follows; Dcfendant delivered on to a with a certified copy of thisjudginent_ t_iNlTE|} H'I`A'l`[".S MARSIIAL By DEPUTY UNITED S'T`ATES MARHHAL AO 2450 (Rcv. lZi'¢JEl) .ludgmciit iii a (_frirriiiial Casc for Rcvocatioiis Sheet 3 _ Supervised Release .ludgment_Page 3 of § DEF.ENDANT: .IOHNNY MA KEDONSKI CASE NUMBER; CRDU-§i]lQ-O[ll-MWB SUPERVISED RELEASE Upoii release from imprisonment the defendant shall be on supervised release for a term of : twelve 1121 months. The defendant must re ort to the robation office in the district to which the defendant is released within 72 hours of release from the custody of the urcau of risons. "l`he defendant shall not commit another federal. state or local criine_ The defendant shall not unlawfully osscss a controlled substancel 'l`he defendant shall refrain from any unlawful use of a controlled substance The_ defendant shall su mit to one drug test within 15 days of release from imprisonment and at least two periodic drug tests thereafter as determined by thc ciiurt. |:| The above drug testing condition is suspended, based on the court’s determination that the defendant poses a low risk of future substance abusc. (Check, if applicable.) l The defendant shall not possess a firearm1 ammunition1 destructive device, or any other dangerous weapoii. ((_'.`hcclt1 if applicahlc._) - The defendant shall cooperate in the collection of DNA as directed by the probation offieei”. (Cheel<, if a.pplicable_) l:l 'i`he defendant shall register with the state sex offender registration agency in the state where the defendant rcsicles, works, or is a student. as directed by the probation officer, (Checl
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