I. The circumstances all point to the killing of the stray steer October 4, 1896, at about 5 o’clock in the afternoon. It was last seen after 4 o’clock, near where the entrails of a steer were found the next day. The sound of a gunshot was heard from there within an hour. The team and wagon were there at about that time. The mark of the broken hoof of the mule, similar to that of Minor’s, going before the rain and returning afterwards; the fall of the rain shortly after 5 o’clock; the •defendants’ purpose of going to the pasture at that time; and all confirmed by their possession of the meat of a steer, — warranted the jury, if believed, not only in finding the particular steer was killed, but that these defendants did the killing, and appropriated the meat to their own use.
VI. The regular panel of jurors having been exhausted, talesmen were drawn,'as provided in section 349 of the Code. The one first appearing in court was called to the jury box, and this without reference to the order in which names were drawn from the talesmen box. No objection was made by the defendants, and it is now argued that talesmen should be called to the jury only in the order drawn from that box. The section referred to is in part as follows: “In drawing such names, the clerk, when the court directs, shall reject those known to be unable to serve or absent from the territory from which drawn, and proceed until the required number is secured. The persons whose names are so drawn, or as many thereof as may be found within the territory, from which tales-men are selected, shall be immediately summoned by the sheriff to appear forthwith, and the jury shall be completed from the persons so summoned and appearing. The names of jurors so drawn, and who serve, shall be placed in a safe receptacle from time to time until all the ballots are drawn from the talesmen’s box, when such ballots shall be returned to the said box, to be drawn in like manner as before.” It will be observed that the statute does not in direct terms require talesmen to be called to the box in the order drawn. Usually a sufficient number are drawn and summoned to meet the requirements of the particular case. To procure one at a time would occasion inexcusable delay. The statute relating’ to the manner of procedure by public officers, where no negative words are used, are generally construed as directory. Dishon v. Smith, 10 Iowa, 212; Parish v. Elwell, 46 Iowa, 162. A challenge to the panel must be exercised before a juror is sworn. Code, section 3680. The drawing of tales-men is in open court, and subject to the inspection of all parties. The defendants were as well advised (or, by giving attention, might have been) as the court of the method pursued. It