Even if there was irregularity in the manner of impaneling the juries, the objection would be untenable, being raised for the first time in this court. There is no reason why the fact of a jury having been improperly impaneled for trial should differ from any other irregularity in selecting a jury. Such, for example, where the law requires specifically that jurors shall be citizens of the United States. In such cases, where jurors have not been citizens of the United States, but aliens, this court has repeatedly held that the alienage of the jurors could not be taken advantage of by objections made after verdict. Territory v. Abeita, 1 N. M. 545; Territory v. Yarberry, 2 N. M. 451; Anderson v. Territory, 4 N. M. 108; Territory v. Baker, 4 N. M. 122.