Thornton v. Director of Virginia Department of Corrections

7:12-cv-00443 | W.D. Va. | Feb 14, 2013

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AT DANVILLE , VA F D /1 1 1 IN T H E UN ITED STA TES D ISTRIC T C O U RT JUL t) ey cœ e BY; FOR TH E W ESTER N DISTR IC T O F VIR GIN IA D RO AN O K E DIVISIO N A N TO IN E JER M A IN E TH O R NTO N , C ivil A ction N o. 7:12-cv-00443 Petitioner, V. DIRECTOR OF VIRG INIA DEPARTM ENT OF CORRECTIONS, By: H on. Jaclkson L. K iser Senior U nited States District Judge

R espondent. ln accordance with the written M emorandum Opinion entered this day, it is hereby

O R D ERED that respondent's motion to dismiss is GR ANTED; the nmended petition for a writ of habeas corpus, plzrsuant to 28 U.S.C. j 2254, is DISM ISSED as time barred; a certificate of appealability is DENIED; and the action is STRICKEN from the active docket of the court.

The Clerk is directed to send a copy of this Order and the accompanying M em orandum O pinion to petitioner and counsel of record for respondent. ENTER: This j w day of Febnzary, 2013. l - . S nior United States District Judge Case 7:12-cv-00443-JLK-RSB Document 19 Filed 02/14/13 Page 1 of 1 Pageid#: 295