No. 2006-KH-1283 | La. | Jan 8, 2007

In re Barrow, Frederick; — Plaintiff; Applying for Supervisory and/or Remedial Writs, Parish of St. Mary, 16th Judicial District Court Div. B, No. 98-148,742; to the Court of Appeal, First Circuit, No. 2005 KW 0947.

Denied. Untimely and repetitive. La. C.Cr.P. art. 930.8; State ex rel. Glover v. State, 93-2330 (La.9/5/95), 660 So. 2d 1189" date_filed="1995-09-05" court="La." case_name="State Ex Rel. Glover v. State">660 So.2d 1189; State v. Parker, 98-0256 (La.5/8/98), 711 So. 2d 694" date_filed="1998-05-08" court="La." case_name="State v. Parker">711 So.2d 694, Cf. La.C.Cr.P. art. 930.4(D).