The question in this case, is, whether “An Act concerning the military of the State of California,” approved April 2, . 1866, was ever legally passed by the two Houses so as to
The question involved is one of vast practical consequence.
Is it admissible to go behind the duly authenticated enrolled Act, and examine the Journals of the Senate and Assembly for the purpose of impeaching the validity of the Act ? And if it is admissible to inspect the Journals for that purpose, is it also admissible to go behind the Journals and receive other evidence of a still more fugitive and less reliable character, documentary and parol ?/
These are the precise questions to be determined.
At common law, the only mode of trying the existence of a record, was, by the record itself, upon a plea of mil tíel record —that there is no such matter of record existing. Upon such an issue the record itself is the only evidence, and it is conclusive. Blackstone says : The trial, therefore, of this issue —nal tiel record—is merely by the record; for, as Sir Édward Coke observes; a record or enrolment is a monument of so high a nature, and importeth in itself such absolute verity, that if it be pleaded that there is no such record it shall not receive any trial by witness, jury or otherwise, but only by itself.” (3 Black. Com. 331.) The evidence of the Acts of Parliament, or of the Legislature, which are made matters of record, must be the record of those Acts, as much so as the records of Courts of justice.
In England “ general Acts are always enrolled by the Clerk of the Parliament and delivered over into the chancery—which enrolment in the chancery makes them the original record”— but as to private Acts, the bill itself, filed and sealed and remaining with the Clerk of the Parliament, is the original record. (King v. Arundel, Hobart, 249 [110.]) It was not customary to enroll private Acts except upon suit for that purpose. When enrolled the enrolled Act itself was the original record and the
In this State the practice is to enroll all Acts, both general and private. The enrolment may not be performed in precisely the same manner as in the case of Acts of Parliament, but it has the same purpose and effect. With us, perhaps, the enrolled Act is both the original Act and the enrolment, for it is enrolled before attested, and the attestation is on the enrolled Act itself. The regular course of proceedings is, after all amendments proposed to a bill have been acted upon,
script containing the enrolled Acts and joint resolutions * * of the Legislature.” (Laws 1854, p. 117, Sec. 4.) The enrolled Act, thus authenticated and deposited in thé office of the Secretary of State, must be regarded as the record, and as “ a monument of” as “ high a nature” and solemn character as an Act of Parliament enrolled in chancery, or as a record in a Court of justice, unless there is something in our Constitution or laws detracting from its dignity, or authorizing its impeachment. We have not beén referred to any provision of the Constitution, or of the statute—and we know of none— which in any degree impairs the dignity of this solemn record, or modifies the principles of the common law applicable to it. But it may be well to notice the observations of Judges in the decisions of other States, to show that in no instance in the older States has the common law been departed from to the extent required to annul the statute under consideration. At common law not even the plea of nul tiel record was admissible. There was no plea by which the existence of a general Act of Parliament, as a question of fact, could be put in issue and tried. It was regarded as a question of law alone, of which the Judges were bound to take notice. If the enrolment was in existence they would consult, but, of course, would not go beyond that record. But if that had been lost or destroyed, and there was no printed statute, it was necessary for the Judges to look for it in other documents where it
In New York the question as to whether an Act of the Legislature had been passed by a two thirds vote, as required by the Constitution, was regarded by several Judges of the Court for the correction of'errors, as properly presented by demurrer. That is to say, that it is a question of law for the Court, and not a question of fact for the jury. (People v. Purdy, 2 Hill, 35; People v. De Bow, 1 Den. 14; Warner v. Beers, 23 Wend. 131—per Verplanck, Ib. 170—per Bradish Pres. Sen.; People v. Purdy, 4 Hill, 394—per Paige, Ib. 404— per Franklin.) The decisions in these cases all arose upon demurrer to the pleadings or instructions to the jury. While the Judges in New York were subsequently unable to agree among themselves as to what precise points were decided in these several cases (see opinions of the Chancellor in Gifford v. Livingston, 2 Denio, 383, and Senator Hand, Ib. 389; opinion of Mr. Chief Justice Bronson, in De Bow v. People, 1 Den. 17; and opinion of Mr. Justice Cowen, in Hunt v. Van Alstyne, 25 Wend. 612,) it is clear, that, regarding the question either as one of law to be determined by the Court, or of fact for the jury, they did not decide it to be competent to impeach the verity of an Act properly authenticated and enrolled by
