Lead Opinion
The defendant was indicted, tried and convicted in the county of Chemung, for an offence committed in the town of Catharine, in that part of the former county of Chemung, now, and at the time of the perpetration of the crime, constituting a part of the contested county of Schuyler, and at a place confessedly more than five hundred yards from
The indictment was for an assault with a deadly and dangerous weapon with an intent to kill. It was proved on the trial that there was a violent quarrel between the defendant and George Wickham, upon whom the assault was committed. The defendant told Wickham that he lied, and Wickham threatened to knock him down, and approached nearer to him for that purpose, when the defendant made an effort to stab Wickham with a knife, when Wickham retreated about a rod and the defendant followed, holding on to Wickham with one hand and stabbing him with the other between the eighth and ninth ribs, and at the left hip. A surgeon was asked on the trial, whether the wound on the chest endangered life. The question was objected to by the counsel for the defendant, but it was admitted by the court. It seems to me that the question was properly admitted. The witness was an expert, and the infliction of a dangerous wound was more indicative of an intent to kill than would have been one of a slighter character.
The court was requested by the counsel for the defendant to charge the jury that, if Wickham made the first assault, and the defendant, then having the knife in his hand, stabbed Wickham under such circumstances as would have constituted manslaughter if Wickham had died, he could not be convicted of an assault. Probably there is an omission in this part of the case. The counsel must have meant an assault with an intent to kill, otherwise the request would have been palpably absurd. But with that addition the court properly refused so to charge.
The court was right in charging the jury, that it was to be presumed that the defendant intended the natural consequences of his acts, and that it was for them to say whether the defendant, at the time when he inflicted the wounds, intended to kill. It mattered not when the design was formed; whether sometime before, or at the moment. All that the statute requires is, that it shall exist at the time. The court was also correct in saying, .that even if the defendant had been justified in the first blow which he gave to Wickham, yet if he wrongfully and unnecessarily followed Wickham, with an intent to kill, he was as guilty as if he had struck the first blow wrongfully. The court, no doubt, meant so far as it related to the charge for which he was tried. There is no pretence that the assaults upon Wickham, when he was retreating, were in self-defence.
The only remaining material question relates to the organization of the county of Schuyler. If the statute purporting to organize that county was originally unconstitutional, and had not been confirmed by subsequent legislation at the time when the crime alleged against the defendant was committed (13th of June, 1857), or at the time of his trial (September, 1857), then the town of Catharine was still, de jure, a part of the county of Chemung; and the proceedings in that county were legal, and should be sustained: otherwise, not. The jurisdiction of our Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and of grand juries, is confined to their own county, and the territory of the adjoining counties, within five'hundred yards of its limits (2
The act to erect the county of Schuyler was passed on the 17th of April, 1854. The 6th section is in the following words: “All those parts of the counties of Steuben, Chemung, and Tompkins, which, after this act goes into effect, will be embraced within the towns of Orange, Tyrone, Reading, Catharine (including such parts of Newfield as was provided to be attached to Catharine, by chapter three hundred and twenty-seven, Laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-three), Dix, Cayuta, and Hector, shall, from and after the passage of this act, be, for all purposes except the election of members of the Legislature and Justices of the Supreme Court, . and for the holding and jurisdiction of Supreme and Circuit Courts and Courts of Oyer and Terminer, until after the next State census or enumeration, and thereafter, for all purposes whatever, a separate and distinct county of the State of New York, and shall be known or distinguished by the name of Schuyler; and the freeholders and other inhabitants of the said county of