Opinion by
It is to be regretted that the short time intervening between the hearing of this case and the Portland City election precludes an extended discussion of the important points raised in the briefs of counsel.
The principal contention of counsel for relators is that the amendments voted on May 3, 1913, and which for convenience we shall designate as the “commission charter, ’ ’ are now in effect, so that no nominations can' be made under the commission charter for the city officers provided for therein. By Section la, Article IV, of the Constitution, as amended June 4, 1906, full powers of initiative are reserved to the people of all municipalities as to all local, special, and municipal legislation of any character. It was provided that the manner of exercising such powers should be prescribed by general laws, except that cities and towns might prescribe the manner of such exercise as to their municipal legislation. By Section 2, Article XI, of the Constitution, as amended June 4,1906, the legal voters of cities were given power to enact and amend their municipal charters subject only to the Constitution and to the criminal laws of the state. The subsequent
Other objections are urged, but in our judgment they go merely to the policy of the proposed revision, and not to the authority to enact it.
Wbit Dismissed.