State v. Womack
The facts of this case, collected from the record, as far as believed to be necessary to a correct disposition of the same, are these :
At a Term of the District Court of Harrison, the first part of the Term Judge Morris held the 'Court, and the latter part
It is believed that the right of Judge Morris to order the defendant, convicted by a verdict of the jury of a misdemeanor, to be imprisoned until the fine and costs should be paid, cannot be questioned ; and it is equally clear that, instead of making such order, he could have awarded execution for the collection thereof, against the' property of the defendant. Nor could his authority to modify the order during the Term, setting aside the imprisonment, and, instead thereof, awarding an execution, be questioned. It is believed that, as far as this
All of this, however, does not relieve us of the most troublesome part of the case. There being no record of the order modifying Judge Morris' judgment, how is the Sheriff to be protected in obeying it ? What evidence can he be permitted to introduce by which to establish the order of Judge Todd to discharge Brewer ? Can it be supplied by oral evidence, the record being silent ? The latter is a question of great difficulty of solution on principle, but after the best reflection that we have been able to bestow on it, we have arrived at the conclusion that it may be answered in the affirmative. We are aware of the rule that parol evidence cannot be permitted to falsify a record, unless on the charge of fraud ; and we acknowledge that this rule should be most strictly adhered to and stringently enforced. We believe, however, that there is a clear distinction between falsifying a record, and supplying an omission when it is silent. The record in this case speaks the order of Judge Morris, but is silent as to the order of Judge Todd ; nor do we contradict the order of the former, when we let in proof of the order of the latter subsequently made, because the last recognizes the first, and we are not