Toothman v. Courtney
Daniel L. Toothman obtained, by a decree of the circuit court of Monongalia county, the setting aside of a deed, made by the clerk of the county court of said county, conveying to David H. Courtney an undivided one-sixteenth of the oil and gas in a tract of 143 acres of land, lying in said county, pursuant to a sale thereof, as delinquent land, made by the sheriff. The land seems ' to be rich in oil production, carried on by the South Penn Oil Company, and the decree, in addition to setting aside said deed, requires said company to pay one-sixteenth of the oil produced by it to Toothman instead of Courtney. Believing the tax-deed valid and his title to the royalty good, Courtney has appealed.
As the decree stands upon the theory of invalidity in the assessment, non-taxability and non-salableness of the Tooth-
“ The above grant is made upon the following terms:
1st. Second party agrees to drill a well upon said premises within ten months from this date, or thereafter pay to first party a yearly rental of $144.00 dollars for further delay until such well is drilled, such rental when due, shall be deposited in First Nat. Bank of Fairmont, State of "West Ya., should second part fail to make such deposit or pay to first part, on there premises or at present residence of first part the said rental, then this instrument shall be null and void and.neither party hereto shall be held to any accrued liability or to any damages, or to any stipulations or conditions herein contained.
2nd. Should oil be found in paying quantities upon the premises, second part agrees to deliver to first part in the pipe line with which he may connect the well or wells, the one-eighth part of all the oil produced and saved from the premises.
3rd. Should gas be found, second part agrees to pay to first part three hundred dollars yearly, payable quarterly, on demand for each and every well from which gas is transported or used off the premises so long as the same is so transported or used.
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7th. Second part may at any time remove all his property and reconvey the premises hereby granted and thereupon this instrument shall be null and void.”
Ford assigned the interest acquired by this paper, along with others, to the South Penn Oil Company by an instru
For the year 1900, an entry was made in the land books, charging to Toothman an undivided one-sixteenth of the oil and gas in ' the tract of land for taxation. The taxes were extended on the same, and being unpaid, that interest was sold by the sheriff in January, 1903, as delinquent land, to Nicholas O. Vandervort, who assigned his purchase to Courtney by uniting with the clerk in the deed made to him.
No irregularities in the sale or deed, such as are usually relied upon in cases of this kind, are set up in the bill. There is an allegation of fraud, but it is unsustained by any evidence adduced. It does not appear that the entire tax on the land in which the oil and gas are was charged to any person or persons and paid under other entries in the land book, so as to make the charge against Toothman, in any sense, a double assessment on the interest owned by him. If it did, the deed would be void on that ground.
The crucial tests of the propriety of the decree,' therefore, are, first, whether Toothman owned any interest in the land; second, whether, if so, there was a valid assessment; and
We are unable to adopt the view, vigorously pressed upon us in argument by counsel for the appellee, that the instrument, executed by Toothman to Ford and assigned by the latter to the South Penn Oil Company, passed the fee simple title to the oil and gas. ' In the granting part thereof, it uses terms technically efficacious and appropriate for the accomplishment of such a result, and if they were not limited and restrained by other language and provisions, the instrument could not be held to be a lease. Though words of absolute conveyance are used, the haben&um limits them. The estate granted is a term of seven years from the date of the deed and as much longer as oil and gas may be found in paying quantities. By the discovery and production of oil and gas or one of them, the specific term of seven years may be greatly prolonged, but, tested by the letter of the deed and probably by its spirit as well, the term does not cease to be a mere term by the prolongation thereof. However long the term, an estate for years is not a freehold. Moreover, this deed implies that so much of the corpus as is conditionally granted is to be severed and removed from the land, and the implication is re-enforced by conditions annexed to the grant which compel the grantee to take the oil and gas. The instrument does not contemplate a continuing and interminable ownership of the gas and oil in place, but rather a limited right of possession and use of the land for the Severance, conversion into personal property, and removal, of certain portions thereof.
