Thomas v. Mettel
Plaintiff, claiming to ¡be the owner in fee of the southwest quarter of section 29, township 104, north of range 65, in Aurora county, brought this action for the recovery of the possession of said premises from defendant,-to determine the adverse claims of the defendant, to have adjudged that the claim of defendant thereto is inferior and' invalid as against the title of plaintiff, and that defendant and all persons claiming under him be forever enjoined and restrained from thereafter claiming or asserting any right, title, or -interest in or to said lands adverse to plaintiff. The defendant by way of answer alleged that he is the owner and in the actual possession of the southeast quarter' of section 30, township 104, north of range 65, in Aurora county, and that defendant and his grantors have had actual possession of said premises and have improved the same and paid the taxes thereon for more than ten years prior to- the commencement of this action, and that said described premises, the said southeast of said section 30, is the identical land which plaintiff claims to he the owner of as the squthwest of said section 29. Prom these pleadings it will be observed that the controversy between these parties is whether or not the said quarter section of land is in fact the southwest of 29 or the southeast of 30 in said township and range.
Finding no error in the record, the order and judgment appealed from are affirmed.