Wherever- there is an affirmative held . . , ... by one of the -parties, and the other negatives it, there is substantially an issue between them, ready to be tried, This is the .case here. .The defendant says, that the trespass for which he is now sued, has heretofore been prosecuted, and that the plaintiff’s testator recovered damages for it. This the replication denies, and tenders an issue to the country. In good sense and sound lo-
gic there can be no necessity for the defendant to answer over, when he must have reiterated the facts set forth in his plea. Upon authority,
Judgment for the plaintiff-
2 Term, 439. Doug. 94. in note.
1 Wils 219.
1 Salk. 4.
Vent. 101. 1 Saund. 103 note a. 6. Clark v. Glass.
1 Burr, 317.