Talbot v. Blacklege
1. Fences: fencefence ‘ viewers. I. Chapter 61 of the [Revision, in relation to fences, has converted some of the offices and duties of good neighborship, into legal obligations. Its substance and practical value are not to be destroyed by refinements and over-nice constructions. The fence viewers are made a local forum for the adjustment, upon the equitable principles recognized by the statute, of the differences between neighbors in relation to their fences. It is true that, the proceeding-
The statute provides “ that either party may apply to the fence-viewers, who, after due notice to each party, may inquire into the matter, and ' assign each his share thereof, and direct the time within which each shall erect or repair his share.” Bev., § 1529. The court below found from the evidence that, in fact, “ due notice ” was given to each party. The facts in relation to the notice, as shown by the evidence, are that the fence viewers, at the request of the plaintiff, met on the 5th day of April, 1865, at the house of the defendant, fdr the purpose of dividing the line fence and assigning to each his portion; that defendant, upon being asked by the fence viewers if he had received notice of their meeting at that time and place for the above purpose, answered that he'had, and made no objection to the same; that the fence viewers then went out and examined the premises, add, after consultation, made a division, and assigned to each