Though the instrument, construed by this Court in State v. South Penn Oil Co. 42 W. Va. 80, differed very materially in its terms from this one, the principles enunciated in that case seem to be fairly applicable here and to sustain the views just expressed as embodying the correct construction of the deed. This Court there declared as follows: “A privilege or liberty or license to search and explore the land for oil or for other minerals, coupled with a grant to dig and remove them, and convert them to the grantee’s own use, if in fee or for life, creates an incorporeal freehold right in the real estate, which may be assessed to the grantee separately from the land or its surface, and, if the minerals be
It is not necessary, however, to decide that the time limitation-upon the grant is conclusive of the character of the estate created, and we do not do so. The very great weight to which it is entitled is aided by that clause of the instrument which imposed upon the grantee, as a condition to the continuance of the estate, the payment, at the expiration of three months, of “a yearly rental of $144.00”-for delay in drilling a well, and the delivery into the pipe-line for the benefit of the grantor, of one-eighth of all the oil that should be produced from the land, and the payment of $300.00 yearly from every well from which gas should be transported and used off the premises. These provisions are strongly indicative of a lease. Found in the same instrument in which terms, technically appropriate to the conveyance of an absolute estate, are found, they furnish reason to doubt whether the parties intended that the technical terms used should operate according to their legal import. Courts not infrequently restrain the operation of such terms so as to effectuate the clear intent of the parties, deducible from the instrument as a whole, viewed in the light of its subject matter and the situation of the parties. In Jackson v. Myers, 3 Johns. (N. Y.) 388, 394, Chief Justice Kentsaid: “The iutent, when apparent and not repugnant to any rule of law, will control technical terms, for the intent, and not the words, is the essence of every agreement. In the exposition of deeds, the construction must be upon the view and comparison of the whole instrument, and with an endeavor to give every part of it meaning and effect.” See Devlin on Deeds, section 837, and the long list of cases there cited. When
In construing contracts and deeds relating to oil and gas in place and creating reciprocal rights in respect to it, courts invariably recognize an implied obligation or covenant on the part of the grantee or lessee in favor of the grantor or lessor. Among these is an implied covenant on the part of the lessee to develop the property with reasonable diligence so that the lessor may come into possession of the benefits which it was intended he should receive. Otherwise, the contract would be one-sided, leaving the lessor at the mercy of the lessee and subject to any arbitrary action he might see fit to take. In Parish Fork Oil Co. v. Bridgewater Cas Co., 51 W. Va. 583, we said, concerning oil leases: “They are executed by the lessor in the hope and with an expressed or implied condition that the land shall be developed and oil produced. When production takes place, the lease is mutually beneficial. The royalty,' which it is stipulated in all these leases that the land owner shall receive, is generally the moving cause of the execution of the lease. If there is one principle that is asserted in Steelsmith v. Qartlan more vigorously, and with more emphasis, than any other, it is that, the lessee shall proceed to make the lease profitable to both parties and that he shall not be permitted to tie up the land. ” See Petroleum Co. v. Coal Co., 89 Tenn. 381; Conrad v. Morehead, 89 N. C. 31; Munroe v. Armstrong, 96 Pa. St. 307; Huggins v. Daly, 69 Fed. Rep. 613; Ray v. Gas Co., 138 Pa. St. 576. The peculiar nature of the subject .matter of this instrument, as reflected by the decisions just referred to, viewed in the light of the difference in consequences and results between a lease and an absolute conveyance upon condition subsequent, and the customary method of dealing with it, are to be considered in connection with the terms-.
The decision in State v. Low, 46 W. Va. 451, relied upon by counsel for the appellee as sustaining their construction of this deed, deals with a paper radically different from this in many respects. It conveyed all the oil and gas in a certain tract of land, for and in consideration of the sum of eight dollars, on the sole condition of the payment, by the grantee to the grantor, within ninety days after the completion of a well on the premises under a lease to which the conveyance was subject, of the sum of $800.00. The penalty was failure of title. There was no provision for the payment of any royalty or rental, nor any covenant, express or implied, for the development of the property. The grantor parted, conditionally with his entire interest in the oil and gas, and for all time, not for a mere term of years. It was agreed, among other things, that, if any royalty should be produced under the lease then on the land, it should go to the grantee.
Our conclusion is that the instrument under consideration is a lease, vesting in Ford a right of exploration and production on the usual terms of one-eighth of the oil to the lessor, as royalty, and seven-eighths to the lessee, as a “working interest,” which passed by assignment to the South Penn Oil Company, leaving the fee simple title to all the oil and gas in the lessor.
