53 F. 507 | E.D. Mich. | 1892
About 9 o’clock A. M. of July 24, 1891, the weather being clear and i he wind fresh from the northwest, the schooner J. F. Card, bound down, came into collision with the steamer Iron Chief, having- ia tow the barge Iron Cliff, both coal laden and bound to Duluth. The collision occurred a short distance above Iiound Island, at the hi -ail of St. Mary’s river, and at its junction with Waiska bay, and on the extreme northerly side of the channel leading between “Middle Ground Buoy,” Xo. 76, (red spar buoy,) and “Opposite Middle Ground Buoy,” Xo. 79, (black spar buoy,) as these are designated and located in the United States official “List of Beacons, Buoys, and Stakes.” Buoy Xo. 76 marks the north side of the channel, and is 250 feet X. X. W. of Opposite Middle Ground Buoy Xo. 79, which is on the south side of the channel. The course up this channel is X W. by W» 1-2 W. This is sometimes styled the “Steamboat Channel,” because steamboats almost invariably pursue it. About half a mile S. by E. of black spar buoy Xo. 79 stands Waiska bay buoy, a third-class can buoy, painted red, and marking the north side of a safe and much wider channel than the first, with a depth of 16 feet. With this channel the master of the schooner was not unfamiliar. The J. F„ Card was 137 feet long and 25 feet beam. She was laden with a cargo of block stone,
There is no ground for the charge that the steamer was negligent in going ahead after the schooner indicated her purpose to enter the channel. At that time it was too late for the steamer, incumbered as she was, to recede. She had passed the entrance to the southerly channel, and the only alterna Lives presented to her were to keep on her course with caution, or to stop until the schooner had passed down. She was prudently slopped until the vessel’s course was determined. When that was learned, no rule of law or prudence re
The charge that the steamer failed to keep out of the way of the schooner is scarcely consistent with the admission that the steamer’s porting was a pardonable error of judgment, rather than a fault requiring her condemnation. While the law requires a steam vessel meeting a sailing vessel to keep out of the latter’s way, it is equally positive that the sailing vessel shall hold her course. The obligation of the steam vessel to perform its duty under this rule is not absolute and unqualified, but dependent upon the adherence of the sailing vessel to her course. Were it otherwise, the occurrence of the collision would be decisive of the liability of the steamer. The libel alleges “that said schooner kept her proper course, and entered said channel nearest the upper buoy, leaving plenty of room for said steamer and her consort to pass to leeward, and where the master of said schooner expected said steamer to pass him.” The proofs do not bear out this allegation. The master of the Card testified that, when he put his helm up, he intended to pass the steamer to port, if he could; that he put the helm up, intending to make his vessel swing all she would; and that, regardless of the manner in which the steamer passed him, he was going to make the swing as quick as the helm and the slacked foresheet would allow, — adding: “I didn’t put the helm up purposely, with the understanding I would pass him to port.” He further says: “H the Iron Chief had not been there, I would have gone down in the middle of the channel, all right.” His protest, made the day after the collision, also contradicts the theory of the libel. It states:
“* * * And when the Iron Chief was passing up through the buoys, near the Middle Ground, we were on our course, standing off to make the said channel. Wind northerly, air clear, foresail and three jibs set. AVere sailing to pass the Iron Chief to port; and, when about two lengths away, the captain of the Iron Chief sang cut, ‘Put your helm hard down,’ which we did, and endeavored to pass the Iron Chief. But the Iron Chief ran into us, carrying away our forward works, and causing us to leak badly. * * *"
It is clear from these proofs that the master of the Iron Chief correctly divined the intended course of the schooner down the channel, and his judgment was confirmed as the vessels neared each
In this crisis the helm of the schooner was put down. Some of her crew testify that the collision occurred before the schooner felt the starboard wheel. The claimant’s witnesses and some of the schooner’s crew assert the contrary, a nd say, if siie had not come up at all, she would have gone under the steamer’s stern. However that may be, it is plain that, if the change was made in extremis, it was not. made necessary by the fault of the steamer, but was occasioned either by the failure of the schooner to obey her hard port wheel, or because it was shifted. Echols, who was at the wheel of the schooner, says that — ■
“The schooner would have gone down about mid-channel, i£ wo had kept on swinging, and I expected to go down that way. * * * Í got an order from ihe captain tft put the helm down. * * * Our vessel was going off! all right, and under perfect control, until that order. After I put the helm down, I first thought there was going to be trouble.”
O’Flynn, another seaman of the schooner, testified that—
“When the order, ‘hard up,’ was, given, I suppose we would go down the channel. I expected to leave the steamer on our port hand. Aside from the order to put the helm hard down, there was nothing to prevent the steamer swinging, and going down the ordinary way. * • * Starboarding our helm stopped our vessel’s swing. * * * When our helm was put, up, and the schooner paid off, I didn’t think there would be a collision, but feared it when she stopped swinging.”
Hevrell, the mate of the schooner, says:
“When our helm was put up), 1 liad no apprehension of having- a collision.”
It seems clear from this testimony that, ha,d the schooner kept her helm up, the vessel would have passed without difficulty. Whether or not, under the starboard wheel, the Card came up into the wind appreciably, is immaterial. She ceased to pay off as she ha d been doing, and that effect alone of the «larboard wheel was a change of course. The proofs are convincing thac a vessel of her class, with the wind as it was, would easily swing tlu-ee points in twice her length; and she had more than six lengths to make a safe course past the tow, if properly handled. The weight of the evidence is that her foresail was not properly run off. Had this been done, it would have facili tated her swinging. If she n ere a good-handling- vessel, and steered like a yacht, as is claimed for her, she ought to have had no difficulty in making her course good. If her failure is chargeable to any
The schooner xvas also blamable for needlessly taking a course which invited risk of collision. While the abstract right of a vessel to pursue any navigable channel in the course of her voyage is undeniable, the adoption of a course which was to some extent obstructed by a tow of heavily-laden vessels, when a free and well-known channel is open and near at hand, is censurable, and should of itself, if the proofs were nicely balanced, resolve any doubt as to the care and skill of her master against the propriety of her navigation. Her master says that he could have safely have held his course of N. E. by E. for half a mile before taking in his mainsail. If determined to sail down the channel between the buoys, he ought to have xvaited the exit of the steamer and her tow from the passage before entering it, or the schooner could have been held in stays meanwhile; for in two or three minutes the Iron Chief and her consort would have cleared the buoys. In The City of Hartford, 7 Ben. 351, the sailing vessel was condemned for a collision, in a case much like the present, because, having another channel open to her, she elected to take the chance of passing in narrow water a steamer which had, like the Iron Chief, but one channel she could take.
The collision was not caused by any fault of the Iron Chief, and the libel must be dismissed, with costs.