All that is here said is, in effect, that, as the statute expressly provides that “ no bill shall be deemed to have passed by the assent of two thirds of the members elected to each House unless so certified by the presiding officer-of each House,” and as these certificates are not printed in the statutes, I will look behind the “ printed statute book ” to the enrolled bill—the Act itself, the original record—and see if the bill is so certified, and if I find from the record that it is not so certified, I will take that as record evidence that the bill did not pass by the requisite number of votes. That is to say, I idll determine the question by an inspection of the record itself, instead of the statute as printed. He thinks—and so does the Chief Justice in Hunt v. Van Alstyne, 25 Wend. 609—that the certificates of the presiding officers and the approval of the Governor, as they appear upon the record itself, as well as the body of the Act, should have been printed in the statute book. Had it been so printed, the necessity of looking behind the statute
The case went to the Court for the correction of errors. The Chancellor (Walworth,) without inquiring how the question as to whether the Act was passed by a sufficient number of votes is to be determined—that is, as a question of law or fact—took the view of the question expressed by Mr. Justice Bronson, in the Supreme Court, viz: that it was proper to go behind the printed statute book (which is printed on the certificate of the Secretary of State,) and look to the original record—the enrolled bill and certificate of the presiding officer of each House thereto appended. He says (4 Hill, 390:) “ The Legislature has declared by law that no bill shall be deemed to have passed by a two thirds vote unless it is so certified by the presiding officer of each House. And I am inclined to the opinion that such a certificate, rather than the certificate of the Secretary of State, specifying the time when the law was passed, is to be considered the only legal evidence that the. bill was in fact passed with the assent of two thirds of all the members elected to each branch of the Legislature.” There is no intimation that it is admissible to go behind the record; but to the contrary, for he thinks it “is to be considered the only legal evidence that the bill has in fact passed,” etc.
Senator Paige expresses a similar view, and holds that it must be determined as a question of law. He says (p. 394:) “ Judges, who are bound to take notice of a public act, must determine this question by an inspection of the record; for mil tiel record cannot be pleaded to a statute.” He also says
In Warner v. Beers, and Bolander v. Stevens, 23 Wend. 103, which are prior in time in the Court of Errors to the case of People v. Purdy, the question was also discussed. The question was distinctly raised as a question of law by demurrer (p. 108.) The point was made in briefs of counsel and authorities cited. The Chancellor says he has very little doubt that the Court is not authorized upon this demurrer to the plaintiff’s declaration to look beyond the “ printed statute book” to ascertain whether the law was passed by a two-thirds vote [in this he was overruled in People v. Purdy; see opinion of Mr. Chief Justice Bronson, 1 Den. 14,] but he does seem to doubt “if a Court is authorized in any way to institute an inquiry into the mode in which a law signed by a Governor, and duly certified by the Secretary of State, was passed.” (P. 125, and note to Bolander v. Stevens, bottom p. 104.) He, however, expresses no opinion. Senator Verplanck, in a vigorous opinion, maintains that the question as to whether the Act in question was passed by a competent vote is properly presented by demurrer (p. 132.) He says (p. 133): “ But all our authorities are strong that, ‘ as Judges are bound to take notice of a general law, so it is their province to determine whether it be a statute or not.’ (Dwar. on Stat., Sec. 6, 30.) The same author adds : ‘ that the rule depends ndt on conjectural expediency, but positive law. Accordingly, the existence of a public Act must be tried by the Judges, who are to inform themselves in the best way they can.’ When we consider, too, that the rights, interests, property
Mr. Bradish, President of the Senate, in a very lucid and able opinion, maintains that the statutes, as certified by the Secretary of State—the printed Acts—under the statute of New York, are conclusive, and that it is inadmissible to go behind them. He says, upon any other hypothesis, “ that certainty as to what the law is, which is so important to all, and which it has been the object of the statute to establish, would be at once destroyed, and everything thrown into doubt. # * # This interpretation once admitted, it would be as difficult to limit these inquiries as it would to calculate their inconvenience or compute their mischiefs. But what would be only difficulties within our State, would be impossibilities out of it.” (169-170.) What shall we say, then, to going behind the enrolled Act itself, the record of the Act ?
