Lead Opinion
Opinion by
Want of authority from the state to the committees of military affairs of the senate and house to enter into a contract with the plaintiff was the reason given for the entry of the nonsuit and the refusal to take it off. If there was such authority, it is to be found in the following preamble and resolu
In tbe preamble there is not only a recognition by the people of the state, through their representatives, of the national importance of the dedication of the monument to a great soldier, but an avowal of the commonwealth’s duty to suitably recognize the event. This was laudable, because it was patriotic. By the resolution action was taken, committing the state to participation in the dedicatoiy exercises. It was sent to the governor for his approval, because it must have been regarded by those who passed it as committing the state to it, and, if so, it was a matter in the nature of legislation. It is only such resolutions that require executive approval under section» 26, of article III of the constitution: Commonwealth v. Griest, 196 Pa. 396. If both houses had simply resolved to attend the exercises in a body, and to adjourn for a day for that purpose, it would have been no concern of the governor, and they could have gone with or without his approval; but if more was embodied in the resolution, amounting practically to an enactment authorizing special committees of the senate and house to act on behalf of the state in making suitable the recognition which both branches of the legislature had agreed upon, it was for the governor to approve or disapprove.
But the contention of the learned counsel for the commonwealth is that, even if the resolution does involve legislation, no authority to act was conferred upon the committees by the words “ all matters pertaining to such attendance be referred to the committee of military affairs of the senate and house,” their duty being simply to consider and report to the respective houses. This cannot be regarded as the reasonable meaning of the words. While there is no express authority given to
A second question raised by the appellee is as to the power of the legislature to authorize the committees to make such a
“ The constitution allows to the legislature every power which it does not positively prohibit: ” Norris v. Clymer, 2 Pa. 277. “To me, it is as plain that the general assembly may exercise all powers which are properly legislative, and which are not taken away by our own, or by the federal constitution, as it is that the people have all the rights which are expressly reserved. We are urged, however, to go further than this, and to hold that a law, though not prohibited, is void if it violates the spirit of our institutions, or impairs any of those rights which it is the object of a free government to protect, and to declare it unconstitutional if it be wrong and unjust. But we cannot do this. It would be assuming a right to change the constitution, to supply what we might conceive to be its defects, to fill up every casus omissus, and to interpolate into it whatever in our opinion ought to have been put there by its framers. The constitution has given us a list of the things which the legislature may not do. If we extend that list, we alter the instrument, we become ourselves the aggressors, and violate both the letter and spirit of the organic law as grossly as the legislature possibly could. If we can add to the reserved rights of the people, we can take them away; if we can mend, we can mar; if we can remove the landmarks which we find established, we can obliterate them; if we can change the constitution in any particular, there is nothing but our own will to prevent us from demolishing it entirely. The great powers given to the legislature are liable to be abused. But this is inseparable from the nature of human institutions. The wisdom of man has never conceived of a government with power sufficient to answer its legitimate ends, and at the same time incapable of mischief. No political system can be
Scanning the list of expressly forbidden legislation, as found in section 7, article III, of the constitution, there is no restriction upon what was done by the legislature in its action assailed in this proceeding; nor is there any other line in that instrument by which the action is impliedly prohibited, for nowhere is such legislation, or anything relating to it, mentioned. The resolution may be regarded by some as unwise and improper, and if in any legislative district there were those so minded at the time it was adopted, and they happened to be in the majority, they had the opportunity to exhibit their disapproval, if any senator or member who voted for it came up for re-election. It is doubtful, however, if any legislative career would have been cut short for support of the measure. From time out of mind legislative bodies have, at the public expense, and with hearty popular approval, paid fitting tribute to the deserving dead, who, in peace or war, had served the state or nation; and public money so expended is well spent for the public, for it strengthens and elevates patriotism, and helps to make better men and women of the young who witness the homage so paid. But this digression need proceed no further.
