On or about the twentieth day of June, 1877, the Tama Paper Company was organized as a corporation for pecuniary profit. Its articles of incorporation provided for a capital stock of twenty thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, to be paid at the call of the board of directors. The company was permitted to commence business when subscription for the twenty thousand dollars of stock had been taken. The private property of the stockholders was to be exempt from the payment of the corporate debt, excepting for amounts due on stock. Defendant was one of the incorporators and original stockholders of the company, and signed the stock subscription paper twice. Opposite his first signature was written, “Twenty-five shares.” Opposite his second signature, and following it, was written, “ Twenty-five shares of preferred stock, on which the
VI. What we have said disposes of all material questions discussed by counsel. The judgment of the district court is Affirmed.