Of this, he conveyed to Joseph H. McDermott one-sixteenth, retaining the title to. fifteen-sixteenths. By the deed to Wilson he conveyed the land in fee, reserving to himself “all the oil rental.” What right or title remained in him by virtue of this reservation is a question not free from difficulty. We all agree that he still had a fee simple estate in the oil and gas, but we differ as to the extent of that interest. My associates, except Judge Miller, are inclined to the view that he retained an undivided one-sixteenth. I am
Though he did not reserve by name the oil in place, or any part of it, his reservation of all the rental or royalty to be derived from it, compels the court to hold, by construction of the instrument, that it vests in him the title to that thing, the beneficial use whereof has been reserved, namely, the oil in place. Jarman on Wills, m. p. Y41, says: “A devise of the rents and profits or of the income of land passes the land itself both at law and in equity; a rule, it is said, founded on the feudal law, according to which the whole beneficial interest in the land consisted in the right to take the rents and profits. And since the act 1 Viet. c. 26, such a devise carries the fee simple; but before that act it carried no more than an estate for life unless words of inheritance were added. But where a testator, seised or possessed of a reversion in fee or for years, to which rent was incident, devised or bequeathed his ‘ground rent,’ not only the rent, but the reversion would pass; as he was considered, when speaking of the ground rent, to mean by that term all the reversionary interest, of which the rent was the immediate fruit. ” This principle was applied by the supreme court of Pennsylvania in Weakland v. Cuningham, 7 Atl. Rep. 148, in which it was held as follows: “The fol
Not doubting the soundness of this legal proposition or its applicability in the construction of deeds, as well as wills, I unhesitatingly make use of it here, because it will operate justly, fully effectuating the intention of the parties. The oil was already under lease and the royalty, or oil rental, is all it can ever yield to its owner. That reserved to Toothman, he has the entire beneficial use of the oil, the equivalent of the ownership of it in place. Wilson can never derive a dollar from it, unless the conditional grant of a one-sixty-fourth interest should take effect. If there had been no lease on the land, I would be of the same opinion, for a reservation of all possible benefit of the oil is tantamount to a reservation of the corpus thereof. It matters not that, in such case, there would be a presumption that one-eighth is the royalty contemplated, it being the usual royalty, for that presumption is inseparable from the further one that the remaining seven-eighths goes with the royalty as a means of making it available, or realizing it, for where one-eighth is the royalty the residue never benefits the land-owner otherwise than by enabling him to get the one-eighth. It is given to the lessee as compensation for producing and delivering the royalty. The two presumptions are locked in indissoluble companionship. They unite in pressing the view that a grant, exception or reservation of the one-eighth royalty carries with it, as a satellite of the royalty, the seven-eighths “working interest.” That, afterwards, it happens, that a larger royalty may be obtained by the grantee, signifies nothing. He is at perfect liberty to make a better bargain for operation of the territory than it was supposed he could make. After events and mere surmises are not to be considered. The intention at the time of the execution of the deed is the test. Judge Miller concurs in the views I have here expressed.
But, whether these conclusions be sound or not, we agree that Toothman had title to at least one-sixteenth of the oil in place and that he did not have title to the whole of
The tax-deed stands upon the assessment of an undivided interest in land. Will such an assessment sustain a sale and conveyance of land for non-payment of taxes? Our statute does not contemplate such an assessment. Section 36 of chapter 29 of the Code of '1899, reading as follows, requires land to be assessed either as tracts or town lots, according to the fact: “The clerk of the county court shall make out the land book, including all extensions, in such form as the auditor may prescribe, showing for each magisterial district in one table the tracts of land and in a separate table the town lots, arranged in the alphabetical order of the names of their owners.” Accordant with said provision, and rendering proper departure therefrom impossible, section 37 of said chapter, imposes the following duties: “ In the table of the tracts of land the clerk shall enter each tract separately, and shall set forth, in as many separate columns as may be necessary, the name of the person who, by himself or his tenant, has the freehold in his possession; the nature of his estate, whether in fee or for life; the number of acres as near as may be in the tract; the name of the tract, if it has a name; a description of it as far as practicable, with reference to the water-courses, mountains or other places on or near which it lies; the distance and bearing; as near as may be, from the court house; the value of the land'per acre, including buildings; the value of the whole tract and buildings; the sum included in the value on account of buildings; the amount of taxes assessed on each tract for state, state school, county, free school, building and other district purposes, in separate columns, at the rate assessed for each of such purposes.”
