2:08-mj-03033 | C.D. Cal. | Dec 16, 2008

\OQO\]O\U\-[>~b.)[\.)o-¢ NNN[\)N\\)N[\)N>-‘\-*)-\)-¢»_o>_-»_-»_\)-¢o-\ OO\IO\Lll-I>L»Jl\)*-‘O\DOO\]O\LJI-I>WN*-‘C> Case 2:08-mj-03033-DUTY Document 5 Filed 12/16/08 Page 1 of 4 Page |6 HW UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA NO. OK- IMA-ozozz United States of America, Plaintiff, ORDER OF DETENTION AFTER HEARING V. (18 U.S.C. § 3142(i)) Ernesto Blancarte Duran, Vvvvvvvvvvv Defendant. I. A. ( ) on motion of the Government involving an alleged 1. ( ) crime of violence; 2. ( ) offense with maximum sentence of life imprisonment or death; 3. ( ) narcotics or controlled substance offense with maximum sentence of ten or more years (21 U.S.C. §§ 801,/951, et. seq., 955a); 4. ( ) felony - defendant convicted of two or more prior offenses described above. B. On Motion (vY (by the Government)/ ( )(by the Court sua sponte) involving: \OCO\!O\Ul-PL)J!\)*-‘ NNNNI\)NN[\JN)-‘»-¢)-¢>-‘»-*>-¢»-‘»->-d\_a OO\IO\LA-PUJ[\)'_‘O\OOO\]O\UI-LWNF_‘O Case 2:08-mj-03033-DUTY Document 5 Filed 12/16/08 Page 2 of 4 Page |D #:18 l. (vJ/serious risk defendant will flee; 2. ( ) serious risk defendant will a. ( ) obstruct or attempt to obstruct justice b. ( ) threaten, injure, or intimidate a prospective witness or juror or attempt to do so. II. The Court finds no condition or combination of conditions will reasonably assure: A. (“{ appearance of defendant as required; and/or B. (vL/safety of any person or the community III. The Court has considered: A. (X) the nature and circumstances of the offense; B. (X) the weight of evidence against defendant; C. (X) the history and characteristics of the defendant; D. (X) the nature and seriousness of the danger to any person or to the community. IV. The Court concludes: A. (V§ Defendant poses a risk to the safety of other persons or the community because: D@é/)/MA%'§ rr/mwwu@ huber m/‘M/za /*/>m///’}/,ms )¢/\volvma umc/wier amd nomr/¢alu\v)s /mw)h/m@ Unm(cj’/m//)m$ u)/ ago/mfg \OOO\]O'\LJ\-l>bJ[\)>-\ NN[\)NNNN[\)[\)¢-*|-*r-*>-‘>_*r-A>-A»_Ap_¢,_o OO\]O'\Ul-PWN*_‘O\COO\]O\U`l-‘>WN'_‘O Case 2:08-mj-03033-DUTY Document 5 Filed 12/16/08 Page 3 of 4 Page |D #:19 B. (v¥ History and characteristics indicate a serious risk that defendant will flee because: v I f e - f 5 l)m:)(r,d F)T'A/ité, /r)(°/uLY,L/ch pfbe O/c¥~£/LW ML¢{ /MZ 57 ba»/ resources C. ( ) A serious risk exists that defendant will: 1. ( ) obstruct or attempt to obstruct justice; 2. ( ) threaten, injure or intimidate a witness/juror because: D. ( ) Defendant has not rebutted by sufficient evidence to the contrary the presumption provided in 18 U.S.C. § 3142(e). IT IS ORDERED that defendant be detained prior to trial. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that defendant be confined as far as practicable in a corrections facility separate from persons awaiting or serving sentences or persons held pending appeal. \OOO\]O\U\-I>UJN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Case 2:08-mj-03033-DUTY Document 5 Filed 12/16/08 Page 4 of 4 Page |D #:20 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that defendant be afforded reasonable opportunity for private consultation with his counsel. Dated: FZ”[O'O[' 624/4?;'51:_"` U.S. %agi§trate Judge Jennifer T. Lum