Schuyler, for all purposes (except as aforesaid), shall have and enjoy all and every the same rights, powers, and privileges as the freeholders and inhabitants of any of the counties of this State are by law entitled to have and enjoy, and not subject to be assessed and taxed by any of the counties from which they are by this act taken.” And the 7th section is as follows: “The electors of the territory embraced within the said new county of Schuyler, until after the next State census or enumeration, shall continue to vote for members of the Legislature, and Justices of the Supreme Court, as electors of the respective counties to which they have heretofore belonged, the same as if this act had not been passed; and for all other purposes they shall vote as electors of the new county of Schuyler; and they shall belong to, and form a part of, the twenty-seventh congressional district of the State.” By the 1st, 2d and 4th sections, additions were made to the towns of Orange, Tyrone, and Cayuta, from other towns
By the 1st section of the 3d article of our existing State Constitution, the legislative power of this State is vested in a Senate and Assembly. Ho portion of such power has been retained by the people, nor can it be exercised by them, as was decided by this court in reference- to the free school act of 1849. (Barto v. Himrod, 4 Seld., 483.) Under this constitutional grant (for I consider it as such, and not as a mere recognition of an original inherent right), the Legislature acquired the power to erect new counties. Whatever may be the rule in other cases, this power is no further restricted than by the people in their organic law. A restriction may be in direct terms or by implication. It is by implication in any case where its exercise would be in conflict with any other constitutional provision. But in the latter case, the discrepance must be organic, not merely such as may affect some unimportant detail. In other words, the objection, to be available, must extend to the vitality of the proposed measure. There is but one restriction in direct terms to the power to organize new counties. That is contained in a part of the 5th section of the 3d article of the Constitution, and is in the following words: “Ho new county shall hereafter be erected, unless its population shall entitle it to a member.” It is objected to the organization of the county of Schuyler that its territory did not, or that the Legislature did not legitimately ascertain that it did, contain the requisite population. It was contended that the census taken in 1845 furnished, and until the next decennial census of 1855 continued to furnish, the only legitimate evidence of representative population. I think that it was intended that such census should furnish the only criterion as to population in the reorganization of the judicial, Senate and Assembly districts. That is plainly to be inferred from the directions that such organizations shall be made at the first session after the return of any enumeration [art. 3, §§ 4, 5; art. 6, § 16), and so far as it relates to the
I agree with the counsel for the people, that the Legislature has no more power to reduce an existing county below the ratio for a member, than it has to erect a new one without a sufficient population to entitle it to a member. That is not expressly prohibited by the Constitution, but it is apparent that it was the design that no change should be made in the organization of the counties which would, of itself, create a defective representation. But there is no evidence, except the census of 1845, which, of course, applied only to the time when it was taken, to show that the county of Chemung, and
My conclusions upon the questions as to the requisite population are, first, that the constitutional provision as to that had reference to the time when a new county should be erected, and not to any time antecedent or subsequent; second, that it is to be presumed that the legislature obtained and acted upon sufficient evidence; third, that there is no power in our judicial tribunals to review the conclusion of that body upon a question of fact; and, fourth, if such interference of the judicial with the legislative department had been warranted, a statute should not be annulled upon mere presumption. It is different "where a constitutional principle has been clearly invaded or disregarded, to the destruction or invasion of a private right. In such cases, it is undoubtedly competent for our courts, in adjudging upon such right, to declare the nullity of a statute.
