3:07-cr-05310 | W.D. Wash. | Aug 4, 2009

,| Case 3:07~cr-05310-FDB Document¢M-Z Filed 07131/2009 Page1of3 1 \ll|\\ ll||| |ll|| ll|l\ l\|ll \\lll |\l|\ ll\| \ll\ \\ll|ll| l|ll\l llll| |l\|l |\\l \l| lll\ THE HONORABLE FRANKLIN D_ BURGESS 07-CR-05310-ORD ‘-'DC£J'-|O`JUl~D- 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 AUG ~4 2009 clear v wEsn.=RN nlsm:c$`cs)l= 3§§1§§,%§§$1§ UNITED STATES DISTRICT CI l " _ WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHH\TGTON AT TACOMA T T TA CO DEPUMS UNITED STATES OF AIV[ERICA, Plaintift`, CaSe No.: CRO7-531(]FDB VS. BENJAMIN MICHAEL GORMLEY, ) § ) ORDER PROVIDING TRAVEL ) EXPENSES ) ) ) ) ) Defendant THIS MATTER comes on before the above-entitled Court upon Defendant’s Motion for Order Providing Travel Expenses entered on July 31, 2009. Based on the findings made in that Motion, it is hereby ORDERED that the United Stetes Marsha] arrange for Mr. Gormley’s non-custodial transportation or furnish the fare for Mr. Gorm]ey to travel from St. Claire, Missouri to Tacoma, Washington on or before August 11, 2009 at 9:30 aunt for a healing on that date. l'l` IS FURTI-IER ORDERED that the United States Marshal provide an amount for Subsistence expense within the limits set out in IS.U.S.C. § 4235. *=¥ii¢ *** MOTION FOR ORDER PROV[DING TRAVEL EXFBNSES - 1 Law Ofiice of_zenon rem olvera 1003 s¢. Yaklma Av¢., sum 302 'I`acc¢ma, WA 93405 (253_`) 272-9967/Fax: (253) 572-1441 O£DGC"-JO'JU!-F>OJ|\J-»-\ mwNNNMMN-»-L-»A..=._»A_\._\_\ -~lmr.n€=-mm-»c)cooo-~:o)m~h~<.om_\ Cese 3:07»cr-05310-FDB Document 44-2 Filed 07!31/2009 Page 2 of 3 The Clerl¢; shall send uncertified copies of this order to counsel for Mr. Gormley, counsel for the United States, and to the Unjtecl St tes Marshal. DATEDthis ` day of 2009. apa {.rv THE n NoRA;eLE Fl;,éNKLn\I D/BURGESS - Submitted by: Approved Vz`a E-Mail: 7/'3]!09 Gregory A. Gruber Assistant U.S. Attorney MOTION FOR ORDER PROVID]'NG TRAVEL EXPENSES - 2 Law Off‘“e °fz““°“ PE":T mmi-3 1008 So. Yakima Ave., Suite 302 Taeoma, WA 98405 [253} 272-996?/173]¢: [253) 572-1441