The common law was inflexible, not only that a man should be tried, on a criminal accusation, by
Tbe exception was, however, limited to simple larceny. If tbe original offense was compound, involving more than a simple caption and asportation, while tbe simple larceny was tbe subject of indictment in any county into which tbe thief carries tbe goods, tbe compound offense is indictable only in tbe county in which it was committed. 1 Lead. Cr. Cases, 225; 3 Greenl. Ev. § 152; 1 Bish. Cr. Pro. § 60. If, in tbe course of a robbery, larceny is committed, tbe offender could be convicted of tbe latter, not of tbe former offense, in any county into which be might carry tbe goods. So, if tbe offense is aggravated, because of tbe place of its commission, as in a store, or other hoúse, tbe security of which is intended to be protected; of tbe aggravated offense, tbe offender is indictable in tbe county in which it was committed, and not in another county to which tbe goods may be carried. Tbe offense committed in tbe latter county is tbe unlawful caption and asportation, not accompanied with an invasion of the security of a bouse witñin tbe protection of tbe law creating tbe compound offense.
Tbe statute (E. C. § 3948) declaring, “ where property is stolen in one county, and carried into another, the jurisdiction is in either county,” is but an affirmation, not an enlargement of tbe common-law rule to which we have referred, and does not extend to compound offenses, like that imputed to tbe appellant. While be was indictable in Wilcox county for a felony, if be was guilty of there stealing goods from a ware-house, exceeding in value fifty dollars, he was only guilty of petit larceny, a misdemeanor, if tbe value of tbe goods was less than one hundred dollars, in Dallas county, to which be carried them. Tbe felony was not ambulatory, but, by force of the statute creating it, locality is of its essence.