The statute creating the county of Schuyler does not make any change in the territory of either the Assembly, Senate, or'Judicial districts. Each inhabitant entitled to a vote could still vote in the same district in which he had exercised that franchise before. He was not, therefore, immediately deprived of any constitutional right in that respect. He would still be, in fact, represented in the Legislature, and, if representation can be deemed applicable to the judicial department, in that
- It was contended on the argument, that the proposed organization was void, because it was without the immediate investment of all the legal attributes of a county. But what are the constitutional rights of which the county was deprived? The one mainly relied upon was, that every county is entitled to a Member of Assembly. The Constitution provides -that every county theretofore established and separately organized, except the' county of Hamilton, should always be entitled to one member of Assembly; but there is no provision that a new county should have a member immediately upon its creation. It is true, that it directs 'that no new county should be erected
It was further contended by the counsel for the people that the statute in question would, if effectual, have caused the line between the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth senatorial districts, and the sixth and eighth judicial districts to cross and thus divide the new county, contrary to two provisions of the Constitution. One of the provisions to which the counsel alluded is contained in the latter part of the 4th section of the 3d article, and is in the following words: “And no county shall be divided in the formation of a Senate district, except such county shall be equitably entitled to two or more Senators.” The other provision is in the first part of the 4th section of the 6th article, and is in the following words: “ The State shall be divided into eight Judicial districts, of which the city of Mew York shall be one, the others to be bounded by county lines, and to be compact and equal in population as nearly as maybe.” These provisions are undoubtedly mandatory upon the Legis
The question as to the validity of the statute erecting the county of Schuyler, has been agitated before the Supreme Court in the sixth and seventh districts, and different decisions have been rendered. In the seventh district it was decided by the majority of a divided court, in December, 1854, that the statute was constitutional and valid. (De Camp v. Eveland, 19 Barb., 81.) In the sixth district .the decision (again by a majority of a divided court) was the other way. (Lyon v. Swan, Pamphlet Rep.) The date of the latter decision is not given, but it was some time after the judgment was rendered in De Camp v. Eveland. An elaborate and very able opinion of my brother Gray, in the case in the sixth district, is appended to the points in behalf of the people in this case. I have perused that opinion with much attention, but with great deference I differ from its conclusions. The authorities may thus far be considered as balanced.
If, however, the statute in question had been objectionable, on account of defects at the time of its passage,, it would be an important question whether the difficulties have not been removed by subsequent legislation. In an act passed on the 13th of April, 1857, apportioning the Members of Assembly of the State, one is allotted to “ the county of Schuyler” (Laws of 1857, vol. 1, 700), on the same day another act was passed constituting the Senate districts of the State, by which it was provided that the twenty-seventh district should consist of the counties of Chemung, Schuyler and Steuben (id., 702), and on the 15th of April, in the same year, an act was passed annexing the county of Schuyler to the sixth judicial district. (Laws of 1857, vol. 2, 30.) All of these enactments were made previous to the perpetration of the crime charged against the defendant. It has been objected to the acts constituting the
The judgment of the Supreme Court should be reversed ; the conviction in the Court of Oyer and Terminer should be set aside, and the indictment should be quashed.
Johnson, Ch. J., and Denio, J., delivered oral opinions. The Reporter’s notes do not enable him to discriminate accurately the remarks of one of those learned judges from those of the other. They said in substance:
By the actually existing arrangements of the government, Schuyler county is a constituent element of the State, the continued existence of which is indispensable to the existence of a government, according to the Constitution. It existing, Assembly, Senate and judicial districts exist, constituted in conformity with the constitutional provisions; so that a man, taking the Constitution in his hand, and looking only to the existing state of things, and not to the time at which the changes originated, would necessarily say that all the constitutional arrangements were complete and perfect.
If, on the contrary, it be now declared non-existent, the representation in the Assembly will inevitably become incomplete, and it may be doubtful how government could be carried on. It is at least clear that no arrangements could now be made which would be in harmony with the Constitution.
Both branches of the Legislature, and the executive departments of the government, have recognized the existence of the county, and it has entered as completely into every branch of administration as any other county in the State. While this
If, therefore, in 1856, the Legislature had made the present apportionment to take effect at the end of the session, relying, if you please, ,on subsequent action by the Legislature to-conform the judicial districts to the new territorial arrangements of the apportionment bill, a failure by the Legislature to pass an act reorganizing judicial districts would not make invalid the preceding act of apportionment. Nor should we then be reduced.to the necessity of declaring constitutional government at an end, by reason of a judicial district act not. having been passed. That would have presented a case, like the case of Boston Comer,
- The several acts of 1857, based on the independent existence of Schuyler county, and making its existence necessary to a
Comstock and Grover, Js., concurred in reversing the judgment, upon both the preceding opinions.
