Michael Schmitz was for many years a resident farmer of Le Sueur county.. In 1882 he made a will in which he gave his farm to his wife, Anne Mary, for life, and on her death to their son, Paul, and their daughter, Agnes, share and share alike. Michael died in October, 1898. About 1911 Paul died. In October, 1912, Agnes, then Agnes Martin, presented her father’s will for probate, procured it to be probated and procured a final decree of the probate court, assigning the land, subject to the mother’s life estate, in equal proportions to herself and to her mother, on the theory evidently that the mother was the sole heir of Paul.
The mother later conveyed her interest to Agnes. The mother is now dead. After her death, plaintiff, claiming to be the widow of Paul, commenced this action in the district court against Agnes to set aside the probate decree on the ground that it was obtained by fraud. During the pendency of the action Agnes died and William Martin was substituted as defendant in her stead. The court found for plaintiff. Defendant appeals.
Order affirmed.