The authority for constructing this bridge across the Wisconsin river is granted by the provisions of sec. 1321a, Stats. (Laws of 1913, ch. 628). By sub. 1 of this
“No such tax shall be levied or bonds issued for the purpose mentioned in the preceding section by any county, town or towns, city or village unless the question of levying such tax or issuing such bonds shall have been submitted '. . .' to a vote of the electors of such county, town or towns, city or village and adopted . . . ,” and such vote shall be by ballot, the form whereof shall be prescribed by the proper board or the common council.
It is apparent that the power and authority thus conferred by this subsection of the statute upon counties, towns, cities, and villages to levy and collect taxes or issue bonds for this purpose can be exercised only upon condition that the electors thereof have voted in favor of levying such a tax or issuing bonds. It is urged that the portions added to sec. 1321a by-ch. 628, Laws of 1913, amend sub. 1 thereof to the effect that in all cases where any such bridge is necessarily more than 300 feet in length, and any town, city, or village shall have voted to construct such bridge as required by this statute, then the county in which the bridge is located, or the two counties if the bridge is located on or across the line between them, shall be required to pay two fifths of the cost of its construction without submission of the question of levying a tax or issuing bonds for such a purpose to the vote of the electors of such county or counties. We must first inquire
This statute contains the provision: “and provided further that the location and construction of such bridge shall be approved by the war -department of the United States.” The certificate obtained from the United States war department grants a permit for the building of the bridge subject to the condition “(3) that the old toll bridge crossing the river just below the location of the proposed bridge shall entirely be removed within six months after the completion of the new bridge.” This condition interposes obstacles which may prove to be insurmountable and contains provisions which-cannot be considered an approval of the “location and construction of such bridge” by the United States war department, and therefore it cannot be considered a compliance with the provisions of the statute. The alleged location of the bridge set forth in the relator’s petition is so indefinite and uncertain that it is well-nigh impossible to determine-any location of the bridge, except that it is at some point in. the town opposite the village of Prairie du Sac. This leaves the actual location of the bridge so uncertain that we cannot hold it a compliance with the statute.
Under the act as herein construed the county clerk is not delinquent in performing any duty imposed upon him and.
The view we take of the statute here involved disposes ■of the case, and all other questions suggested in argument need not be considered.
By the Court. — The judgment appealed from is affirmed.