Boston Corner is a small tract inhabited by some twenty families. It was originally in the southwest angle of Massachusetts, but being separated from the rest of that State by a mountain range, it was, on‘the petition of the inhabitants, ceded by Massachusetts - to New York by an act passed May 14, 1853. The cession was accepted by New York by an act passed July 21; 1853, and the consent of Congress to the transfer was given by its act of January 3,1855. The territory thereupon became a part of the State of New York, but it was not attached to any town or county, and no provision for that purpose or for the exercise of criminal jurisdiction was made until April 13, 1857, when the act (ch. 379) was passed, annexing the district of Boston Corner to the town of Ancram, in the county of Columbia.
Dissenting Opinion
The leading and most important question, in many of its aspects, now submitted for our consideration, involves the constitutionality of the act passed April 17th, 1854, by which the Legislature of this State undertook to erect a new county by the name of Schuyler.
I have carefully considered this question in all its aspects, and entertain no doubt that the act referred to is, in many respects, incompatible with the Constitution. In the opinion I am about to give I shall confine myself to the question of its conflict with a single provision of that instrument, and in order justly to interpret the provision-to which I refer I will briefly allude to the state of things that existed long prior to and at the time of its adoption, and continues yet to exist, that we may see and understand more clearly the purport of its language. Ho local civil action could be brought elsewhere than in the county where it originated. All crimes committed within the several counties of this State, with a few specified exceptions made by statute, were not indictable and triable in any other county than the one in which they were wholly committed. Circuit Courts and Courts of Oyer and Terminer were required to be held annually in each county, the latter being the only court in the State having jurisdiction to try persons indicted for offences punishable with death or imprisonment in the State prison for life; jurors,
With this state of things existing, the present Constitution was framed, and for the purpose of keeping each county independent of any other, so far as it related to their local affairs, and less dependent upon the representatives of other counties and districts for legislation, each county was given a Member of the Assembly, and the Legislature were authorized to confer upon the boards of supervisors of the several counties the power of local legislation, and were required to divide the State into eight judicial districts, of which the city and county of Mew York should be one, “the others to be bounded by county lines.” (Const., art. 6, § 4.) It is upon the ground that by the act in question, the sixth and seventh judicial districts cease to be bounded by county lines, that I hold it to be in conflict with the Constitution and void. I have referred to the circumstances existing when the Constitution was adopted, and with which it has, in no respect, interfered, on account of a suggestion that the Legislature are not forbidden from making other boundaries than county lines for judicial districts, except when they establish them after an enumeration. This obviously is not so, and I did not understand the counsel for the defendant to put forth any such proposition. It is only because he referred to a case containing such a doctrine that I refer to it Judicial districts are to be bounded by county lines, and when they cease to be so bounded, whether before or after an enumeration, they cease to have the boundaries which the Constitution has prescribed for them. This is
"A great- mistake has, to a considerable extent, prevailed, in supposing that the validity of the act in question depended upon or had any connection with what the' Legislature were bound to do at its first session after the enumeration which succeeded its passage, or at any other time. It seems to have been supposed that the Legislature was bound, at its first Session after that enumeration, not only to apportion the Members of the Assembly, but to reorganize the judicial as well as the Senate districts. (De Camp v. Eveland, 19 Barb., 81-90), and this was thought to relieve- the question I am now considering from any difficulty. That Legislature did not think so, but regarded the requirements of the Constitution, in respect to apportioning the Members of the Assembly and reorganizing the Senate districts, as directory, and left that duty to be performed by a subsequent Legislature; and So far as it relates to the reorganization of judicial districts the error is palpable. The Constitution has not commanded the Legislature which comes next after the return of any enumeration to reorganize the judicial districts. It has simply permitted it to be done at the next session after each enumeration. (Const, art 6, § 16.)