The person in whose name real estate shall be taxed is prescribed in section 40 of said chapter, as follows; “As to real property the person who, by himself or his tenant, has the freehold in his possession, whether in fee or for life, shall be deemed the owner for the purpose of taxation. A person who has made a mortgage or deed of trust to secure a debt or liability shall be deemed the owner uniil the mortgagee or trustee takes possession, after which such mortgagee or trustee shall be deemed the owner. ”
It has been suggested that section 4 of chapter 12 of the
If the terms in which the law-making body has ■ expressed itself were, in any sense, doubtful, respecting this matter, which I do not admit, there would be very strong reasons for resolving that doubt against taxation of undivided interests,
Under our system of taxation, land itself, and not a mere estate or interest in it, is a primary subject of taxation, and the remedy for enforcement of payment is directly against the land as well as its owners. The statute creates a lien upon all land for the taxes thereon, 'which may be enforced by a suit in equity. It also provides for sale of the land, for non-payment of the taxes thereon, and, for failure to cause land to be charged with the taxes it ought to pay, for a period of five years, the title is forfeited and becomes vested in the state, by constitutional and statutory provisions. These provisions deal with the corpus and complete title to the land. In so far as they are constitutional, they are of great dignity, and may be considered as founded upon most weighty reasons of public policy. Such of them as are statutory must be deemed to be in execution of the constitutional plan of taxation, and highly impregnated with its spirit. Good reason for adopting the plan is found in the consequences which would flow from general use of the departure now under consideration. If fifty persons, owning equal undivided shares of a tract of land, were separately charged with their respective interests on the land book, the state’s lien for taxes would be severed into fifty'parts, and fifty suits might be maintained, and possibly would be necessary, for the collection of the taxes on the tract. It would require fifty separate and distinct sheriff’s sales for delinquency, and, if made to the state, for want of private bidders, she would be compelled to make fifty purchases .instead of one, undergoing multiplied risks of complication, delay and loss, and the state would find herself, in thousands of instances, in a relation of co-tenancy with private persons, in the ownership of land, not only as the' results of such sales, but also of forfeiture for non-entry. It would not only bring, upon the state, embarrassment in the en
It may well be assumed that taxation of land by undivided interests would be fraught with inconvenience and injury to the land owner as well as to the public, though the nature and extent thereof is not so apparent. First, the law prescribes a different mode, and so impliedly forbids it, all of which is presumed to rest upon sound reason, and as the state’s ability to sustain such burdens in the forms of expense and delay as are necessary to just, equitable and fair dealing with the tax-payer, is ample, the legislature may be deemed to have considered his best interests, as well as those of the public, in adopting the scheme of assessment and collection of taxes. Secondly, the assessment of the entire tract or lot against some person or persons indicated by statute is almost universal among the states of this country. In some states the assessment is made against the owner or occupant, in others, against the owner and in others against the person or persons having the freehold in possession. In very few instances have assessments been prescribed otherwise than by tracts and lots. Blackwell, Tax Titles, section 256 et seq; Black, Tax Titles, sections 104 & 105; Cooley, Tax. 730-733. “In a majority of the states the rule prescribed by the statutes is that lands and other real estate shall be assessed as such,, irrespective of the separate estates that individuals may have in them.” Cooley, Tax. 739.
However, inasmuch as every foot and particle of any given tract of land is made liable, by the constitution and statutes, for all the taxes charged and chargeable thereon, and it is beyond the power of the assessor, collector or owner to evade the claim and the remedies of the state, by the assessment or collectiion of only part of such taxes, it is not difficult to perceive that the owner of an undivided interest in it is subjected to great peril by the attempt to assess it by undivided interests. In such case, if one undivided interest should become delinquent, it would be the duty of the auditor to certify either the entire tract for sale, or none of it; and, if any undivided interest should be omitted for a period
A great many defects and irregularities in tax sales and tax-deeds are cured by ssction 25 of chapter 31 of the Code, but this seems clearly not to. be one of them. It is not an irregularity, error or mistake in the delinquent list, the return thereof, the affidavit thereto, the recordation of. such list or affidavit, the manner of laying off any real estate sold, the plat, the description or report. It is not an instance of the failure of any officer to do or perform any act or duty required to be done or performed by him after sale is made, or of his illegal or defective performance, or attempt at performance, of any such act or duty. Nor is it -within any of the other defects or irregulai’ities specifically cured by said section.
Affirmance of the decree would be the inevitable result of these conclusions, but for a fatal defect in the bill, which can
Agreeably to the conclusions above stated, the decree will be reversed, the demurrer sustained and the cause remanded with leave to thq plaintiff to amend his bill.
Reversed. Remanded.