The respective claims of the parties with reference to the stairway in question will sufficiently appear from the following statement, which, while not accurate in detail as to the description of the buildings adjoining it, covers all the facts necessary to be considered in determining the rights of the parties thereto: In 1876 one Ira Perigo owned lot 5 in block 19 of the town of East Des Moines, situated on the southeast corner of Sixth street and what is now designated as Grand avenue, with a frontage of sixty feet on Grand avenue, and 132 feet on Sixth street. Proposing to build a business block on the north forty-four feet of this lot, with the frontage on Sixth street, he entered into a contract with the defendant lodge by which he was to build two stories, and the lodge was to build the third story for its use, under a lease for ninety-nine years. The only portion of this lease now material is the provision that the lease covers the upper story of the building as already described, “ together with an open and unobstructed passageway to be not less than four feet wide and running from the Sixth street front of said brick building to a point on the second story where the stair commences leading to the upper story with the necessary space running south from the main passageway on the second story requisite for the building of the stairs from the second story to the upper story of said brick building.”
We are,satisfied that the decree of the trial court is right, and it is affirmed.