If, therefore, it be conceded that the validity of this act depended upon an act which the Legislature) at its first session after the then next enumeration, were required to do, there, and from that point, its conflict with the Constitution may be plainly seen. That Legislature was not bound, by any requirement in the Constitution, to place this county entirely within a judicial district, so as to reheve the act erecting it from the objection of preventing judicial districts from being bounded by county lines. Whatever, therefore, may be said in relation to the right of the Legislature to erect a county when it cannot be done for all purposes, one thing is entirely clear, and that is, if it is made to depend upon any future event, it must be one as sure to occur as any event in time, and an event, too, which will, of itself, reheve the act of ah
During all the time that elapsed between the return of the enumeration referred to and April, 1857, if the act in question is valid, the inhabitants of this county were without a representative in the Assembly, and thus, to that extent, its electors were disfranchised. (Const., art. 2, § 1.)
This is not all. Its inhabitants were without civil remedies in local actions, and crimes of the highest grade might have been committed with impunity, there being no court having jurisdiction of the offences. Have these objections been removed? It is claimed that they have, and that, notwith
We come now to the case of De Camp v. Evéland, which it is claimed ought to have a controling influence in the decision of this case, not as authority, but because of public acquiescence in it. That action originated in the Steuben County Court. The object of it was to recover several penalties incurred for violations of the excise law. In one of the towns formerly belonging to the county of Steuben, which, by the act in question, was made a part of the county of Schuyler, the County Court held the act to be unconstitutional; and, upon appeal, a majority of the judges of the Supreme Court of the seventh district then composing the court, held otherwise, and the judgment was reversed. The unsuccessful party then appealed to this court, and before the cause was argued, and before the offence charged in the indictment in the case now before us was committed, this court held that County Courts had no jurisdiction in causes of that description. (Kundolf v. Thalheimer, 2 Kern., 593.) Hence, it will be seen, that the judgment in that case was not only not acquiesced in, but that the court in which it was pronounced had no jurisdiction in that case. And if we are to presume that the Legislature knew anything about that case when they apportioned to this county a Member of the Assembly, we should presume that they knew it was a question in no respect settled by our courts, and that the validity of the act was yet questioned, and would be litigated.
We come next to a subsequent act, passed April 15th, 1857, annexing this county to the-sixth judicial district. This act, like those that preceded it, is also repugnant to the Constitution, and for two reasons; the first of which is, that it annexed a county to that district that had no constitutional existence; and the second, that it was a reorganization of the sixth and seventh judicial districts, at a time when the Legislature were forbidden to reorganize the judicial districts of the State. The
The Constitution is to be judged of by the fair import of the language used, without resorting to subtlety or forced construction to limit or extend its operation. (Waller v. Harris, 20 Wend., 561, 562.) If we find an exception in the Constitution, where none is made, for the purpose of upholding an act of the Legislature in clear conflict with its words, susceptible, by a fair and natural construction, of answering all public exigencies, and of being fairly carried out according to the language used, we make the statute, and not the Constitution, the paramount law.
I am unable to perceive what relevancy the annexation of “Boston Corner” to the town of Ancram, in Columbia county, has to this case. That is a small territory, containing about one hundred persons, ceded by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to this State, and, by an act of our Legislature, annexed to the town of Ancram. (Laws of 1857, vol. 1, 776.) Mo one pretends that the cession of that territory to this State, or its annexation to the town of Ancram, deprives any citizen of any other portion of the State of any privilege theretofore belonging to him. I do not find that it has, by any specific act of legislation, been annexed to any judicial district; but concede it to be in the third judicial district, it arises from a necessity growing out of constitutional legislation, and in no respect conflicts with the prohibition against reorganizing judicial districts except at a given time. The prohibition does not, in terms, extend to increasing or diminishing a single district, but to districts, two or more.
Selden and Allen, Js., were also in favor of affirmance.
Judgment reversed.