State v. Hazzard
An affidavit was filed in tbe lower court on August 20, 1906, cbarging appellee with having committed the crime of forgery. Tbe affidavit, among other things, charges that George Hazzard, in the county of Henry, ánd State of Indiana, on the — day of January, 1905, unlawfully, feloniously, falsely and fraudulently did make, forge and counterfeit a certain order, subscription and writing, purporting to have been made and executed by Nelson Al
On motion of appellee, the affidavit was quashed, and judgment was rendered that he be discharged and go hence without day. The State appeals, and predicates error on the ruling of the court in quashing the affidavit.
Appellee has wholly neglected to file a brief or present any argument whatever in support of the decision of the lower court, apparently assuming that this appeal is of no concern to him. The only information which we have in respect to the ground upon which the court held the affidavit insufficient is that furnished by the brief for the State, wherein it is stated that the lower court held that the subscription paper set out in the affidavit did not constitute such a writing obligatory as to make the forging thereof a criminal offense under the statute. We, however, consider the paper or writing in question as one coming within the provisions of the statute defining forgery. It purports on its face to be a subscription paper for a history of Henry county, Indiana, by George Hazzard, military edition, fully illustrated, in two volumes, price $10. Underneath the word “subscribers” appears the name of Nelson Allen, whose post-office address is given as Mooreland, Indiana.