These cases involve substantially the same questions and were submitted together. The bill in each of them seeks to have a trust declared in favor of the complainants upon the assets of the suspended First Na-. tional Bank of Sheffield which are now in the hands of and being administered by the respondent, as receiver of said bank by the appointment of the comptroller <of the treasury.
This conclusion has not been reached and is not rested upon any idea that the rights of the complainants in respect of effectuating their equitable titles to the funds in controversy against the receiver are any other than they would have been against the bank itself on the facts we have stated or conceded to be true had the failure of the bank not been followed by the appointment of a receiver. Though the suspended bank had continued in the possession of its assets, these complainants could no more have recovered their funds by the invocation of equity to the declaration- and effectuation of their equitable titles than they could have sued in detinue had their titles been good at law; and for the same reason: in neither case could it be maintained that the defendant bank had their property in its possession.
The rulings on demurrers to the bills in these cases were