We do not understand that if the legislature had named a separate commission to represent the state at the exercises, and had provided for the payment of its expenses, the power to do so would be questioned; but because the two bodies constituted themselves such representatives, the power is questioned, for the reason that, as the claim of the plaintiff is for food and drink furnished them, they will, if it is allowed, receive compensation in violation of section 8, article II, of the constitution, which provides that “ The members of the general assembly shall receive such salary and mileage for regular and special
Proper entertainment of the legislature was not merely incidental to its attendance at the dedication, but was necessary, and, therefore, formed part of the state’s expenses in making suitable recognition of the ceremony. The concurrent resolution contemplated the payment of nothing but such expenses, and their payment to the man who furnished what was so necessary cannot be regarded as compensation or pay to the members of the legislature for their services as legislators in any sense, whether such strained meaning for “ compensation ” be searched for in dictionary or encyclopedia of law, or the word is to be interpreted as popularly understood.
It is conceded by the learned and able counsel for appellee that the payment of the expenses may not be technically compensation, and yet, by the process of reasoning through which they would have us declare it to be compensation within the constitutional prohibition, the very ink furnished to senators and members, and the pens dipped into it in answering the daily inquiries of constituents, would have to be regarded as constitutionally unlawful compensation to them, if paid for by the state.
The payment of expenses by the state in having itself fittingly represented, when it ought to be represented on great public occasions, involves nothing but the maintenance of its own dignity; and who shall represent it, or how it shall be represented, is for the legislature alone. If in their judgment its members, representing every portion of the state, ought to do so, who can better represent the commonwealth, and when they do so, what legislative service are they rendering for which they are receiving forbidden compensation because the state pays the expenses necessarily incident to its representation ? The state is often represented by commissions created by the legislature, composed in part of members of the senate and house, but no one bas ever thought of asking a court to say that those members of such a commission who happen to be senators or representatives receive prohibited compensation because their hotel bills are paid with those of the other members of the commission out of the appropriation for the payment of its legitimate expenses. That members of a legislature may
In disposing of the questions raised on this appeal, we have nothing to do with the appellant’s claim as presented in the court below; and it would, therefore, be improper for us to say anything about it. If, after it shall have been passed upon by a jury, the plaintiff or defendant should feel aggrieved by the finding, and the court below should not correct any wrong that may be done, the alleged grievance may be the subject of another appeal. All that we now decide is that, by the act authorizing the appellant to sue the commonwealth, he is to recover such sum as under the rules of pleading and evidence may be justly due him. Under these rules the case must be tried, and such sum awarded to him as, under proper instructions from the court and under all the proofs, the jury may find to be just.
Judgment reversed and procedendo awarded.
Dissenting Opinion
dissenting :
That there may be no doubt as to the claim for which this action was instituted and the items of which the majority of this court says are chargeable against the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, we state the claim in the language of the plaintiff himself, as found in his statement, as follows :
“ Legislature of Pennsylvania,
“ Excursion to New York City
“ General Grant Monument Dedication.
“ To James Russ, Dr.
“ 1887
“April 27, To table supplies..........$1,678.36
wines and liquors....... 3,026.60
supper at Dooner’s for Com. 61.90
J. H. Riebel, cigars...... 450.00
hire of china and breakage . 187.53
employees’ services ...... 240.00
car fare.............. 202.50
purchase of stoves....... 70.00
freight charges......... 8.75
James Russ, incidental expenses ............. 175.00
“Cr. By liquors returned........ 157.00
sale of stoves.......... 32.00 189.00
The edibles and drink were furnished as a lunch and dinner, both meals being served between the hours of 11:30 A. M. and 6 p. M., on the boat which carried the legislative excursionists on the Hudson river from Jersey City to a point opposite the Grant monument, a distance of ten miles or less, and back. There were 425 persons, of which number 253 were members of the legislature. Relative to the meals and liquors furnished, Senator Krause, chairman of the joint committee to make arrangements for the excursion, testifies as follows: “ Q. Tell us what he (Russ) furnished. A. He furnished the lunch; as soon as we arrived at Jersey City and got on the boat there was a very nice lunch prepared for us. Q. Go on and state what else Mr. Russ did. A. After the ceremonies were over he furnished an elegant dinner for us, with wines and liquors and everything included, with the cigars; had cigars going on the train, cigars on the boat, and everything in first-class order. Q. Do you remember the kind of wine that was furnished ? A. White Seal; wasn’t any too good for the members of the legislature, we thought. Q. Do you remember what else was furnished, can you tell what was furnished in the way of food for the dinner ? A. Oh, it was so fine that I forget exactly all the elegancies that we had; we had everything first class. Q. Can you tell us what other liquors were furnished ? A. Liquors of all description. Q. Describe them; tell what they were. A. We had plenty of whisky, and we had plenty of beer and plenty of appollinaris; I don’t know how many drank apollinaris, but apollinaris was furnished.
