Tessera Inc v. International Trade Commission
2010-1176 | Fed. Cir. | May 3, 2010
NOTE: This order is n0nprecedentia|. United States Court of Appea|s for the Federa| Circuit 2010-1176 d TESSERA, ¥NC., Appe1|ant, v. lNTERNATlONAL TRADE COMM|SS|ON, Appel|ee, and ELP|DA NlEMORY, |NC. and ELP|DA MEMORY (USA) |NC., |nterven0rS, and SMART MODULAR TECHNOLOG|ES, |NC., |nteNenor, and ACER, |NC., ACER AMER1CA CORPORAT|ON, NANYA TECHNOLOGY CORPORAT|ON, NANYA TECHNOLOGY CORPORATlON U.S.A., and POWERCHlP SE|V||CONDUCTOR CORPORAT|ON, |nterven0rs, and RAMAXEL TECHNOLOGY LTD., |nterven0r, and K|NGSTON TECHNOLOGY CO|V!PANY, |NC., |nterven0r. , On appeal from the United States international Trade Commission in investigation No. 337-TA-630. ON MOT|ON Before BRYSON, Circuit Judge. ORDER The parties jointly move for an extension of time to file their opening briefs Tessera, lnc. also moves for leave to file an opening brief of up to 28,000 words The lnternational Trade Commission and the intervenors oppose the latter motion Upon consideration thereof, lT |S ORDERED THAT: (‘l) The motion for an extension of time is granted. The appe||ant's opening brief is due no later than May 27, 2010. The appellee's and the intervenors opening briefs are due no later than July 20, 2010. (2) The motion for leave to file a brief of up to 28,000 words is denied llAY 03 2010 Date cc: Morgan Chu, Esq. Panyin A. Hughes, Esq. G. Hopkins Guy, lll, Esq. Larry L. Shatzer, ll, Esq. Michae| R. Levinson, Esq. Joseph V. Co|aianni, Esq. Jonathan M. James, Esq. s8 2010-1176 -2 - FOR THE COURT g/s/ Jan Horbaly Jan Horbaly . Clerk "*iis"FrinSi'.i’%i*@iSr°“ NAY 113 2010 JAN HORBAL¥ CLERl(