1 F. Cas. 595 | D. Pa. | 1861
And now, 26th November, 1861, this case was heard upon the claim oí Mitchell King, of Onaxleston, South Carolina, for two cases of books, marked ‘"xne University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, care of Mitchell King, Esq., Charleston. South Carolina, Nos. 1 and 2,” received and filed on the 14th instant, with the written consent of the District Attorney of the United States. And the affidavit of John Pennington, taken on the 16th instant, and this day fiied, being read by consent, and the letter of the said claimant therein mentioned being put in evidence, and it appearing to the court that other parts of the said letter than are extracted In the said affidavit should be considered in forming an opinion as to the sumcieucy of the authority