The above entitled cases present for decision the same question, and, for sake of brevity, will be considered and disposed of together.
The legislature, on the 7th day of April, 1893, adopted articles of impeachment against the respondent Thomas H. Benton, late auditor of public accounts, charging him with having committed certain official misdemeanors while he was discharging the duties of the office aforesaid. On the 6th day of April, 1893, articles of impeachment against the respondent John E. Hill, ex-state treasurer, for misdemeanors in office, alleged to have been committed by him during the time he was treasurer of the state, were adopted by the legislature. The articles of impeachment against each of the respondents were presented to and filed in this court on the 10th day of April, 1893. Subsequently a plea to the jurisdiction was filed by each respondent, the two being substantially alike, which alleges, in effect, that this court should not take further cognizance of the said articles of impeachment exhibited and presented against him, because the respondent, at the time of the adoption of the same, and when the first resolution of impeachment against him was presented to the house of representatives, and at the time of the investigation which led up to said impeachment, as well as at all times since, and for a long time before the first action in relation to said impeachment
The question presented for our investigation is this: Should the pleas to the jurisdiction be sustained? The proposition stated in a different form is: Has the legislature the power to prefer articles of impeachment against a person after his term of office has expired, he at the time of such impeachment being a private citizen and not an officer of the state? The question is now for the first time submitted to this court for its consideration and judgment.
An examination of the provisions of the constitution of Nebraska on the subject of impeachment is necessary in order to arrive at a correct decision.
By section 14, article 3, of the constitution the exclusive power of impeachment is conferred upon the two houses of the legislature, when in joint convention. The section also declares that “A notice of an impeachment of any officer, other than a justice of the supreme'court, shall be forthwith served upon the chief justice by the secretary of the senate, who shall thereupon call a session of the supreme court to meet at the capital within ten days after such notice to try the impeachment. A notice of an impeachment of a justice of the supreme court shall be served by the secretary of the senate upon the judge of the judicial district within which the capital is located, and he thereupon shall notify all the judges of the district court in the state to meet with him within thirty days at the
Section 5, article 5, provides that “All civil officers of this state shall be liable to impeachment for any misdemeanor in office.”
Section 3, article 14, reads as follows: “Drunkenness shall be cause of impeachment and removal from office.”
The foregoing sections contain every provision to be found in the constitution relating to impeachment. That instrument designates the persons who may be impeached, namely, “All civil officers of this state.” It likewise specifies the grounds for impeachment. The constitution does not in express terms say that a private citizen can be impeached, nor does it contain words from which such an inference can be drawn. On the other hand, it is plain that the legislature has no power to impeach a person who has never held any public office in this state. It is civil officers who are amenable to impeachment. Section 5, article 5, so declares. None others were intended to be included by the framers of the constitution. This is clearly manifest from the language of the instrument.
Section 5, article 5, makes any misdemeanor in office an impeachable offense, and section 3, article 14, declares that drunkenness shall be cause for removal from office. These are the only grounds for impeachment enumerated in the constitution. Thus it will be seen, that acts committed by a
Judge Story in his valuable commentaries on the federal-constitution, after quoting section 4, article 2, of that instrument, which reads, “ The president, vice president," and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors,” says : “ From
The foregoing quotation is now generally accepted as a correct exposition of the law. We see no escape from the conclusion in this state, under the provisions of our constitution, that the power of impeachment extends exclusively to public officials. Where there has been no official guilt, the remedy by impeachment will not lie.
It is urged by counsel for the managers that ex-officers are liable to impeachment for official misdemeanors committed while in office; that jurisdiction attaches immediately upon the commission of an impeachable offense, and that the expiration of the official term does not deprive the legislature of the power to impeach, or the court to try.
It cannot be said that there is any provision of the constitution which expressly confers the authority to impeach a person after he is out of office, while section 5, already quoted, designates the persons who may be impeached as “all civil officers of this state.” This language is unambiguous. It means existing officers; persons in office at the time they are impeached. Ex-officials are not civil officers within the meaning of the constitution. Jurisdiction to impeach attaches at the time the offense is committed and continues during the time the offender remains in office, but not longer.
The necessary implication of the provisions in section 14, article 3, of the constitution, that “judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, profit, or trust in this state,” is that the offending party must be in office at the time the impeachment pro
Judge Story in discussing the question whether a person can be impeached after he has ceased to hold office, at section 803, says: “As it is declared in one clause of the. constitution that ‘judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than a removal from office and disqualification to hold any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States/ and in another clause, that the ‘ president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors/ it would seem to follow that the senate, on the conviction, were bound in all cases to enter a judgment of removal from office, though it has a discretion as to inflicting the punishment of disqualification. If, then, there-must be a judgment of removal from office, it would seem to follow that the constitution contemplated that the party was still in office at the time of impeachment. If he was not, his offense was still liable to be tried and punished in the ordinary tribunals of justice. And it might be argued with some force that it would be a vain exercise of author
A number of decisions by courts of impeachment, both in England and in this country, have been cited by counsel for the managers to sustain the proposition that a person whose term of office has expired and who is no longer in office, is subject to impeachment. Two English cases have been mentioned, those of Warren Hastings and Lord Melville. While it is true that each was impeached long after he had ceased to hold the office .which he occupied at the time of the commission of the offense charged, yet no plea to the jurisdiction was or could be raised, for the obvious reason that parliament is omnipotent. As all persons in England, those in as well as those out of office, are subject to impeachment, the cases of Hastings and Melville are not in point.
