I. On the evening of March 9, 1894, this defendant, in company with "the other defendants and one Moon, went from the town of Audubon to a schoolhouse in the county, to a public meeting that was quite largely attended. Three brothers (Frank H., Leopold, and Otto Leib) were among those present. During the evening a quarrel arose between the defendant, Case, and Otto and Leopold Leib, on the porch in front of the schoolhouse. Daring the progress of the quarrel, Frank H. Leib came from the inside of the house, and, after a few words, assaulted Case, knocked him off the porch, and was pursuing the assault, whereupon defendant, McLaughlin, stabbed him in the abdomen with a knife, inflicting a mortal wound, of which the said Frank H. Leib died in a few lays thereafter. There is no evidence, nor is it claimed, that this defendant made any assault oí inflicted any injury upon deceased. ■ The claims of die state are these: That this defendant, and William McLaughlin, and others, had conspired and agreed Mat an attempt should be made to whip Frank H. Leib, or inflict some injury upon his person, or upon him and his brothers, and that the killing was done by
IV. Appellant’s further contention is that the verdict is contrary to the evidence. The controlling question of fact in the case is whether this defendant conspired to commit the unlawful act, as already stated, or advised, encouraged, or incited its commission. As already stated, we think the jury was authorized to find that he did both. We find no error in the record, and the judgment of the district court is therefore AFFIRMED.