31 Conn. 479 | Conn. | 1863
It is not easy to see how the mere act of s Siting spring guns on his own premises by the defendant can l holden unlawful in itself. That such an act could not be u holden seems to have been admitted in the leading case of Ilott v. Wilkes, 3 Barn. & Ald., 304. But it may nevertheless be true that he may be responsible for any injury occasioned thereby to individuals; and be indictable for tie
iat a man may not do directly, he may not do indirectly, the rules of the common law the defendant could not, if nt, have discharged the guns which he placed in his shop .s own direct agency, against a thief, who had broken and • ed for the purpose of stealing, he certainly could not and leave them so that the thief, if he entered, would arge them against himself. This principle was also add by the court of King’s Bench in Ilott v. Wilkes, but ction was trespass, and the judges held that the rule did pply where the trespasser had notice that the engine was reed and the danger existed. But the fallacy of their reag,in that respect, was cleai’ly shown in this court by Judge ■nan, in Johnson v. Patterson, 14 Conn., 1; and it is set-law here, that if the wrong or guilt of the trespasser or is not such as to justify the injury, if inflicted directly, a not be justified because inflicted indirectly, and by the ,ing agency of the wrong doer.
le first point made by the defendant in this case must fibre turn on the question, whether a man may take the >f any one who attempts to commit a felony, and therefore thief who attempts to break and enter a shop or out-house <e night season with intent to steal. In this case, from the we take of the nature of the offense charged against the mer, a determination of the question is not necessary, but has been raised and fully argued, and is of great practinterest, we will consider and settle it.
is clear that in the absence of any statutory provision ing the offense of breaking and entering a shop in the ■t season burglary, and by the early and strict rules of the mon law, a man may not take life in prevention of such a ie. Those rules recognize a right in every man to defend property, as well as person and habitation, by taking the of the aggressor, as a natwal right; but they also limit restrain the exercise of that right to the prevention of a ;ain class of forcible and atrocious crimes, of which break-a shop in the night season is not one at common law.
But these rules of the common law were originally founded jn reasons and adapted to circumstances which do not now exist, and it is a question of great importance and deserving serious consideration, whether that change of circumstances 1 as not created a necessity for an extension of a right to take fife hi defense of property in a shop. The offense is a felony, u.d has all the elements of a felony by violence and surprise i;, ?J burglary has, except that it is presumptively committed ■ .en no person is present, and unaccompanied by danger of sonal injury to the owner or his family or guests. But if a reason originally for the distinction between a man-house and a shop, is now to some extent practically dis-«led, for burglary maybe committed in a barn, wood i: < ■ o, or even smoke house and hen roost, though separate ■ : ; tures, and unconnected with the dwelling house, and min' sed by a common fence, if in close proximity, and “ in <, nature serviceable in respect to the abode; ” and in cases no danger of personal collision exists. 1 Bishop j., sec. 171. So doubtless, in the olden times, all the idles were contained in the castle (dwelling-house and lage) for protection, and shops were few and did not re- ¡ such protection. Now our banks, stores, warehouses, ¿factories and shops contain in large quantities our most ible property and goods, and those which are the most ly transported, and least easily identified and recovered. it certainly seems very absurd to permit a man to protect moke house and hen roost, by taking the life of the noc•il thief, and deny him the right to defend a bank, or a : ¡ full of costly jewelry or valuable silks, by the same " . is. We are aware that, writer* nn tim
The taking of life by spring guns or otherwise is confessedly lawful, by the common law, and now in England by statute, to prevent a burglary; and the breaking and entry in the night season of “ a shop in which goods, wares and merchandise are deposited,” was by express statutory provision made fmu’glary, identical in character and punishment with burglary in a dwelling-house, at an early period in our history. In the edition of the statutes published in 1808, at page 297, there is a statute entitled, “ An act for the punishment of certain atrocious crimes and felonies,” and the first clause of the statute is in these words; viz., “ that whosoever shall commit burglary by breaking up any dwelling-house, or shop wherein goods, wares or merchandize [are deposited,” Ac. The compiler in a note informs us that the clause was originally passed in 1650, and it is therefore among the earliest acts of the state; and in the case of The State v. Carrier, 5 Day, 131, decided in 1811, the fact that the statute had “ extended the crime of burglary to the breaking and entering of a shop,” was admitted by all the judges. And burglary, whether in a
re act referred to, as found in the edition of 1808, several es for which the same punishment was provided were ced in a single section. In 1821 the revisors separated into distinct sections, and in so doing placed burglary , section and' the breaking and entry of a shop in an-adding to the latter the words, “ store, warehouse and use, whether parcel of any mansion house or not,” but . ¡ . ■■ ed the same punishment, viz., three years’ imprisonment, ; jh. It is apparent from the words, “ whether parcel of ■ i ansion house or not,” and the similarity of the punish- • : that no change in the character of the offense was in- ■ l, and such has been the understanding of the profession , ie courts. In the revision of Swift’s Digest by Judge ! ■ • a, the offense is treated as burglary, (vol. 2, page 330,) st,' • our forms the word “ burglariously ” is used in informar ’< ipon the statute. In the act of 1830 respecting crimes, unishment of burglary was increased to a maximum of , jars, and the breaking and entering a shop to four years, ; at distinction in the punishment has not been regarded s changing the nature of the offense. In 1843, in the ca£^ ¿Í The State v. Lewis, 16 Conn., 32, it was distinctly recoge iízp"1 and treated as burglary. JKL
;aking and entering the shop in question in the nigmJ a with intent to steal therefrom would have been by our ; . urglary; and as by the settled rules of law life may be l to prevent a burglary, the placing of the guns in the was an act which the defendant could have justified, if eath of a burglar had been thereby occasioned,
e are also satisfied that if the guns had actually been danas to the public who had occasion to pass the highway ", , would have constituted a nuisance. The statute relative ,. aisances in highways, embraces specifically objects placed , . . cfcs done within its limits. But other acts committed . mitted upon the adjoining land by the owner thereof, which !anger and annoy travelers, are nuisances at common law. overhanging tree whose limbs actually interfere with the
Doubtless the annoyance must be of a real and substantial nature, for “ the fears of mankind though they may be reasonable ones will not create a nuisance.” 3 Atk., 750. But placing a loaded gun so as to range over a highway, cocked, and with strings attached to the trigger, so that it may be discharged by a cat or rat, or any other object coming in contact with the string, and sufficiently near and unprotected to inflict injury if any one should then be within its range upon the highway, creates a real and substantial danger, to which passengers on a highway should not be subjected.
We are not however satisfied that the facts found by.the special verdict will authorize a judgment against the prisoner. It is found that scattering shot might pass between the cracks of one thickness of the boarding, and through the other to the outside. But it is not found that they would pass through with sufficient force to inflict injury, or even to cross the intervening space between the shop and highway. It is not therefore sufficiently found that the apprehended danger to the public was real and substantial, and judgment must be rendered for the defendant.
In this opinion the other judges concurred.