But conceding the propriety of going beyond the printed statute to ascertain whether the law has been passed by the requisite number of votes, in what mode shall the inquiry be made? In discussing this point he says : The Act “ is therefore a public Act; and having received the requisite legal sanctions, and been deposited in the office of the Secretary of State, it has become a public record. I am, therefore, clearly of opinion that the question whether this Act of the Legislature be a law is not a question of fact to be tried by a jury, but one of law, to be determined by the Court only, and that by an inspection of the record. That record imports verity. Its truth cannot be determined by a proceeding in pais, but must be decided by itself on inspection. This opinion rests upon the highest authorities, both ancient and modern. The precedents are numerous and conclusive that at common law the validity of a public act cannot be put in issue by a plea. A man cannot plead ‘ nul tiel record ’ to a public statute. Even in one of the most remarkable cases in the English books it
Again, in Hunt v. Van Alstyne, 25 Wend. 606, the question was raised by plea and demurrer to the plea. Mr. Chief Justice Nelson says (p. 610): “If material to determine the .validity of the law within the two-thirds provision in the Constitution, or within any of the sections of the revised statutes regulating the mode of the enactment of laws, they
Thus stand the discussions in the Courts of Hew York, and the utmost extent to which the points decided can be said to go is, that the question is one of law for the Court, and that the Court may look behind the printed statute to the enrolled Act itself—to the record. In the several cases the records themselves were not authenticated in the mode required, to show thát the several Acts had received the votes of two thirds of all the members of each House, and they carried upon their face the evidence of the invalidity of the Acts. In the language "of Hobart, the “record of the Act itself carried its death’s wound in itself, and neither the parchment nor the great seal ” could But the implications from the discussions of all the members of the several Courts who alluded to the question, go strongly to sustain the position that the question is one of law; but, whether it is to be determined as
In the case of Burr et al. v. Boss et al., 19 Ark. 250, the Supreme Court of Arkansas were, upon the argument, referred to a statute as sustaining the action of the Court below in allowing an amendment. In consequence of a doubt as to whether the Act had ever passed, raised by the certificates of the Secretary of State, Clerk and Speaker of the House of Representatives published with the Act, the Judges, as it would seem, on their own motion, looked into the Journal for the purpose of determining the question, and found by the-Journal that the bill was indefinitely postponed in the House and had never passed. This was of course determined as a question of law and not of fact. There does not seem to have been any objection made to the Court’s adopting this mode of informing itself, nor does the question appear to have been in any way discussed. Upon looking at the statute (Laws of Arkansas, 1856-7, p. 185), it will be seen by the certificate of the Secretary of State, that there was deposited in his office with the Act itself a certificate (of the same date with the Act) of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, that the bill was “ indefinitely postponed” by the House, followed by the certificate of the Speaker of the House of Representatives that the foregoing statement of the Clerk is correct, and that “ from mistake the said bill has been engrossed and signed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the President of the Senate,” and approved by the Governor. These certificates of the Clerk and Speaker, then, going into the office of the Secretary with the Act, forming a part of the record itself, seem to have been regarded by the
In Spangler v. Jacoby, 14 III. 298, under the Constitution of Illinois, which required that “ ea,ch House shall keep a journal of its proceedings,” that “ on the final passage of all bills, the vote shall be by ayes and noes and shall be entered on the Journal, and no bill shall become a law without the concurrence of a majority of all the members elect in each House,” it was held by two Justices, the third being absent, that, to render an Act valid, “ it must appear on the face of the Journal that the bill passed by a constitutional majority;” and that “ it is competent to show from the Journals of either .branch of the Legislature that a particular Act was not passed in the mode prescribed by the Constitution, and thus defeat its operation altogether. (14 III. 299.)
But this ruling was expressly based upon the very special provision of the Constitution of that State. The Court say (p. 299): “A majority of the members elected to either branch of the General Assembly must concur in the final passage of a bill. This is indispensable to its becoming a law. Without it, the Act has no more force than the paper upon which it is written. The vote must be taken by ayes and noes. The Constitution prescribes this as the test by which to determine whether the requisite number of members vote in the affirmative. The vote must also be entered on ■ the Journal. The office of the Journal is" to record the proceedings of the House, and authenticate and preserve the same. It must appear on the face of the Journal that the bill passed by a constitutional majority. These directions are clearly imperative. They are expressly enjoined by the funda
Thus, it is held, that the constitutional provision modifies the rule of the common law, and to secure an enforcement of its provisions requires the vote to be by ayes and noes, and to be evidenced by entries in the Journals, and that these entries in the Journals are themselves a part of the mode of authentication prescribed, and a part of the record. But it is not proposed to carry the rule further than is prescribed, and look beyond the Journals, for it is said, “if the Journal is lost or destroyed this presumption (arising from the Act itself duly signed) will sustain the law, for it will be intended that the proper entry was made on the Journal.”
In the Pacific Railroad v. The Governor of Missouri, 23 Mo. 353, it was held—Mr. Justice Leonard dissenting—that the.