The next case is that of William Blount, who was a United States senator from Tennessee. He was expelled by the senate for official misdemeanor, and was subsequently impeached by the house of representatives for the same act. He pleaded that a senator is not a civil officer within the meaning of the constitution, and also that he was not a senator when the articles of impeachment were adopted. His plea was sustained upon the first ground alone, and therefore the ruling in that case is not an authority either way on the question before us.
Judge Barnard was impeached in the state of New York during his second term, for acts committed in his previous terrii of office. His plea that he was not liable to impeachment for offenses occurring in the first term was overruled. Precisely the same question was raised in the impeachment
The only other decision to which we have been referred is the Belknap Case. The house of representatives im- . peached William W. Belknap for acts committed while secretary of war. On the day the articles of impeachment were adopted, but prior to their adoption, Mr. Belknap resigned, and his resignation was accepted by the president. Before the trial the respondent interposed a plea to .the jurisdiction, on the ground that he had ceased to be an officer before he was impeached. The question was ably argued aud the senate of the United States, sitting as a court of impeachment, overruled the plea by a vote of 37 to 29. At the close of the trial Mr. Belknap was acquitted. The senators who voted against conviction, the rec- • ord shows, did so upon the express ground that the house of representatives had no jurisdiction to impeach him and the senate was without jurisdiction to try him, inasmuch as he had ceased to be a civil officer. So instead of the ■Belknap Case being an authority in favoi; of jurisdiction in the case at bar, it should be regarded an adjudication ■ against the proposition.
But independent of authorities or precedents, if we do not misconceive the meaning of the constitution, there is no room for doubt that ex-officials are not impeachable, since civil officers alone are enumerated in that instrument as subject to that remedy. The term officer cannot properly be applied to a person who is not at the time in the holding of an office. When a person ceases to hold an office, he immediately becomes a private citizen.
Reference has been made to certain sections of the Criminal Code which provide for the punishment of sheriffs and other officers for official misconduct, and the question is asked whether the offending officer must be punished while he is in office or not at all ? We answer, no. But the same rule does not apply to impeachments, for the reason, stated by another, “the two remedies have totally distinct aims. One remedy is given against a crime, and the other against a position; one is for the punishment of an offender, the other for the purification of the public service; one is meant to reform a criminal, the other is meant to reform an office.” Again, the penalty provided in the sections alluded to is entirely different from that in cases of impeachment. In the former, the sentence may be either fine or imprisonmeiit or both, while in the latter the judgment in case of conviction shall not extend further than removal from office and disqualification to hold office. Further, the statute fixes the period in which prosecutions shall be commenced for violations of the criminal laws of the state; therefore, any criminal prosecution can be brought
At the argument our attention was called by counsel for the managers to sections 8 and 9 of chapter 19 of the Compiled Statutes of 1891, which read as follows:
“ Sec. 8. An impeachment of any state officer shall be tried, notwithstanding such officer may have resigned his office, or his term of office has expired; and if the accused person be found guilty, judgment of removal from office, or disqualifying such officer from holding or enjoying any office of honor, profit, or trust in the state, or both, may be rendered as in other cases.
“Sec. 9. An impeachment against any state officer shall be tried and judgment of removal from office, or of disqualification to hold office, may be rendered, notwithstanding the offense for which said officer is tried occurred during “a term of office immediately preceding.”
The contention of counsel is that the foregoing provisions not only grant the power to try, but to prefer charges of impeachment against a person who has held office, after the expiration of his term. We are not aware of any rule governing the construction of statutes which would justify such an interpretation. The sections quoted have reference to the trial of an impeachment and the Code defines a trial to be “a judicial examination of the issues, whether of law or of fact, in an action.” (Code, sec. 279.) The trial of a criminal case does not include the returning of an indictment by the grand jury or the filing of an information by the county attorney. The trial of a civil suit does not embrace the filing of a petition and other pleadings or the issuance of a summons; so when the statute declares that “an impeachment of any state officer shall be tried,” it means what it says and nothing else. The meaning of section 8 is that where a state officer has been impeached during his term he shall be tried and, if found guilty, judg
. 'The respondents being out of office at the time the proceedings for their impeachment -were instituted, the legislature had no power to impeach them, and this court has no jurisdiction to try them. The proceedings are therefore