Staab v. Borax Soap Co.
This was an action commenced before a justice of the peace to recover damages from the defendant company for its breach of the following contract:
“ Santa Fé, N. M. October 22, 1894.
“Sold this day to A. Staab, Santa Fé, N. M., four hundred boxes, 100 bars each, each bar to weigh 12 ounces, Miller’s borax soap, to be delivered at Santa Fé, not later than the twenty-fifth of November, 1894, at the price of three dollars and sixty ($3.60) cents per box, less 2 per cent for cash, after arrival and examination of goods, and we herewith agree not to sell these soaps either in Santa Fé, or Albuquerque, N. M., except through Mr. A. Staab, it being understood that quality and color of soap is to be the same as sample left with Mr. Staab.
(Signed) “ The Borax Soap Co.,
“By E. B. Thrush.”
It is conceded to be the rule as contended for by plaintiff that when contracts for the sale of chattels are broken by the vendor failing to deliver the property according to the terms of the bargain, the measure of damages is the difference between the contract price and the market value of the article at the time when it should have been delivered. Sedgwick, Measure of Damages, § 313; 1 Sutherland on Damages, § 46. It is equally true, however, and well settled, that the burden of proof is upon him who seeks to recover to show that he has been damaged, and the amount of such damages, and that this must be shown with reasonable certainty so that the court or jury in fixing the amount of compensation due to the plaintiff shall not be compelled to depend upon surmise or conjecture. If there is a failure in this respect, then even though a breach of the contract is clearly shown, the plaintiff could recover only nominal damages. After a careful examination of the evidence produced on the trial of this cause, we think that this is the position in which the plaintiff has been placed. The only testimony bearing upon the fact of damage to the plaintiff by reason of the breach of the contract, and of the "amount of it, was that of the plaintiff himself, when in answer to a question he stated that he had suffered damages in the sum of $280. He did not state how this damage had been suffered, — whether it was from loss of sales, of profits, or otherwise, or whether it represented the