John Riebel, a cigar manufacturer of Philadelphia, was a member of the military committee of the house as well as of the joint committee to arrange for the excursion. He was called as a witness by the plaintiff and testified that the joint committee, about three fourths of which were present, held a meeting in Philadelphia the night before the excursion, and that Mr. Dooner served them with a lunch for which a charge is made in the plaintiff’s bill. He further testified: “ Q. Can you tell what he (Russ) gave to you as lunch ? A. Only a first-class lunch; I can’t begin to enumerate what articles he had there, or what food he had there; a first-class lunch in every respect. Q. State whether he provided anything else. A. On our return back he had supplied one of the finest dinners a man wanted to sit down to, served on the boat, had all the elegancies of the season, anything you can mention in the eatable line almost.”
As to the contract made with him by Senator Krause and what was furnished in pursuance of it, the plaintiff testifies : “ Q. What did he say to you when he came there ? A. He told me he wanted a first-class layout, everything up to date, and I did so. Q. What did he tell you he wanted as to the number of meals if anything? A. Well, a lunch the moment we got on the boat and a dinner returning towards New York—Jersey City. Q. What did he (Krause) say? A. He said I should go, ahead and make all arrangements, and especially the one thing that they (the committee) put out especially was ‘ White Seal champagne.’ Q. (Mr. Fox) now can you state what you did furnish? A. Oh, Lord, I furnished everything, they had a nice lunch and very fine dinner. Q. Now about how much a head did you calculate to charge ? A. I did not calculate at all, there was no price whatever, if it cost $5,000,000 there was no price at all that was to it. Q. In
The only basis for this claim of $5,911.16 against the state for table supplies, wines and liquors, cigars and “ incidental expenses ” (about one half of the claim, it will be observed, being for wines and liquors) is a joint resolution passed by the senate and house of representatives over the veto of the governor in which it is resolved “ that the senate and house of representatives attend said dedication (of the General Grant monument in New York) in a body, and that all matters pertaining to such attendance be referred to the committee on military affairs of the senate and house.” The learned trial judge held that this resolution conferred no authority on the committee to make a contract with the plaintiff for the items charged in his bill, and hence he had no valid claim against the state. For the reasons set forth a-t length in the opinion refusing to take off the nonsuit, we entirely concur with the conclusion of the court below, and would affirm the judgment.
It does not aid the position of the majority of the court to cite authorities to sustain the proposition, conceded to be the settled rule in all the states of the federal union, that the power of the general assembly of a state to legislate is absolute, subject only to the restrictions and limitations imposed by the constitution of the state and that of the United States. That principle is not controverted, but it is most strenuously denied that the legislature, by the joint resolution in question, gave authority to the committee on military affairs to bind the state by a contract to pay the plaintiff the claim for which this action was brought. It is apparent that the language of the resolution conferred no direct authority on the committee to enter into a contract to bind the state for any expense incurred by the legislature in attending the dedicatory exercises. If any authority to contract for such purpose is given, it is by implication and that alone, and not being necessarily implied from the power conferred upon the committee by the joint resolution, the court should not sustain it on that ground. The character of the claim conclusively rebuts any implication that
We would, morever, take a step further than the trial court and hold that the legislature was prohibited by the constitution from authorizing the committee to make the contract under which this claim is made against the state. Article 2 of section 8 of that instrument provides: “ The members of the general assembly shall receive such salary and mileage for regular and special sessions as shall bo fixed by law, and no other compensation whatever, whether for services upon committee or otherwise. No member of either house shall, during the term for which he may have been elected, receive any increase of salary, or mileage, under any law passed during such term,” At the time of the excursion to New York, the mem