Standard Oil Co. v. Commonwealth
Opinion of the cotjet'íby
Upon the claim that appellant had violated section 576, Kentucky 'Statutes, it was indicted and convicted. The section reads as follows: “Every corporation organized under the laws of Ühis State, and every corporation doing •business in this State, shall, .in a conspicuous place, on its principal place or places of business, in'letter® .sufficiently large to be easily read, have painted or printed the ■corporate name of such corporation, and immediately under the same, in like manner, shall be printed or painted the word 'Incorporated.’ And immediately under the name of such corporation, upon all printed or -advertising matter used-' by such corporation, except railroad companies, banks, trust companies, insurance companies and building and loan associations, shall appear in letters sufficiently large to be easily read, the word 'Incorporated.’ Any corporation which shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of this act shall be subject to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than five hundred dollars.” The indictment charges that the appellant did unlawfully fail and refuse to have on its “.principal place of business in the city of Marion, Crittenden county, Kentucky, in a conspicuous place, in letters .sufficiently large to be easily read, painted or printed its ■corporate name, and immediately under the name of ®aid corporation the word 'Incorporated.’ ” It is insisted that the demurrer to the indictment should have been sustained. It will be observed that the indictment charges that