The defendant was tried, and convicted of the crime of murder in the first degree, for the killing of one Bertha Erickson by means of poison, in the circuit court of the county of Eau Claire. The case comes to this
The first question is as follows: “ The district attorney of Eau Claire county having asked the court to appoint W. W. Erwin, a resident of the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, as counsel to assist said district attorney in the trial of this cause, and objection having been duly taken and entered by the counsel for the prisoner to such appointment, on the ground, as the fact is, that said Erwin was not a resident of the state of Wisconsin, and was not and is not a member of the Wisconsin bar, was it error for the court torn ake an order authorizing said Erwin to assist as counsel in the prosecution of said cause, the charge made against the accused by the information being murder in the first degree? And said Erwin having participated in the trial for the prosecution, and having examined the witnesses for the state, and having cross-examined the witnesses for the defense, and having taken the leading part in said trial and practically controlled the management of said cause on the part of the state, having taken no oath either as an attorney or any officer within this state, exception having been duly taken by counsel for the prisoner to the participation of said Erwin therein, was it error for the court to permit said Erwin to so participate in such trial, and has the defendant been prejudiced thereby ?
It is understood that the said Erwin was a distinguished criminal lawyer of St. Paul, of great learning and experience. Sec. 752a, S. & B. Ann. Stats., provides that “ the circuit judges, within their respective circuits, are hereby
But it is plain enough that the assistant counsel of our district attorneys must be attorneys at law, and, if so, they must be of this state. The said Erwin was an attorney of the state of Minnesota, and not an attorney of this state. If he could be appointed counsel to the district attorney of Eau Claire county, so could an attorney of the city of Boston, or of the city of London, for they are all alike foreign attorneys. Our district attorneys are responsible to our people and to our courts, but foreign attorneys are not.
This question was practically settled in In re Mosness, 39 Wis. 509. The learned Chief Justice RyaN said : “ The' bar is no unimportant part of the court,.and its members are officers of the court. . . . The general business of the state within the state, executive, legislative, or judicial, must be performed by citizens 'or denizens of the state, and the officers charged with it must be resident in the state. . . . But, for all functions within the jurisdiction of the courts, their officers must be residents of the state. ... It would be an anomaly, dangerous to the safe administration of justice, that the office should
That part of the question, whether the defendant was prejudiced by such an appointment, is already answered. She certainly had a right to be prosecuted by the lawfully elected or appointed officers of the law. That right was violated. She ought not to have been compelled to submit to such a trial. She has suffered all the terrible consequences of an illegal trial and conviction for murder in the first degree. She was, of course, prejudiced by it. The error is material. We answer the first question, therefore, in the affirmative.
The third question is as follows: “ Where the district attorney, immediately after the accused was placed in jail after her arrest, employs a person to enter the jail and represent himself as sent by her attorney to obtain the facts relating to her defense, to convey them to an attorney to be employed for her in Chicago, and the district attorney, representing himself directly to her through a telephone to be her counsel, assures her that he is her attorney, and counsels her to make disclosure to such person so sent by him, and the accused is thereby induced to impart to him information prejudicial to her defense, is such conduct on the part of the district attorney such error that the court ’should not proceed to sentence and judgment upon the verdict?” The fourth and fifth questions are really a part of the above third question, and need not be specially answered. They are, in effect, whether such knowledge, so obtained, could be used against her on the trial, and whether the court should proceed to sentence and judgment when it appeared that the accused was prejudiced by reason of the knowledge the district attorney had thus obtained. If the obtaining such confidential communications from the
The matters of this question are substantially admitted by the district attorney. He may not have told the prisoner who he was, or who he was not, or any actual falsehood. But he does not deny that he led the prisoner to believe that her own attorney was talking to her through the telephone. By-this artifice she made a statement of the facts of her case to the person representing the district attorney, and through him to the district attorney himself, when she believed she was making confidential communications to her own counsel. The law of this state is so careful that the district attorney shall have no unfair advantage of the accused, and shall enter upon the trial without undue prejudice, that it places him under a disability to try the case, if he has “ acted as counsel or attorney for the party accused, in relation to the matter of which the accused stands charged, and for which he is to be tried,” and the court must appoint some suitable person to discharge his duties. Sec. 750, R. S. The only reason for such a statute appears to be because the district attorney has in this confidential manner obtained a knowledge of the case. If the district attorney has acted as counsel or attorney for the accused, by falsely personating his real counsel or attorney, and by this device obtains a knowledge of the facts of the case, he comes within the spirit, if not the’letter, of this statute. In Comm. v. Gibbs, 4 Gray, 146, it has been held that when the attorney appointed in the place of the public prosecut'or to prosecute a criminal case had been previously employed as attorney in a civil action depending on the same facts, it was a sufficient ground of error to reverse the judgment. The least that can be said of it, such a result ought to follow the conduct of the district attorney in so acting as the pretended attorney of the accused, and thereby obtaining a knowledge of her case.
No court has taken a highór view of the dignity of the office of district attorney than this court. “ He is an officer of the state, ... to see that the criminal laws of the state are honestly and impartially administered, unprejudiced by any motive of private gain, and holding a position analogous to that of the judge who presides at the trial.”
The rule is invariable that confidential communications made to one falsely pretending to be the counsel of the accused are privileged. Smith v. Fell, 2 Curt. Ecc. 667. If the district attorney had been previously the counsel of the accused in fact, and in that way obtained from her a knowledge of the facts of her case, the statute would have disqualified him from acting as district attorney in this case. When the district attorney or his assistant, by artifice and fraud, and falsely pretending to be her counsel, obtained a knowledge of the facts of her case, the reasons for his disqualification to act as the prosecuting officer against the accused are very much stronger. His own sense of justice towards the accused ought to have induced him to retire from the case. His zeal must have become the very spirit of persecution, and his prejudice in the case inordinate and intense, to have driven him into such perfidious misconduct as a high officer of the law. His acting as district attorney afterwards was an. in jury, as well as a constant menace, to the rights of the accused. It was an error fatal to the conviction. It was such error that the court should not proceed to sentence and judgment upon the verdict.
The third question is therefore answered in the affirma
By the Court.— Ordered accordingly.