The undisputed facts in this case are that on the 16th day of June, 1886, the defendant insurance company issued to one Bernard Ryder, one of the appellees herein, a policy of insurance on the life of Catherine Ryder, in which policy the said Ryder was named as the beneficiary. Bernard and Catherine Ryder were husband and wife. On the 14th day of August, 1886, by and with the consent of the said insurance company, appellee Ryder assigned said policy of insurance in writing to one Harvey Thornburg. This assignment was made to Thornburg to secure him against loss on account of his having, on the date of the assignment, became surety for the said Bernard Ryder upon certain promissory notes. .. The said notes- were renewed from time to time until the death of the said
The sole question presented by appellants is this: Can the holder of a valid policy upon the life of another, in whose life the holder has an insurable interest, assign the policy during the lifetime of the person insured to a third person, who has not an insurable interest in the life insured, for the purpose of indemnifying the assignee as surety for the holder of the policy ? This court has answered the question in the negative. The case of Kessler
The judgment of the trial court is affirmed.