In Turley v. The County of Logan, 17 III. 152, while the case of Spangler v. Jacoby is affirmed, it is expressly admitted that the case of Pacific Railroad v. Governor of Missouri is correctly determined. The Court say, in regard to the opinion in that case: “ We have no doubt of the correctness of this opinion under their Constitution, and upon general principles, but the provisions of our Constitution are special, and may no more be disregarded than any other provision in it, restrictive of legislative power.” (17 III. 153.) But in this case Mr. Justice Skinner, who was not a member of the Court when Spangler v. Jacoby was decided, expressly reserves himself upon the question of the impeachment of an Act, otherwise duly enrolled, by aid of the Journals, even under the Constitution of Illinois. This case also furnishes a striking illustration of the unreliability of the Journals of legislative bodies, and the impolicy of departing from the common law rule as to the absolute verity of records. A law had been passed by the Legislature of Illinois providing for a removal of the county seat of Logan County; but it did not appear from the Journal that the Act had been read in the House the full number of times required by the Constitution, or that it had duly passed and become a law. Under the decision in Spangler v. Jacoby, it was, therefore, void, and a bill was filed on that ground, and an injunction obtained against the officers of the county restraining them from erecting county buildings at the new county seat. “Afterwards, in February, 1854, the same Legislature met in extra session, and, on recollection of members, and by the manuscript minutes of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, amended its Journal so. that it showed the bill or Act had been read the requisite number of times.” At the next term of Court this amendment of the record was set up and the injunction dissolved, and the bill dismissed. The Court, on appeal, held, that it “ was in the power of the same Legislature, at the same or a subsequent session, to correct its own Journals by amendments which show the true facts as
In the case of Green v. Graves, 1 Doug. R., Mich., 351, as reported, although the question was raised as one of law on demurrer, it does not appear in what manner the fact that the Act in question was not passed by a two-thirds vote was made manifest to the Court, nor is there sufficient stated in the report to enable us to determine what bearing the decision has upon the question. (See, also, Eld v. Gorham, 20 Conn.
The result of the authorities in England and in the other States clearly is, that, at common law, whenever a general statute is misrecited, or its existence- denied, the question is to be tried and determined by the Court as a question of law —that is to say, the Court is bound to take notice of it, and inform itself the best way it can; that there is no plea by which its existence can be put in issue and tried as a question of fact; that, if the enrolment of the statute is in existence, the enrolment itself is the record, which is conclusive as to what the statute is, and cannot be impeached, destroyed or weakened by the Journals of Parliament or any other less authentic or less satisfactory memorials; and that there has been no departure from the principles of common law in this respect in the United States, except in instances where a departure has been grounded on, or taken in pursuance of some express constitutional or statutory provision requiring some relaxation of the rule, in order that full effect might be given to such provisions; and in such instances the rule has ' been relaxed by Judges with great caution and hesitation, and the departure has never been extended beyond an inspection of the Journals of both branches of the Legislature.
It remains to be seen whether there is anything in our Constitution or laws requiring or authorizing á departure from the common law rule. The Constitution, it is true, in general terms, provides that “ each House shall keep a journal of its own proceedings, and publish the same; and, the ayes and noes of the members of either House on any question shall, at the desire of any three members present, be entered on the Journal.” (Article IV, Section 11.) And Section 17 of the
When we once depart from principle—from a sound rule of law—where shall we stop ? Do not the circumstances of this case open to our vision a vista of absurdities into which we shall stumble if we attempt to explore forbidden fields for evidence of a vague, shadowy and unsatisfactory character upon which to overthrow the enrolled statutes of the land ?
In this case, the enrolment, the record of the statute, exists, and we are satisfied that we should not look beyond it, certainly not beyond the record, aided by the Journals, and looking at both, we must hold the entire Act to be a valid law.
If any inconvenience is likely to result from the common law rule, the Legislature is the proper body to provide a remedy. It can guard by proper restrictive provisions against other and greater inconveniences by designating the cases in which, and the circumstances and limitations under which an enrolled statute may be impeached. It may limit the time within which the impeachment must be made, and the character of the evidence which may be introduced.
It is quite evident that much of the reasoning in Fotvler v. Fierce, 2 Cal. 165, is opposed to the views here expressed. In that case the bill went through all the forms of legislation, and was submitted to the Governor for his approval before the final adjournment of the Legislature, on the 1st of May, 1851. It only remained to approve the bill, notify the Legislature of the fact, and deposit it with the Secretary of State as the record of the Act. The Legislature adjourned on that day, but the bill was not in fact signed, or deposited with the Secretary of State until May 2d, after the adjournment of the Legislature, and, when the Governor had no authority to give vitality to the bill, or make a record. It was, however, signed and deposited on that day, but dated
It follows from the conclusions attained that the judgment of the District Court must be affirmed, but upon views in some respects different from those which seem to have prevailed in the Court below.
Judgment affirmed.
[Note.—Since our opinion was filed, a decision of the Supreme Court of New Jersey in The State v. Young, has . appeared in Vol. V, p. 679, of the Am. Law Reg. N. S., in which Mr. Chief Justice Beasley, in a very elaborate and able opinion, has discussed the questions involved in Sherman v. Story, and arrived at the same conclusions attained by us in that case.]