The controversy is between the daughter and the widow of David H. Thomas, deceased, who. died holding a beneficiary certificate of membership in the association or order joined as defendant in this action. The certificate, as issued, in accordance with the application of the member, designated the plaintiff, his daughter, as the sole beneficiary. About a year after the issuance of the certificate, Mr. Thomas married the defendant Mary E. Thomas, and he died about five years later. After his death there was found interlined in the certificate, in his own handwriting, after the name of the plaintiff, where she was designated as beneficiary, the words, “and my wife, Mary Elizabeth Thomas.” No other step had ever been taken towards effecting a revocation of his original appointment of beneficiary, nor towards procuring the designation of a new beneficiary. No application had ever been made to the order defendant for a change in such designation, nor notice given that an alteration had been made by the member in the eer
Thomas v. Thomas
15 N.Y.S. 15
| N.Y. Sup. Ct. | 1891AI-generated responses must be verified and are not legal advice.